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Duchy of Belanshe (Bel-an-she)

A small country made of a few islands in the middle of a large bay. With Belanshe at the center of the bay it's used as a middle point for travel between the surrounding countries. Being a central point to so many different people and cultures, this small island has a variety of food, wares, people and treasures. The majority of people here are Gnomes and Elves but in the cities you can find all manner of people and all are welcome.


In Belanshe an elected official cannot purchase or trade for any person items, they must be given by the people they serve. This preserves a perpetual desire to serve the people and trust the people to give in return. This bond is kept until the leader pleads for resignation; at which point everyone submits a name and the name that gets the most is the new leader in training. After a 1 year period the transition is complete to the new official.


Belanashian are people who band together to support those around them, especially in their time of need. They believe in being one with the world around them and will go to great lengths to not "take" from the earth around them, they replenish and thank.

Bonded we are Strong

Geopolitical, Duchy
Parent Organization
Controlled Territories


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