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Belanshe (Bel-an-shE)

A small country made of a few islands in the middle of an inland bay. Belanshe is comprised of a main island, Embia, and four smaller ones. Embia's landscape is primarily rainforest, adorned with tropical forests in its heart and temperate woodlands at the northern and southern tips. Wetlands fringe the eastern coast. Freshwater sources abound, nourishing the land with meandering rivers. This island nation rests along the sea's edge, offering coastal beauty and diverse climates, from tropical to temperate.   With Belanashe at the center of the bay it's used as a middle point for travel between the surrounding countries. Being a central point to so many different people and cultures, this small island has a variety of food, wares, people and treasures. The majority of people here are Gnomes, Elves and dwarves but in most cities you can find all manner of people, and all are welcome.


It's mostly comprised of a single island, this island is 30mi east to west and 140mi north to south, with a slight bean shape to it. This main island is known as Embia. To the left of Embia are two smaller islands roughly 11mi by 27mi each that are called the Chardoran Islands. To the right of Embia are also two smaller islands of roughly the same size (11x27mi), called the Velenese Islands.   The main island, Embia, is covered in mostly rainforest, tropical in the middle and temperate on the northern and southern tips, the middle part of the island on the east coast is wetland. Embia has a few towns/villages/cities on the main island. In the north in the middle of the temperate rainforest is Gathedine, Acocola on the northwest coast with a the rainforest nearby, on the southern coast but to the western side of the island is another port town Kukoloa that is in the temperate rainforest and is a town dedicated to crafting clay into various usable items, to the eastern side of the southern coast is the Capital of Belanshe, Haundlyn, settled right on the border of the tropical/temperate rainforest and is also a small city with port, it has rougly 5,000 people.    The northern of the Chardoran Islands, is all wet land but has a very small village Kashai around 100 people or so, and the southern island has a larger village in the tropical rainforest called Zizaro.    The northern of the Velenese Islands is also entirely wet lands and has a small village, maybe 50 people, called Thi An and the southern island is covered in temperate rainforest and has a large port city called Phu dedicated to the casinos and entertainment provided to tourists.


Belanshe is a place dominated by lush rainforests. It's got tropical rainforests in the heart and temperate ones up north and down south. There are wetlands on the eastern coast. The whole ecosystem is rich and diverse.   In the tropical forests, you find all kinds of plants and animals. Giant trees, palms, orchids, and more thrive there. The temperate rainforests up north and down south have evergreen trees. The wetlands along the eastern coast are nourished by rivers and tides.   Life here is complex. Many different species live here. Pollinators and seed dispersers help the forests grow. Predators and prey keep a balance in the ecosystem.

Localized Phenomena

Nestled within the heart of Belanshe, Embia's tropical rainforests, boasts the enchanting Lumina Blossom. This extraordinary plant is renowned for its opalescent leaves, which emit a subtle, ethereal glow when touched by raindrops. The Lumina Blossom is highly regarded for its unique properties, as its leaves are a key ingredient in a local headache-relief tea.   The region occasionally experiences the mesmerizing phenomenon known as "Rainbow Storms." These rare occurrences involve heavy, cloud-laden skies, appearing as if they are on the cusp of releasing a torrential downpour. However, instead of rain, these clouds unleash a fine mist, resembling minuscule water droplets. When the sun's rays pierce through this mist, it creates a breathtaking spectacle of rainbows, casting a vibrant, prismatic tapestry across the landscape. This ethereal display captures the hearts and imaginations of both locals and visitors alike.

Fauna & Flora

Flora: Towering ancient trees with massive, buttress roots are abundant. The rainforest floor is carpeted with lush ferns, while vibrant orchids and delicate mosses cling to tree trunks. Unique flora includes the Lumina Blossom, renowned for its opalescent leaves.   Fauna: An array of wildlife calls Belanshe home. Agile capuchin monkeys swing through the trees, while colorful parrots and toucans add splashes of brilliance to the sky. Jaguars prowl stealthily, preying on the abundant wildlife. The rainforest's rich biodiversity is a testament to its health and vitality.

Natural Resources

The clay produced from this land, and by the people of this land, is world renowned for it's quality and is highly sought after by clay artisans.


Belanshe, situated in the heart of the bay, has remained remarkably untouched by the tumultuous geological events that have shaped the surrounding regions. While tempestuous storms occasionally lash at its shores, the island has been spared from major geological upheavals. This serene stability has allowed Belanshe's unique rainforest ecosystem to flourish, providing a haven of untouched natural beauty amid the ever-changing world beyond its borders.


The city of Phu is known to pull in people from across the globe that enjoy gambling and the performing arts.


  • Belanshe
    The people of Belanshe enjoy the simple life of their island paradise.
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