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Maudi Pagemaster

Beneath her initially stern exterior, Maudi is a kind-hearted and knowledgeable woman who is genuinely excited to share her love of history with others. She possesses a wealth of knowledge about the city's past and the island's folklore, and she is a captivating storyteller. She's also known for her remarkable memory, which enables her to guide visitors through the library's extensive collections with ease.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Maudi's entire form is adorned with exceptionally soft feathers, a mosaic of intricate patterns that gracefully blend into one another. Her large wings, although no longer suitable for flight, still bear the same feathered beauty as the rest of her body. Her distinctive owl head, with its ability to rotate 360 degrees, allows her to keep a watchful eye on the library with ease.

Apparel & Accessories

Maudi typically dresses in a traditional Zephyr robes made of lightweight, earth-toned fabrics. She often wears a pair of spectacles perched at the tip of her beak to assist her reading and a simple yet elegant silver brooch in the shape of an open book.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Maudi was born in Haundlyn and grew up surrounded by the rich cultural and natural heritage of Belanshe. She inherited her passion for history and stories from her parents, who were avid collectors of myths, legends, and ancient texts. Maudi is a lifelong scholar, having dedicated her entire career to curating the Library of Antiquities and preserving the unique history and culture of the island.


As the head librarian of the Library of Antiquities, Maudi is responsible for overseeing the maintenance and curation of the library's extensive collection of books, scrolls, and documents. She is also the go-to resource for researchers, historians, and curious visitors looking to delve into Belanshe's history and legends.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She feels that every student of the academy or great artist that she helped in their beginning years is her accomplishment and gift to the world. She doesn't claim responsibility for the others success but rather is glad to have helped them find their calling in their earlier years.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Maudi is known for her uncanny ability to detect the slightest imperfection or forgery in any text or artifact. Her discerning eye has saved the library from acquiring counterfeit documents on numerous occasions. She takes immense pride in her library's credibility and authenticity.
Current Location
Current Residence
Deep amber, crows feet
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Feathers: white with intricate patterns in soft grays and light browns
Quotes & Catchphrases
In the pages of our past, we discover the roots of our future.
Known Languages
Commono, Avian, Elvish, Gnomish (mostly), Draconic, Sylvan, Celestial.


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