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Joaquin Ernesto di Tuissant

Duke of Tuissant Juaquin Ernesto

A great barrel of a man, the Duke of Tuissant's presence can be felt whenever he is near. He is loud and boisterous and brings with him a sense of energy that permeates even the most reserved of souls.   A famed swordsman, Duke Ernesto relishes the chance to prove his skills and willingly accepts any who come to his court to pit their skills to his. Behind his throne in Fort Castrillon he keeps an array of wooden weapons and it has become good form for political envoys to bring with them a champion to entertain the Duke. Though the Duke is renowned for his skill at arms he is not without peer, but win or lose he accepts the outcome with dignity and will loudly pronounce his praise of his opponents, sometimes later offering quiet words of advice and encouragement out of earshot of the rest of the court.   Ernesto is also renowned for entertaining great feasts at Fort Castrillon with little care for class or status. He could taste a fine ale or admire a creative art piece and extend the makers invitations to the next feast. There he regains the hall with embellished war stories with the charm and presence of a practised orator. He is particularly fond of the story of The Beast of The North, a great grey wolf that stalked him on his campaign against the Orcs, which, as he tells it, though thrice defeated, always eluded his killing blow, and, with a flourish he would roll his sleeve up his forearm revealing a series of puncture would scars, had nearly taken his arm off in its mighty maw. Not all of his stories centre on him however, as much as he may enjoy heralding his great victories, so too is he fond of proudly booming his failings. Many times has the feast Hall erupted with laughter at his descriptions of the fool of a Duke unable to pull his sword from its scabbard or slipping in the mud to fall flat on his are. Many are told of the warriors who saved him in battle and the mighty deeds of fallen friends. All this has Juaquin Ernesto greatly liked by nearly all in his company, he even has the trusted friendship of a skilled captain of the normally grim High Elves of Edhil Elyren  The Duke is not without his failings however. He has little patience for politicking or governing, instead leavin his advisors to keep the nobles happy and the people fed. Unfortunately his aides do not always have the wishes of Tuissant at heart. In the Capital City the class divide is more prevalent than nearly anywhere in the Kingdom of Lyssonne, driven by the greed of nobles without oversight and the poor suffer greatly for it.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

The Duke was charged with the command of Lyssonne's armies in the war with the Orkansaw Orcs and was successful in pushing them back to the Arrowtooth Mountains from which they descended.   The battle of Stonepeak: Stonepeak was a dwarven lookout post at the entrance to the Orkansaw Valley and made an important tactical position to hold. A company of foot soldiers was sent to take the outpost and hit the orcish forces from the south while the majority of the lyssonite army engages from the west at the mouth of the valley. The orcish army was tattered and bruised by various defeats at the hands of the lyssonites but word was reinforcements from Orkansaw would come to bolster their forces and a decisive victory would be needed before they could arrive. After the two armies had engaged it became clear that the flanking strike from Stonepeak was not coming and in the midst of battle as the sun set, word reached Ernesto that the orc's reinforcements were also nowhere to be found. Realising what this meant the Duke split off a company of heavy cavalry and rode with them through the night arriving in the early morning to a scene of devastation. The reinforcing orcs had laid seige to Stonepeak and only a handful of survivors were holding out in the Dwarven watchtower. Hundreds of orcs met their end under the hooves of armoured lyssoni horses that day as the besieging force was taken by surprise. Panic set in as the orc's victory was snatched from them. Most fled and those that did not were cut down. Nineteen survivors emerged from the watchtower of a force that had originally numbered three hundred and eighty two but their resolve had won the day. Without the reinforcements from Orkensaw, the main battle also had gone the way of the Lyssoni. These two battles on this day tipped the scales of the war heavily in Duke Ernestos favour and though there would be more battles before surrender could be achieved, the outcome of the war was already determined.
Current Location
Date of Birth
9th March 848 T.A.
Year of Birth
848 T.A. 51 Years old
Current Residence
Fort Castrillon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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