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Originally from the Northern Wastes, at the time of the cataclysm the orcs migrated south, and in the post cataclysm strife the northern settled lands of Irona.
  Finding orcs to impart to me their knowledge of their past proved difficult. Mostly I was met with calls of "'Ow 'bout I break yer puny 'umie bones?" However I found in the city of Wurtbad an old orcish woman who had fled her tribe in the surrounding swamps and told me of what she could. Much of the history of the orcs revolve around one story, and they are stories as the orcs have a tradition of oral storytelling, The Maddening of the Orcs. Before this the orcs were said to be a proud warrior race, living simply and revelling in a challenging fight, not the mindless and cruel raiders that plague our northern provinces today.

Basic Information


Larger and stronger than humans, orcs are typically heavy set and somewhat hunched in comparison to their cousins the elves and humans. The orc will oft have a heavy furrowed brow and a wide jaw accentuated by two tusks between two and four inches.

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs grow faster than humans, reaching physical maturity around the age of 11. By their mid thirties they are clearly aging and most will not make it past 45.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly found in northern Irona
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Homo Sapiens Brutalis
Average Height
6' 3"
Average Weight
15 st

Articles under Orcs


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