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The Kingdom of Lyssonne was founded some 700 years ago by the Yvresians from northwest Sollen crossing the Arrowtooth Mountains at what is now the Martyr’s Gate. They took the land from the locals who were at the time as the savage ‘furskins’ but would later be known as two distinct peoples, the nomadic Norscans, who occupied the northern areas and into The Winterwood, and the ‘Kizetan’, a race of tall slender humans who lived in tribal villages in the central and southern portions of current day Lyssonne.   The kizetan, whilst having always been considered to be wild and savage by the more ‘sophisticated’ Lysonnites, were not always so. Before the migration through Vulcan Pass, they had lived in relative peace with each other, the various downland tribes even had a vaguely centralised form of government between the various confederate tribes. They were however, hesitant to provide a unified front against the incoming threat, those that survived instead opting to flee south. A series of downland tribes united and attacked another Kizetan tribe on what is today the Rouveil coast, aiming to take their lands to make up for their loss of homeland further north. They were unsuccessful and thus the last of the downland confederacy was destroyed.   The southern tribes were more easily conquered. Divisions and grievances between the tribes were used to pit one against another, some choosing to side with the Lyssonnite invaders for promise of weapons, riches or land. Oftentimes these promises would ring hollow. As was the case with Layla’s Trick, or Evram’s Betrayal, depending on who you ask.   General Evram of Yvres was in charge of the conquering of the lands south of Yvres, attempting to create a new kingdom. The Kizetan here were proving not as large a problem as the isolationist dwarves, who’s territory stretched down from the Arrowtooth Mountains west into the foothills. So, General Evram allied with several Kizetan tribes, the Kiira, the Whitta, and the Sou’Rie, promising them sections of the foothills alongside their preexisting territory in exchange for their assistance against the dwarves. However, when the time came for peace negotiations with the dwarves, Evram was overruled by Lady Layla Gremon, sister in law to the Yvresian king, who instead divided the land between the dwarves and a new Lowlands Queen, herself, who would own all lands west of the Arrowtooth Mountains to the border of Rouveil, with no mention of the Kizetan. Furious the tribes took up arms and began to lay waste to budding colonies set up in the new kingdom. General Evram too was furious, for he had assumed himself to be the installed ruler of the new kingdom only to be snubbed at the last. Though the tribesmen were no true threat as assistance came from Yvres to deal with them, many feared General Evram would side with the tribesmen against the new kingdom. He was known generally as a just man and a good commander. However, when he was summoned north, back to Yvres, he did so without complaint, leaving the tribes to fight alone. Defeated the tribes shattered and flead to the south and west, but general Evram’s betrayal is still held up amongst Kizetan as to why one should never trust a Lyssonite.   The Kizetan these days are very rare within the five central and northern duchies, only really having a substantial presence in Tuissant. There the tribes patrol the prairies in small nomadic groups. Their way of life shares little with the Kizetan of old, sustaining themselves mainly on raiding smaller settlements and disappearing into the plains. The people of Tuissant tell many stories of their savage nature and though many of the stories are embellished many more are true. The Kizetan are known to perform human and animal sacrifice to Leira, the Mistshadow, and Savras the All-seeing in order to keep them from detection and allow their raids to catch the enemy by surprise. The most disturbing custom of the Kizetan of Tuissant is the ritual of Talona, in which the tribespeople consume the flesh of their enemies, believing doing so will keep them immune to any of the diseases that enemy may spread.


Major language groups and dialects

The language of these peoples is also called Kizetan .
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