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Lightfoot Halflings

These industrious little fellows can most often be found within the confines of human civilisation. The lightfoot can be found in minority in all human based cultures, often preferring to stick to the towns and cities where their skills are more in need. They reflect the culture of the place as equally as humans do and in morals, ideals and vices, they are near indistinguishable from ourselves.   Where they stand apart from humans, except from their diminutive stature, is their nimble hands and excellent balance. For this reason they make for excellent thieves and are common in crime gangs for this reason. I have also encountered a halfling begging on the street in his best child voice, a hooded cloak covering his face from the thoroughfare, but when I leant down to offer the child a few copper, I could see the distinct pattern of stubble adorning his jawline. I offered to buy him a drink in return for conversation and he agreed, though what passers by must have thought of me offering a child a trip to the tavern I cannot say. He informed me that it was not an uncommon trick amongst halflings from the poorer areas of town to impersonate human children to get favourable treatment.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Though humans and halflings view each other as close cousins, the relationship between humans and lightfoots is closer than the rest of their species. Lightfoot halflings view humans as a closer counterpart than they do other halflings and lightfoots are represented in all aspects of human cultures. Interspecies relationships are common between the two as well.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
H. S. Hobbitus Mutus
90 years
Average Height
3' 0"
Average Weight
3st 2lb


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