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Stout Halflings

A cheery and welcoming folk, the stout halflings are most often found in farming communities away from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoying instead the closeness and familiarity formed with their smaller communities and the land they work. Compared to other halflings, the stout halfling is more industrious, honest and a little on the pudgier side.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

The stout halfling cares more about their food than any other race I have encountered. Averaging about five or six full meals per day, its no surprise they have a propensity for plumpness, especially with the heartiness of the meals they eat. Cooked vegetables, breads and soups seem to be the popular choice amongst these folk and between meals they often snack on fruits and nuts.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

To this day i have never seen a gaunt stout halfling, their plumpness of facial features seems to be universal. How much of this is inherent in their species is still up for debate as their fondness of a good meal also seems universal.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Though they can be found in a minority in most human dominant cities, halfling communities are present for the most part only in temporate climates where they can live in comfort.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

These folk seem content with their lot and I haven't observed any drive for invention in the conventional sense. Instead I have observed a rather sophisticated drive in the culinary arts. A regular evening supper with a halfling family would feel to most to be eating the heartiest blend of stews, spices, cheeses and cooked vegetables one would be likely to experience in a lifetime.   Where this technology differs from what may be expected is in its use in warfare. Known as Talona's Secret Blend, it is a thick soup, so laced with spice as to burn the skin.  
Though my father did not mention it in his original writings, he told me of how he disbelieved the halflings at first so had the host family cook up a small batch which he had said he would dip his hand into. Luckily the cook instead advised him to first place a drop of it onto his palm before attempting this. He said as soon as the droplet hit his skin it was agony and he immediately doused his hand in a nearby pale of milk. He had a scar on his left palm to prove this misjudgement.
— Lukas
  The stout folk keep the recipe a closely held secret, saying that it is reserved only for those that wish to take from them their homes or their freedoms.   After leaving the halflings I asked around for if anyone had seen this weapon in action. One young adventurer in Yvres claimed to have seen first hand a handful of hobgoblins leading a troupe of goblins attempting a raid on a stout folk hillside village. The halflings had prepared vats of Talona's Secret Blend and had loaded the cauldrons upon an ox cart. Halflings had piled on the back armed only with ladles and saucepans and began flinging the soup at the invading party. The screams of burning goblinoids, he said, still haunt his nightmares.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The festival of Chantea when the harvest is brought in at the end of August is the most anticipated time for most stout halfling I have met. Their piety at this time of year may be encouraged by the over abundance of food present at the celebration.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
H. S. Hobbitus Fortis
150 years
Average Height
3' 0"
Average Weight
3st 8lb
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The stout halfling can have any skin tone found amongst humans save perhaps the most pale colouration of the norscan, they always enjoy rosier cheeks than their human counterparts.


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