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Queen Iliza de Lyssonne

Queen of Lyssonne, Duchess of Montris Iliza de Lyssonne

An only child Iliza was constantly causing trouble for her father King Phillipe. She received the best education west of the Arrowtooth Mountains and began appearing at court at the age of fourteen. Nobles and foreign dignitaries remarked on her stately manner and excellent statecraft for such a young age.   For Iliza though, it seemed the Palace stifled her spirit. Constantly as a young adult she would sneak out disguised as a court servant or soldier. She insisted on being trained in the art of sword fighting and so her father hired a master swordsman to train her who remains in her court to this day as captain of the guard. This sated her adventurous spirit for mere months before she began dressing as a knight and challenging travelling swordsman to test their mettle against hers. Most were horrified when she removed her helm to reveal the sole heir to the throne and soon the King instituted a law that all dueling opponents must remove their helmets before a fight that they may know their opponent.   Once again Iliza looked for an outlet, this time finding it in the presence of the high mages of the Mages' College. Her interest in magic grew in her late teens and though she appeared to have little aptitude for it, she spent hours searching the archives of the college for stories and artifacts. It's unknown what fruits her toils bore as soon after her father the King fell ill. Iliza was once again confined to the Palace, having to take her fathers place in most matters of state.   To the surprise of many the then princess showed an insight and knowledge of her land that belied her nineteen years.   For one year she ruled. She navigated succession crisis in Rouveil, instituted laws that meant if a convoy of three or more trading ships was passing through the Bay of Lyssonne could request escort from military vessels to see off norscan pirates, and fortified the town of Kraken's Rest to insure shipping lanes could be kept open. King Phillipe eventually returned to his duties, though physically diminished.   Over the following years Iliza remained in court, her father's condition was clear for all to see and all knew that before long Iliza would be taking the throne for good. Her fathers illness seemed to cool her youthful rebelliousness and replaced it with a serenity and dutifulness that would become characteristic of her reign. In February of 889 T.A. she was married to the young Duke of Ortensa and in June of 890 she gave birth to a son, Henri. A mere four days after the birth of his grandson, King Phillipe finally succumbed to his illness for good. June 8th 890 Queen Iliza de Lyssonne was crowned.   In 894 her husband would fall in battle with the orcs in the northeast leaving her a widow. In 897 she would remarry, this time to Duke Vollert d'Yvres.
Current Location
Year of Birth
868 T.A. 31 Years old
Current Residence
Deep blue
Long, sleek, brown
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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