

Unlike its southern counterpart, Felhedell is an inhospitable land separated into three main terrains: the Taesi Wastelands, the Deserts of Kinomere, and the Maelia Glaciers. The only rivers that spread through the continent have been dried up for thousands of years, and the three terrains are scattered with the ruins of the settlements of the old northern kingdoms.   Felhedell currently plays hosts to five mainland kingdoms and is affiliated with five island kingdoms (formerly six). Three of the mainland kingdoms combine together to form the Nyx Kingdom; although each kingdom possesses its own monarchy, government and territory, the monarcharies and governments are closely intralinked and work together and each kingdom oversees a different area of managing the Nyx Kingdom. Primis oversees the majority of the kingdom's management, with Artis oversee the kingdom's trade and Carcerem playing host to the Nyx kingdom's prison and is found on a small island off the coast of Artis and Primis. The other two kingdoms are Aes and Tuntemattomaan.   Of the five Felhedellan kingdoms, three are built on the coasts of the mainland, the east and west coasts respectively, as the rest of the land lacks access to fresh water so for the sake of growing food, raising livestock, and providing water for the citizens of the kingdoms, three kingdoms placed themselves by the coasts and used the sea water to help their kingdoms prosper.   Of the two remaining kingdoms, one is found on an island and is therefore surrounded by water, and the final one is built deep in the Maelia Glaciers, and gather their water through collecting the ice from the glaciers and melting it down.   Across the southern border of Felhedell are the Aefarethen Mountains - an impassable mountain range created to prevent both the monsters of Felhedell and the humans who currently live there from leaving, as punishment for the crimes of the current humans' predecessors against the land itself.

Localized Phenomena

Deadly monsters inhabit almost the entirety of Felhedell, with the only places they're not found being the kingdoms that have been founded there.   On top of that, the Kingdom of Aes is a kingdom said to have no living animals in it, with all the animals there being made of clockwork and machinery.


The temperature in Felhedell is wildly unstable, capable of going from one extreme to the other depending on what areas you pass through. By the coasts, in the territory of the kingdoms of Primis, Artis, Aes, and the island kingdom Carcerem, the climate is usually stable and follow the same temperature patterns as Northumbria.   However, outside of the kingdoms, the Maelia Glaciers are deathly freezing, the Deserts of Kinomere are scorching hot, and the air in the Taesi Wastelands is dry and the land is barren and dead - and these climates usually remain this way year-round.

Fauna & Flora

Felhedell sees very little vegetation of its own, and the only domesticated animals are found in the kingdoms of Primis, Artis, Carcerem, and Tuntemattomaan. Both the animals in those kingdoms, and the vegetation that the Nyx kingdoms and the kingdom of Aes cultivate are provided to them by the elves, and therefore are not originally native to the land of Aefareth.   The animals outside of the kingdoms have long since become mutated monsters, with an insatiable thirst for blood, and the animals of the kingdom of Aes are all made out of clockwork due to the real, living animals being wiped out by a deadly plague that swept through the kingdom several centuries ago.

Natural Resources

The Nyx kingdoms and the Elven Islands are the main producers of grain, herbs, and vegetation of Felhedell, and the kingdom of Tuntemattomaan are the main producers of meat, wool, and wood, as well as weapons and various other tools.   Meanwhile, the kingdom of Aes is the main producer of metal and machinery, and create and distribute many clockwork machines to be used by the other kingdoms for various uses.


Felhedell was created when the Arcane and Earth Elves of Lyalume and Lilaena worked together to create the Aefarethen Mountains in order to prevent the monsters that had mutated from the animals of the northern area of Aefareth from entering the southern area.   The reason for the mutation of the monsters was the actions of the humans who had attempted to build kingdoms in northern Aefareth and had disregarded the warnings of the Earth Elves of Lilaena to respect the land and the land's spirits - instead sowing untold destruction of forestry and vegetation without doing anything to make up for it. As such, the land retailated, turning the northern area into an inhospitable area and mutating the animals into deadly creatures.   After the mountain range was created, the remaining survivors of the first northern kingdoms were originally going to be safely brought into southern Aefareth by the elves through the use of dragons. But the elves were stopped from doing so by the spirits of the land itself, and instead they left the humans there and merely helped them build new kingdoms that would protect them from the monsters while they and their descendants endured the punishment of their crimes against the land - with the punishment being that they would never again be allowed to live in a prosperous world.
Alternative Name(s)
Northern Aefareth
The Northern Lands (by the inhabitants of Northumbria)
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Related Ethnicities

Cover image: by Kalilinai, via Perchance