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Valiant: April Roundup

Hallo all! It's the end of the month and I figured I'd start doing a monthly roundup for everything the red panda's managed to scribble out in the last month. Looks like 4 episodes for Valiant got dropped this April - we've listed them below for you, along with each synopsis.
  Tails #23: The Most Dangerous Prey
‌After finishing with a pest control assignment, the Drifters start planning for their vacation.
  Valiant #29: Sunbuster
‌While Kiwi meets with the Maskling Council, Songbird encounters an unusual trio with a vested interest in his relationship with Kiwi.
  CURSEd #18: Culling
‌Whisper and Kwyn are dispatched to Wisconsin to investigate a set of political assassinations.
  Covenant #23: The King of Pain
‌One of Raikaron's relatives makes a house call when a visit to the House of Envy goes awry.

Valiant: Season 2


Monday Update #18

Hey! :D time for a Monday Update again.
  I think I promised you photos of Idyll's Birthday cake? Here you go:

  Other than the little family party for the world of Idyll, I have mostly worked on my Kickstarter. I have also started pondering the story I'm going to work on for NaNo this year. It takes place in Breck's Haven.
  That's it for this update! See you next week. :)

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