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Valiant: October Roundup

Hallo all! We're a little late this month due to a post-Halloween sugar coma, but we're back with a roundup of the Valiant episodes the red panda stashed in his candy hoard last month - we've listed them below for you, along with a synopsis for each one. Hope you enjoy them!   Tails #27: Kaldt Fjell‌
‌The Drifters tour Redleaf, while Jazel and his mother visit Kaldt Fjell, the mountain of the witches.   Covenant #28: The Claim‌‌
The Congress winds down to its conclusion, but one final surprise is in store for the closing conference.   CURSEd #23: Laughing Matters
The Peacekeepers meet at Grayspur, the original site of the Songbird Incident, to escort the Dragine artifact back to the HQ.   Valiant #33: The Gift of Hate
Songbird teaches the new recruits about firearms safety, encounters Kori, and reflects on his upbringing.   And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!  

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,

Valiant: April Roundup

Hallo all! It's the end of the month and I figured I'd start doing a monthly roundup for everything the red panda's managed to scribble out in the last month. Looks like 4 episodes for Valiant got dropped this April - we've listed them below for you, along with each synopsis.
  Tails #23: The Most Dangerous Prey
‌After finishing with a pest control assignment, the Drifters start planning for their vacation.
  Valiant #29: Sunbuster
‌While Kiwi meets with the Maskling Council, Songbird encounters an unusual trio with a vested interest in his relationship with Kiwi.
  CURSEd #18: Culling
‌Whisper and Kwyn are dispatched to Wisconsin to investigate a set of political assassinations.
  Covenant #23: The King of Pain
‌One of Raikaron's relatives makes a house call when a visit to the House of Envy goes awry.

Valiant: Season 2


Monday Update #23

D: I broke a tooth!!! ... I will be talking to a dentist in half an hour so this has to be fast. XD;
  The current Kickstarter will be finished soon. I will hopefully be able to send everything out during the middle of this month. I have started to prepare for the last Kickstarter that will go live during January. :D
  I have also been prepping for NaNo. I might be finished with the outline of the plot soon. I will be talking with my sibling about it tomorrow. (Turtle wouldn't let me commit the second murder....not in his school he said. D: )
  Posted a half finished image of Turtle last update....I've done one for Vex as well. This is Vexander...or well Vex. Another...well...the actual main character of the story. XD;; (Turtle is there as well because this is the screencap I sent to my sibling. XD )
He's a new maintenance worker at Breckskeep, a school of magic. *looks left, looks right*, a tiny spoiler: (not really, it's apparent pretty early in the story)
Character | Sep 16, 2021

  I have also made my third world public. :D
Introduction to Skywell
Generic article | Feb 25, 2022

  I have also started pondering what I want to write about during WorldEmber 2021...

  Yeah....not quick at all. XD

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