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Valiant: January and February Roundup

Hallo all! The beginning of the year's kept the red panda busy, so January and February are getting bundled into a single roundup. It looks like he was able to crank out four episodes over the past two months, and we've listed them below for you, along with a synopsis for each one. Hope you enjoy them!   Tails #29: S(Elf)less
The Drifters receive an unexpected request for help while collecting samples of an invasive species.   Covenant #31: The Old City
Jayta and Raikaron begin their long journey through the grey twilight of the Old City.   Valiant #35: Preparations
Now that the Valiant have full control of the Bastion and its systems, preparations begin for their next tour of the galaxy.   CURSEd #25: The Cruelty of Children
Dare and Kwyn work on harnessing his Spark, while Whisper is troubled by an upcoming assignment.   And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!  

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,

MONDAY UPDATE #25 -part 2

Ah....yeah. I managed to finish drawings of the three characters before going to bed now... I've had these characters in my head since the beginning of the year. XD
  So...the NaNo story I'm writing this year is the first in a trilogy. Vexander, the pink-haired guy, is the main character in this first novel. The working title for this novel is "Breckskeep: Thief" ...He will be stumbling over a body in a locked room. The second person is named Kell....and they are the main character in the second book. Which has the working title "Breckskeep: Assassin" ( check out this article: The Crimson Claw ) ...they are at the school working undercover to terminate somebody...and...stumble over a dead body... The third person is named Turtle....and they are the main character in the third book...with the working title "Breckskeep: Demon" ....Turtle gets some threatening letters and then somebody ends up dead. XD;
  XDD ...the magical school is wild.
  (Vex is CIS, Kell is genderfluid and Turtle is non-binary....and they all will end up in a triad poly relationship)
  Turtle's article will be posted at the end of the month (possibly this weekend). Vex and Kell will get their articles during WorldEmber.


This week just whooshed by. XD
  I've pondered and planned stuff for the next 4 months... The Kickstarter for the last installment in my CYOA Zine trilogy has been pondered. I'm hoping to have time this weekend to plan it out with post-it notes again. XD;; (not pleased with previous results. XD;; )
  I've pondered the Kickstarter after that which will be 3 coloring books. "The Elves of Idyll", "Breckskeep: Stained Glass", and "Skywell: ????" ...yeah, I haven't come up with a concept for that last book yet. XD;; ....but the Kickstarter will be for all three of them and that will most likely happen in 2023...but I will be working on it during 2022 together with my Blender studies and the webcomic...and I also wanna try to do IRL stained glass. I looked at a lot of stained glass videos during 2020. XD;;;
  ...yeah. The webcomic...well...the novel I'm going to be writing during this year's NaNo is the first in a trilogy that will be drawn as a webcomic...and possibly be released as novels in the future. What I write during NaNo will be reworked to a webcomic script. Though I don't know how much I will be working on this webcomic. ...I have never managed to finish one of them and I always get anxious/depressed about my drawing skills when I try to do anything other than just drawing for fun for's gotten worse the older I've gotten XD;;

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