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Valiant: April Roundup

Hallo all! We're back again with the roundup for April, and we've got an exciting update in this one. It looks like the red panda left us another three episodes this past month, and a new project: The Dreaming Draughtbook. There's a little more on that and what it is down below, but for now, here's the Valiant releases for this past month!   Tails #31: Statistically Unfair
In the aftermath of Kaya's kidnapping, the Drifters scramble to find leads, and prepare for her rescue.   CURSEd #26: Avvikerene
Dare, Kwyn, and Whisper arrive at Avvikerene, a curiously paradisiacal world restricted by the Colloquium.   Covenant #33: The Daughters of Maugrimm
On their way to reaching the Ocean of Souls, Jayta and Raikaron acquire a traveling companion, and discuss the nature of souls.   Draught #1: Dreamshare
A little something for those that want to hang out even when they're asleep.   The Dreaming Draughtbook is a little bit of worldbuilding that delves into draughts - magical drinks brewed in the Dreaming. They occasionally feature in the Valiant series, and the red panda's used them from time to time in tabletops and roleplays. After accumulating a number of different draughts over the years, our fluffy historian realized that it would be an excellent idea to collate them all in one place, format them properly, and give them some flavor and context to flesh them out. And on weeks where he isn't able to drop a Valiant episode, he can instead release one of these draughts to make up the gap. (Most Valiant episodes clock in with a wordcount somewhere between 8k and 12k, and what with work and other commitments, sometimes it's just not possible to drop an episode every week.)   This month we'll be leaving the link to The Dreaming Draughtbook below!  

The Dreaming Draughtbook

  Stay frosty,

Valiant: January and February Roundup

Hallo all! The beginning of the year's kept the red panda busy, so January and February are getting bundled into a single roundup. It looks like he was able to crank out four episodes over the past two months, and we've listed them below for you, along with a synopsis for each one. Hope you enjoy them!   Tails #29: S(Elf)less
The Drifters receive an unexpected request for help while collecting samples of an invasive species.   Covenant #31: The Old City
Jayta and Raikaron begin their long journey through the grey twilight of the Old City.   Valiant #35: Preparations
Now that the Valiant have full control of the Bastion and its systems, preparations begin for their next tour of the galaxy.   CURSEd #25: The Cruelty of Children
Dare and Kwyn work on harnessing his Spark, while Whisper is troubled by an upcoming assignment.   And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!  

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,

Crystal Row's Undocumented Rebellion - Prompt #31

My brain went wild on this uprising story. Then of course I had to add effects and pictures and songs. KYAA! So fun!
Crystal Row's Undocumented Rebellion
Military Conflict | Sep 12, 2024

The only proof of the rebellion in Crystal Row lies in an encrypted set of comments of the app running everything in Sumichou

  Did you all do prompt #31? If so, please share in the comments. :D

Gold Ahoy!

I've finally finished my Summer Camp 2021 posts, or at least all of them but lucky 31! I wanna wish everyone whose been a part of Summer Camp 2021 the best of luck getting out the rest of your prompts that you wanna tackle, and as someone who started this challenge pretty late, I respect everyone who did even just a single prompt! I know everyone whose stuck on that one prompt can put their mind to it and get it done! Thanks too to everyone who looked at my content. I don't really promote, just having my first few likes on articles was super cool! We get #31 tomorrow and I'm already excited/nervous about it! :D
  What a time it's been. I've been on world anvil off and on for a few years now, but really only in these last 3-4 months have I really been cranking out content. Some of these prompts are amazing for my world setting and fit perfectly, others REALLY made me think of things to write. The issue for me as well was I have plenty of articles of places, people, things my players have seen and encountered before, mostly just standing as placeholders to be written about at a later date, but this meant that I couldn't use any of them for the 31 prompts of Summer Camp. So instead I had to write right from the heart and crank out a world of new things for my already existing DnD setting.
  At this point it feels like my huge setting is starting to finally have some connections. It's like sowing something and finally doing that last pull to really link and tighten up everything. I've still got a long way to go with some things, but I feel like with each new article, even if it's just a link and name and nothing more at the moment, makes my world feel that much more alive.
  I know my players may not pay as much attention to world building as I do, but to me having a DM whose got things fleshed out and isn't just pulling from a setting book feels that much more amazing.

Copper and Silver are DONE

Wow! Copper is DONE:  
Summer Camp Progress Page - Copper Prompts
Generic article | Jul 30, 2021
Silver is DONE:  
Summer Camp Progress Page - Silver Prompts
Generic article | Jul 30, 2021
All articles tie in to the Isle of Melas campaign world that is literally exploding with great new ideas and plotlines based on these prompts. Maybe I'll be able to play it with actual players some day!   Meanwhile, Gold is progressing, only 7 more prompts to go:  
Summer Camp Progress Page - Gold Prompts
Generic article | Jul 30, 2021
  And I have a bead on almost all of them - including one that will reference the first charater I ever played in D&D, from thirty years ago!   Let's keep going and finish them all ahead of #31 this weekend!   Barry

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured