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Worldbuilding Ecosystems!

I present to everyone, the first article in a series, all about worldbuilding ecosystems! I've been wanting to make something like this for a while, and I was originally going to write an article on writing species specifically, but I thought why not make articles about ecosystems as a whole!   Anyone who knows me knows how crazy I am about nature, wildlife, and everything related, and how passionate I am about it. Hell, I have almost four hundred species articles in the Yonderverse - almost a third of my total amount of articles.   The plan moving forwards is to add to this series, but if people really seem to enjoy it, then it will become a priority. I love this lil community and WA got me into writing, and I feel it's only right I try and return the favour by providing resources that can help people with their own creations!  
Worldbuilding Ecosystems Vol. 1
Generic article | May 16, 2024

Part 1 of a guide on worldbuilding ecosystems.

  #mochievements #ArticleShare

Come explore the Yonderverse with my new Scavenger Hunt!

I've already posted this in places and already, 6 people have finished! Will you be the next?
A Worldwide Mystery
Generic article | Apr 1, 2024

A riddle-scavenger hunt around the Yonderverse. Hope you get lost!

  #mochievements #ArticleShare

Monster Hunting!

I think I can finally say this article is complete! Monster Hunting was the first article I submitted to WorldEmber, so I have spent some extra time making it all shiny and awesome. I hope you enjoy reading this, it was super fun to make! <3 Can't wait to check out other worlds in the New Year's Resolution's Challenge, a great portion of my entry will go towards showing off worlds that inspired me this WE!  
Monster Hunting
Tradition / Ritual | Apr 14, 2024

The rich folk of Daglaci are melting the ice that holds up each and every city on the planet. The poor are forced to clean up their mess, when monsters from below emerge to slaughter the entire planet's population.

  #worldember2023 #worldember #articleshare #mochievements   (sorry for making two global posts and two notifications! My WiFi sabotaged me >:(

A New Member Has Arrived: The Processor!

Let me say this first: I have gravely underestimated this "little" project called Computer Adventures. The funny part (to me at least) is that the learning and technical aspect isn't the cause as one might think; it is writing about (advanced) technical concepts in such a way that everyone can understand that has floored my brain. Things that seem super logical to me, are not so logical to others. But I've been having a grand time writing, even if it takes up extra energy, because it is much more rewarding to be honest.
  That said, I want to introduce you to the newest member of the computer family: The Processor! This little guy stands at the heart of every computer and makes everything remotely digital possible today. This is by far the nerdiest of nerding I've ever gotten. I've been diving into CPU architecture to get the best understanding I could to teach you about them and how they work. There's also a fun fact or two in there that even I didn't know!
  So, what's next for Computer Adventures? I'm contemplating what direction to take. On one hand I can continue with other important computer components such as RAM, the Motherboard, and the GPU. On the other hand, it would be fun to spend a whole article gushing about old hardware (ZX Spectrum, C64, Apple II). Or, I could take you on a journey through various operating systems; most of us use Windows, but did you know where it started?
  What would you like to read next? Let me know! In the meantime, enjoy the Processor. ^^
Generic article | Mar 27, 2024

They stand at the heart of every electronic device. Without one, your phone, computer, and laptop wouldn't function. But what does it do, and how does it work?

  #ArticleShare #NibbleOfNews

Venus on World Anvil

Wikipedias featured article today was all about fictional depictions of the planet Venus, and it is rife with excellent worldbuilding inspo. I thought it would be fun to look at Venus on World Anvil too!   In Solaris, Venus is a verdant but hostile paradise covered thick toxic fog. The inhabitants are the alien Fei, plant-people who can curate their own growth to create striking appearances.  
Planet | Sep 2, 2024

Brilliant toxic smogs protect and obscure Venus from outsiders. The planet is a lush and hostile paradise, and it's inhabitants are the strange and alien Fei.

  Tell us about your Venus in the comments!
Venus in fiction | #ArticleShare #SciFi

New World Alert!

...Sort of. If anybody (I hope not) remembers my world, Creatures of the Yonderverse, then I have completely remade it. Now, instead of focusing on individual species, you will follow the journey of Mochi Manoban as they travel round the entire Yonderverse, visiting planet after planet, meeting every single species they can possibly find.
#ArticleShare   Hope you all enjoy! <3  
Mochi Manoban
Character | Oct 23, 2023

Me! Follow me as I journey across the Yonderverse, exploring the farthest reaches to meet every single creature I possibly can.


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