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Happy #Caturday ! Here are some more auspicious changes to #keke. enjoy! #cat #wildzoo #scifi #fantasy #characterdesign

As the story unfolds in WildZoo, so does my interpre, tation of the characters. The more I write, the more that becomes revealed, especially about the design. For me it has to match the story
by Vela

  this one is not lore but still cannon lol


Broken Dulcet Chapter 18 is Live!

Check out Chapter 18: Diz-stressing Diz-closures here   Lapis, Patch and Dagby learn their Stars-blessed enemy has had more influence on the underground in Jiy than previously suspected.  
  #darkfantasy #sciencefantasy #scifi   ****   I have done about 10K words on the Abyss of Dreams re-write this week (and deleted about the same). If you want to know where my time has gone, it's been into that. Will I make my Oct deadline? I hope, I hope.   I've also been enjoying Dragon's Dogma 2, and been disappointed in Endless Ocean. I loved the first two games, and how intimate, beautiful, and wondrous they were. This one is not that :(. There's something special about getting an up-close pic of a fish to file, that a long-shot scan that grabs a whole bunch of IDs misses. And the AI voice is awful. *sad tears*   ****   And I'm off, to continue work on the 4th Wellspring Book and working on Knavish Canto's hitting 100K views art.   Take care, all

#wip #sneakpeek #worldbuilding #art #wildzoo #fantasy #caturday #scifi #sky

I know you guys are gonna love it when I finish!
  Happy Caturday!

Ten Days of Worldember in Solaris!

So far Sky and I have written 20 articles, and about 10k words combined! We've explored a bunch of the spacecraft, and the Inner World. We've been having a blast, and I hope you are too!  

What did we write so far?

The banner you see above is from Nomads of Mercury. I also wrote about the humanoid species of Mercury, Mori and Kara. We've been all over the Solar System, taking a stop by Venus' Palace of Delights and their Godqueen Titania. Kind of like how the Humans get everywhere too. I wanted to focus on what interplanetary human migration might be like, and that also got us writing about some arceology. I wrote about the Heller Cave Paintings, while Sky wrote about the Othello Shaft-hole Axe Head.   Sky's been zeroing in on spacecraft this Worldember, starting out with the watchful Aerie O-1, but also a couple classic spacecraft in the Cyklopes SSF-9 and Heretic GA-7. We get a satellite weapons system in Parelion Orbital Defender. Chatting spacecraft with Sky inspired me to write a couple of articles about conditions ships might suffer, inspiring the Cosmic Bloom and Paradisius.   We've written a few supplementary articles as well; Voluntary Indication of Position, Rhea, Jupiter Stella, and Magnomight Systems.  

What's next?

Sky and I have been discussing and working out a lot of the political intrigue we want to set up on the different planets. It'll be great to explore some of the motivations of the Jovians, so we can better understand the threats Jupiter is beginning to pose to interplanetary peace. If that sounds interesting, join us and keep an eye on the next articles coming out!      
#worldember2023 #worldember #scifi #spaceopera PS: Did you notice the secret article?

Science Fantasy Reading List

Ok, Dimi threw this out there, so I'll add one. This isn't a recent one but I loved it. Some might not agree, but I felt this was very much #sciencefantasy when I read it:
Flotsam Cover Art by Julie Dillon

  Flotsam: Book One of the Peridot Shift by by R J Theodore
  #scienceFantasyThinkers #sciFi

Science Fantasy Reading List

What's the latest #scienceFantasy book or movie you have read and loved? I will start!
Dune, by Frank Herbert   #scienceFantasyThinkers #sciFi

Venus on World Anvil

Wikipedias featured article today was all about fictional depictions of the planet Venus, and it is rife with excellent worldbuilding inspo. I thought it would be fun to look at Venus on World Anvil too!   In Solaris, Venus is a verdant but hostile paradise covered thick toxic fog. The inhabitants are the alien Fei, plant-people who can curate their own growth to create striking appearances.  
Planet | Sep 2, 2024

Brilliant toxic smogs protect and obscure Venus from outsiders. The planet is a lush and hostile paradise, and it's inhabitants are the strange and alien Fei.

  Tell us about your Venus in the comments!
Venus in fiction | #ArticleShare #SciFi

ATTENTION University of Saebia Freshmen!

The attached article is REQUIRED READING for ALL incoming freshmen. Brought to you by the Archives and Special Collections Online Database in the College of Sugran Studies at the University of Saebia.
  #TuesdayFiction #worldbuilding #scifi #worldanvil
  Crescent of Finality

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Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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