Here on WorldAnvil, we know how important it is to decorate our articles with art that we have permission to use, but I see lots of people aren't sure where to look for such things! Well, I made a promise on my stream that I would put together a list of FREE art and image resources that are available that could assist with this little problem.
Medieval Port City by August von Siegen

See the blog post on my website!

Linky: Images for Worldbuilding... for Free!
I know I'm not the only person who plans to rely less on AI for sourcing images, so I hope that these resources help at least some of you beautify your articles, without fear of copyright issues or ethical dilemmas! ❤   Happy (and Feral) SummerCamp season, friends!   #WorldAnvilTips #SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #TheOwlworks #ImageResources