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The Final Feral Friday Stream Approaches!

I'll be doing the final Feral Friday reading stream of the SummerCamp season this Friday, at 10AM EST over on my Twitch channel! Isn't it spooky how time flies while you're having fun worldbuilding?  

Send me your favorite DIAMOND-WAVE article to read on stream!

Once again, your articles need not be in-depth or beautifully formatted. We're here for the sharing of ideas, and if you're excited about your writing, I'm even more excited to share it with everyone!  

For now, might I interest you in the gold showcase from last week?

Feral Fridays 2023 | Golden Relics of Worldbuilding
Generic article | Jul 15, 2024

Showcasing Gold-wave articles read on stream during Feral Friday 2023!

  Much love to you all! I hope to see some of your lovely articles come my way, and hope to see you on Friday!
#SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #CampFeral #FeralFridays

Feral Fridays Copper Showcase! Seeking Submissions for Silver!

We had an awesome stream for Feral Friday: Copper Edition, and I put together an article showing some of the wonderful works that were sent my way! Please have a look at them and share some likes and love in their comments!  
Feral Fridays 2023 | The Power of Copper
Generic article | Jul 16, 2024

Showcasing Copper-wave articles read on stream during Feral Friday 2023!

Send me silver-wave articles to read on stream!

Open to any and all articles, short or long, polished or simple. If you have writing and ideas you're excited for, I'll be happy to share them live on Twitch Friday, at 10AM EST!
#SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #CampFeral #FeralFridays

Feral Fridays! Send me articles to read!

My stream schedule for the week is posted, and I'm looking for articles to read during my Friday streams: FERAL FRIDAYS!
If you've submitted articles to SummerCamp, send me your favorite(s) and I'll feature them on Friday!
Comment here, or share with me directly on Discord (user: line)! Remember to only submit articles that are part of the current week's wave!   I'll be so excited to see you at the streams too, if you're able to make it!   (This week, Feral Friday is an evening stream (because I have to work that day) but, the rest of the month, they should be morning streams!)
#SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #FeralFridays #CampFeral

Need Images for Articles this SummerCamp?

Here on WorldAnvil, we know how important it is to decorate our articles with art that we have permission to use, but I see lots of people aren't sure where to look for such things! Well, I made a promise on my stream that I would put together a list of FREE art and image resources that are available that could assist with this little problem.
Medieval Port City by August von Siegen

See the blog post on my website!

Linky: Images for Worldbuilding... for Free!
I know I'm not the only person who plans to rely less on AI for sourcing images, so I hope that these resources help at least some of you beautify your articles, without fear of copyright issues or ethical dilemmas! ❤   Happy (and Feral) SummerCamp season, friends!   #WorldAnvilTips #SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #TheOwlworks #ImageResources

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured