"The story of Deris and its tumultuous past is a saga filled with intricate emotions and lasting consequences. Fifteen lifetimes ago, the lands that now comprise Deris were a patchwork of discord. Three distinct regions existed: Höffdingen, the east peninsula, was a thriving maritime nation; the Tabak Plateau, also known as Lamina, a highland region with a unique culture, and the surrounding territories known as Shajara.   Höffdingen's existence was intertwined with the sea, where the people not only relied on its bountiful waters for sustenance but also harnessed its power for trade and piracy. Throughout its history, legendary pirates had emerged, their exploits often conducted with the tacit approval of reigning monarchs. This piracy set in motion the devastating conflict eleven lifetimes ago.   Shajara, determined to secure control over what is now known as Tyrant's Gulf, to stop the plundering, implemented a drastic blockade, effectively sealing off the gulf's exit and mercilessly attacking any vessels trapped within. Höffdingen, in response, hastily marshaled its forces, leading to a perilous march across the isthmus into Shajara's territory.   However, Höffdingen was tragically ignorant of the situation on the Tabak Plateau and the peaceful, nomadic Lamina people. They mistakenly assumed all their adversaries hailed from Shajara. When Höffdingen's troops attempted to establish a strategic base on the plateau, they unknowingly triggered the wrath of the Lamina, who in turn believed that their lands were under attack by Shajara. The result was a catastrophic situation with three nations locked in a chaotic, destructive war."   #ttrpg #kickstarter #fantasy #fantasyworld #magic