First things first -- NEW ART! I have redesigned (right image) the God-husk of Tatete, seen here compared against the original design (left).  
  She was once the god of beauty and grace, and her former design did not reflect this enough. Let me know what you think of this new one >:) She doesn't have an article yet, but once I've finished redesigning Codod and Farad after her, I will be writing all 3 of their god-husk-y articles. Stay tuned!   --------   Now that I've got your attention, onward to Stormbril updates!   Reflecting on summer camp, I'm incredibly happy with the 8 short articles I produced. It felt really good writing them again (after months of not writing much at all), and I'm really happy with the reception of the new short format for them, too :) People seemed to like them a lot, and I'm particularly proud of how multiple times the writing was called out as being strong and interest-grabbing, even in this shorter form.   But it's been essentially a year now of short, or super-short, articles from me. Snippets are tiny articles (under 50 words!) I started last spooktober, and then in Summer Camp this year I did post-cards that are roughly 300 words. I'm honestly kinda missing doing large, classic style articles, and I'm hoping to get some of those out soon too. Perhaps for a challenge, official or unofficial, or maybe just for fun? I've had some really lovely questions pop in on my Discord server that have made me want to write some MONSTERS into Cathedris. There's a few kinds of Rendlings that need better representation, and I think that'd just be so great >:) Also, I'm still working on the future Cathedris (called Asundris!) theme, still want to have that done for WorldEmber.   On the other side of things, I'm working to convince myself to start the novel writing process. It's harder to get going on it than I thought, because I think I'm a bit nervous to get into the whole thing. My goal is to still create a general plot structure, then write it chapter by chapter, releasing them as they come to my Patrons. I haven't figured out if I'll write them straight into a prose article on World Anvil, or with Manuscripts, or what... I know I do want to make them private articles for Patrons only though, as a thank you for the support they've so lovingly given me. Still, I've promised I'll start it in September, and I am determined to do so. Lend me your energy so I can get this thing going, I really want to write a book!       One thing that should hopefully help is my semester being a much easier load this time. I've got 1 class less than the previous semesters, and the workload within them seems easier as well -- though still just as exciting. I get to research and propose an eSports arena in a real-life project, do some funky and weird digital design work for an elective, and dive deep into the actual professional practice of Architecture as well. It's going to be a lot of fascinating stuff to learn, while also leaving me enough time to write!   Well, I think that's all for now. It's always refreshing recapping after a hefty summer, full of events and creativity. I hope everyone is energized and excited going into September (my favourite month, I enjoy school starting during it, and it also contains my birthday >:D), and is excited for the upcoming September challenge! What do you think it is? I'm kinda leaning towards a tradition, or possibly character? We shall see!   #stormwatch #challenge #godhusks #art