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Happy #caturday New stuff coming! #art #wildzoo #fantasy #historicalfiction #challenge

Happy Caturday my fellow Animals! I have been thinking of creating products of my world to sell them to fund some investments in better equipment for my worldbuilding, however, I have no idea how to market products for a story that has not yet been written and published. I am basically trying to get people interested in the story I am working on. I have some general ideas on what I could offer, such as a " WildZoo: Bundle" ... but what would have to be in that bundle to attract potential readers?   I am an artist first than a writer, and im slow playing the writing as rushing has caused me to back peddle in some of the design of the characters. Keke, as you have noticed, changed a bit. The actual story demanded it... and when worldbuilding.... it matters.   So I will be showcasing a few designs of what I have already started for these "Wild bundles" I will showcase them over the next month, and if you have any suggestions please let me know!!! Also here is some new delicious stuff!  
by Vela

Stormwatch Forecast: Building Momentum

First things first -- NEW ART! I have redesigned (right image) the God-husk of Tatete, seen here compared against the original design (left).  
  She was once the god of beauty and grace, and her former design did not reflect this enough. Let me know what you think of this new one >:) She doesn't have an article yet, but once I've finished redesigning Codod and Farad after her, I will be writing all 3 of their god-husk-y articles. Stay tuned!   --------   Now that I've got your attention, onward to Stormbril updates!   Reflecting on summer camp, I'm incredibly happy with the 8 short articles I produced. It felt really good writing them again (after months of not writing much at all), and I'm really happy with the reception of the new short format for them, too :) People seemed to like them a lot, and I'm particularly proud of how multiple times the writing was called out as being strong and interest-grabbing, even in this shorter form.   But it's been essentially a year now of short, or super-short, articles from me. Snippets are tiny articles (under 50 words!) I started last spooktober, and then in Summer Camp this year I did post-cards that are roughly 300 words. I'm honestly kinda missing doing large, classic style articles, and I'm hoping to get some of those out soon too. Perhaps for a challenge, official or unofficial, or maybe just for fun? I've had some really lovely questions pop in on my Discord server that have made me want to write some MONSTERS into Cathedris. There's a few kinds of Rendlings that need better representation, and I think that'd just be so great >:) Also, I'm still working on the future Cathedris (called Asundris!) theme, still want to have that done for WorldEmber.   On the other side of things, I'm working to convince myself to start the novel writing process. It's harder to get going on it than I thought, because I think I'm a bit nervous to get into the whole thing. My goal is to still create a general plot structure, then write it chapter by chapter, releasing them as they come to my Patrons. I haven't figured out if I'll write them straight into a prose article on World Anvil, or with Manuscripts, or what... I know I do want to make them private articles for Patrons only though, as a thank you for the support they've so lovingly given me. Still, I've promised I'll start it in September, and I am determined to do so. Lend me your energy so I can get this thing going, I really want to write a book!       One thing that should hopefully help is my semester being a much easier load this time. I've got 1 class less than the previous semesters, and the workload within them seems easier as well -- though still just as exciting. I get to research and propose an eSports arena in a real-life project, do some funky and weird digital design work for an elective, and dive deep into the actual professional practice of Architecture as well. It's going to be a lot of fascinating stuff to learn, while also leaving me enough time to write!   Well, I think that's all for now. It's always refreshing recapping after a hefty summer, full of events and creativity. I hope everyone is energized and excited going into September (my favourite month, I enjoy school starting during it, and it also contains my birthday >:D), and is excited for the upcoming September challenge! What do you think it is? I'm kinda leaning towards a tradition, or possibly character? We shall see!   #stormwatch #challenge #godhusks #art

Meooww!? #Keke, swiftly makes her escape from the #pirate captures. With #loot in her #paws ! follow #wildzoo #art #fantasy

Keke cant just escape, She MUST be compinsated for her time, whether her capturers like it or not!  
Keke escapes The Saang by Vela
by Vela

New art, and a pixel art gallery to showcase it :D

I've been making lots of pixel art in early preparation for WorldEmber this year! When I was on stream last weekend, Ademal suggested that a gallery page would be a great place for people to find and view art for my world - so I made one!
Art Gallery
Meta | Aug 26, 2024

A gallery page of pixel art from Journals of Yesteryear!

  I'd love to see your gallery page(s) if you have one too!
  #Art #PixelArt #WorldEmber #WorldEmberPrep

Question for formatting....

I'm trying to figure out why exactly my side panel is showing all the way at the bottom of my al-Kanneyeh article and it's driving me up a wall LOL
  Any ideas on what I need to fix because uh...idk how it got like that.
  #WorldAnvilCSS #CSS #ArticleFormatting #Struggle

Now that im done crying.. here are some updates to some of the articles enjoy.. #art #wildzoo #characterdesign #fantasy #cat

You will notice some updates to the framing of the imagery. Giving some of main characters speech bubblers that will hint at their personalities.
by Vela

by Vela

by Vela

by Vela

by Vela

Happy Tooooossssday! In your opinion which illustration looks better? ! 1, 2 , or 3 ? #wildzoo #characterdesign #animals #art

by Vela

by Vela

by Vela

Inarora's Excursion; Need Help

Welp I might be getting my manuscript back sooner than expected, but the problem is that I'm still working on fixing my car up so I can't pay my editor for their services right now. Please consider donating to my ko-fi so I can pay my editor and get Inarora on track for publishing!
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Author #Artist #Struggling

Happy #sundog ! Here is new article of The River King. #art #wildzoo #fantasy #animal #crocs

by Vela

Characters that will be introduce in the story. #art #wildzoo #oddcouple #rabbit #fox #fantasy #Animals

by Vela

Happy #Caturday ! I forget to post alot of stuff so here is something from a few months ago #wildzoo #art #fantasy

by Vela

Who is this mischievous devil? #wildzoo #characterdesign #fantasy #art #antagonist

" Keke, you dont understand! If there are only a few things that I fear, disappointing my mother, a moonless night, and Pollie. That Anima.. that creature... is beyond the fear of death. Pollie never fails at what he is paid to retrieve, and will absolute desimate an entire kingdom from the shadows to attain it. SO PLEASE , when I say we need to run as far and as fast we can, BELIEVE me!" Breeze's eyes pierced Keke's heart. She had never seen this expression on her sensei's face. It was enough for her to not push the issue...for now.
by Vela

Who could this sinister creature be? #wip #art #characterdesign #wildzoo #fantasy #storytelling


Because I love you guys so much, I am giving you some desert before the main course #bonappetite #wildzoo #art #fantasy

by Vela

by Vela

Only you guys get to see these.. its technically "spoilers" ... have fun guessing #art #wildzoo #fantasy #storytelling


Worldbuilding Ecosystems!

I present to everyone, the first article in a series, all about worldbuilding ecosystems! I've been wanting to make something like this for a while, and I was originally going to write an article on writing species specifically, but I thought why not make articles about ecosystems as a whole!   Anyone who knows me knows how crazy I am about nature, wildlife, and everything related, and how passionate I am about it. Hell, I have almost four hundred species articles in the Yonderverse - almost a third of my total amount of articles.   The plan moving forwards is to add to this series, but if people really seem to enjoy it, then it will become a priority. I love this lil community and WA got me into writing, and I feel it's only right I try and return the favour by providing resources that can help people with their own creations!  
Worldbuilding Ecosystems Vol. 1
Generic article | May 16, 2024

Part 1 of a guide on worldbuilding ecosystems.

  #mochievements #ArticleShare

Keke has the worst luck when it comes to landing on her feet. #happy #caturday #wildzoo #art #fantasy #Animals #cat #meow

by Vela

#wip #sneakpeek #worldbuilding #art #wildzoo #fantasy #caturday #scifi #sky

I know you guys are gonna love it when I finish!
  Happy Caturday!

Come explore the Yonderverse with my new Scavenger Hunt!

I've already posted this in places and already, 6 people have finished! Will you be the next?
A Worldwide Mystery
Generic article | Apr 1, 2024

A riddle-scavenger hunt around the Yonderverse. Hope you get lost!

  #mochievements #ArticleShare

Happy Birthday to The Million Islands!

It was one year ago today that I created the first article in this world. Since then it has grown immensely, and today there are 346,850 words across 608 articles. Not bad for a one year old.
  I started with an idea, and an interest in seeing how ChatGPT could be used to help with worldbuilding. During the first half of the year, I learned a lot: about the world, about LLMs, but most importantly about how fun much writing was, and how much it helped me to be happy and sane. When Summer Camp came around, I decided that I had learned all I wanted to of writing with an LLM helping, but I was far from done with the world. In the second half of the year, I focused on writing every day, at least 300 words at first. I also began to get involved in the WorldAnvil community, first with the challenges, then joining the Discord and most recently becoming a member of the #ArticlesAnonymous chapter. During WorldEmber, I increased my daily goal to 325 words a day, and managed to reach the 25k word goal for the month!
  In a few days, I will be running the first session of a campaign set in the Million Islands, the first game I have run in over two years. I’m planning to continue writing and worldbuilding every day, and maybe one day ‘The Million Islands’ will be factual, not hyperbole. I’ve made friends in this community over the last year as well, and that’s the greatest reward of all.
  Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

New Yonderverse Cover!

In celebration of 200 followers, I drew a new cover for the Yonderverse! I've been wanting to do this for a little bit, but because it's such an important task I wanted to do it well, and obviously it's a scary big task so I just put it off. I really like it! I struggled to fill that gap in the middle, but after lots of feedback and a few different designs I settled with leaving it blank. The Yonderverse may be full of life, as seen by such vivid planets, but it is also isolating at times. I tried to represent my different art styles for different planets, from realism (the star) to a more simple style (the ringed planet). I really hope people like this! Thank you everyone for your support of my world, it means the world to me and I'm so happy people enjoy my stuff <3  

A bright and bustling universe, made with love

Explore the endless planets brimming with life in the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.

  P.S. I really do love making these journal posts :D   #mochievements #art #yonderverse

Happy New Year! Articles Anonymous First Challenge

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone stayed safe last night and is ready to ring in 2024! I am the chapter leader of a new chapter called Articles Anonymous. We're all about support and accountability for reaching your worldbuilding goals! This month, to go hand in hand with the official New Years Resolution challenge, I present to you our own monthly challenge to help you tackle those bigger resolutions!
  This challenge is to create a smaller and achievable goal with a reward for yourself to work on during the month of January. This can be a writing or reading goal, or something else entirely! Articles Anonymous wants to help you start the year off right and get a little bit closer to doing what you have planned for the coming year.
January 2023 Chapter Challenge
Tradition / Ritual | Jan 2, 2024


WorldEmber 2023 - 25k reached!

At the beginning of WorldEmber, I decided to shoot for 10k words - I've had a daily goal of 300 words, and by upping that to 325 I was pretty sure I could make that happen. I'm happy to say that I made my goal early, and then continued on to reach a final total of 27,191 words across 108 articles. I also joined the new #ArticlesAnonymous chapter, and I am very thankful for all their support during this challenge and looking forward to our future endeavors as a chapter. Happy New Year to all!

Monster Hunting!

I think I can finally say this article is complete! Monster Hunting was the first article I submitted to WorldEmber, so I have spent some extra time making it all shiny and awesome. I hope you enjoy reading this, it was super fun to make! <3 Can't wait to check out other worlds in the New Year's Resolution's Challenge, a great portion of my entry will go towards showing off worlds that inspired me this WE!  
Monster Hunting
Tradition / Ritual | Apr 14, 2024

The rich folk of Daglaci are melting the ice that holds up each and every city on the planet. The poor are forced to clean up their mess, when monsters from below emerge to slaughter the entire planet's population.

  #worldember2023 #worldember #articleshare #mochievements   (sorry for making two global posts and two notifications! My WiFi sabotaged me >:(

New art for Malkora!

I don't think I've ever been able to say this during WorldEmber before, but Malkora has new art! Some excellent little sketches cooked up during this week's streams — our final final push stream is tomorrow at 11AM EST!
by Strixxline
by Strixxline
See them in action over in Malkora's brand new world primer, which I'm now declaring complete!! At least.. until after WE where I find things to change bahahaha!
Savelan Geography Lesson
Generic article | Sep 14, 2024

An introduction to the world of Malkora, from a Savelan perspective.

#WorldEmber2023 #TheOwlworks #Malkora #WorldEmber #Art #WorldPrimer #AnviliteStreams

A New Member Has Arrived: The Processor!

Let me say this first: I have gravely underestimated this "little" project called Computer Adventures. The funny part (to me at least) is that the learning and technical aspect isn't the cause as one might think; it is writing about (advanced) technical concepts in such a way that everyone can understand that has floored my brain. Things that seem super logical to me, are not so logical to others. But I've been having a grand time writing, even if it takes up extra energy, because it is much more rewarding to be honest.
  That said, I want to introduce you to the newest member of the computer family: The Processor! This little guy stands at the heart of every computer and makes everything remotely digital possible today. This is by far the nerdiest of nerding I've ever gotten. I've been diving into CPU architecture to get the best understanding I could to teach you about them and how they work. There's also a fun fact or two in there that even I didn't know!
  So, what's next for Computer Adventures? I'm contemplating what direction to take. On one hand I can continue with other important computer components such as RAM, the Motherboard, and the GPU. On the other hand, it would be fun to spend a whole article gushing about old hardware (ZX Spectrum, C64, Apple II). Or, I could take you on a journey through various operating systems; most of us use Windows, but did you know where it started?
  What would you like to read next? Let me know! In the meantime, enjoy the Processor. ^^
Generic article | Mar 27, 2024

They stand at the heart of every electronic device. Without one, your phone, computer, and laptop wouldn't function. But what does it do, and how does it work?

  #ArticleShare #NibbleOfNews

Venus on World Anvil

Wikipedias featured article today was all about fictional depictions of the planet Venus, and it is rife with excellent worldbuilding inspo. I thought it would be fun to look at Venus on World Anvil too!   In Solaris, Venus is a verdant but hostile paradise covered thick toxic fog. The inhabitants are the alien Fei, plant-people who can curate their own growth to create striking appearances.  
Planet | Sep 2, 2024

Brilliant toxic smogs protect and obscure Venus from outsiders. The planet is a lush and hostile paradise, and it's inhabitants are the strange and alien Fei.

  Tell us about your Venus in the comments!
Venus in fiction | #ArticleShare #SciFi

New World Alert!

...Sort of. If anybody (I hope not) remembers my world, Creatures of the Yonderverse, then I have completely remade it. Now, instead of focusing on individual species, you will follow the journey of Mochi Manoban as they travel round the entire Yonderverse, visiting planet after planet, meeting every single species they can possibly find.
#ArticleShare   Hope you all enjoy! <3  
Mochi Manoban
Character | Oct 23, 2023

Me! Follow me as I journey across the Yonderverse, exploring the farthest reaches to meet every single creature I possibly can.


Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured