Happy Caturday my fellow Animals! I have been thinking of creating products of my world to sell them to fund some investments in better equipment for my worldbuilding, however, I have no idea how to market products for a story that has not yet been written and published. I am basically trying to get people interested in the story I am working on. I have some general ideas on what I could offer, such as a " WildZoo: Bundle" ... but what would have to be in that bundle to attract potential readers?   I am an artist first than a writer, and im slow playing the writing as rushing has caused me to back peddle in some of the design of the characters. Keke, as you have noticed, changed a bit. The actual story demanded it... and when worldbuilding.... it matters.   So I will be showcasing a few designs of what I have already started for these "Wild bundles" I will showcase them over the next month, and if you have any suggestions please let me know!!! Also here is some new delicious stuff!  
by Vela