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First Summer Camp Round-Up: Articles I'm most proud of! Plus: A week of R&R (Reading & Relaxation)

What a wonderful month it's been! My only regret is not discovering this community sooner. My writing skills have come a long way this season and I'm so thankful for your part in that!
  I've got my morning coffee beside me and I'm excitedly working my way through my notifications. I expect it will take me a week or so to read through everything and pick my favourites. In the mean time, here are a few of my SC articles I'm particularly proud of.
On the Hecath: The Collected Writings of Vierix Clymenikari
Document | Sep 1, 2024
I've grown so fond of this subplot it might end up with its own novella, or even novel. A story of (failed) inter-species diplomacy in an exotic new world.
Kuni and the Magical Kitsuneudon
Myth | Sep 1, 2024
I largely write in an encyclopedic style, so it's fun to write in prose. This story really flowered from the initial concept, and I even got a bit misty-eyed writing the last bit. I now cherish this story greatly.
Building / Landmark | Sep 1, 2024

A mountain carved fortress overlooking the Holy City of Calm, built to guard against dragons

I tried to capture a feeling of grandiosity and deep history here, and I'm proud of the result. Give the song a listen and see how it feels with the ambience!
Indus Fortesque
Character | Sep 1, 2024

The ill-fated mortal swordsman who would become the Skull Knight, demigod of repentant monsters

One of the major goals of my setting is to explore myths & gods in their humble origins, using the styles of magic realism and metarealism. The origin story of my demigod The Skull Knight is, I feel, a successful attempt.
The Dye Wars
Military Conflict | Sep 1, 2024

A series of First Age wars that placed Waking Materia on the interplanar "map" and further stimulated colonization

A more thorough exploration of my setting's Early First Age, when the plane first began to be colonized by outsiders. The exploration of colonialism and its effects is another one of my interests.
  Anyway, time to get reading. I hope you enjoy your own reading week(s)! ~ Alan
  #summercamp #summercamp2024 #sc2024

The Big Four-Two!! Nearly 25,000 words!

My eternal gratitude once again to this wonderful community for this fun and productive summer. With this summer camp I was really able to curb my perfectionism and hammer out a lot of quality writing. Thank you so much!
My free-to-use, public domain banner collection is now up to 70 images from the original 30! I have also made a "NEW" section for regular visitors to know the recent additions from the old ones.
  • A artificial, hydrid species -- Brackish Taro
  • A tradition that represents moral decay -- The Children of Ob'Silexia
  • An animal that feeds on decay -- OozeĆ«ater Anzu
  • Tech that resists decay -- Body Wardrobes
  • A degenerative condition -- Sleeping Sickness
  • A region that's expanding -- Mai Butte
  • A food valued by travelers -- Ilex Tea
  • A building meant to be temporary -- The Organ of Clarion Canyon
    For those who missed them, here too are my Copper & Silver Articles, my Gold Articles and my Diamond Articles.
    From the time of my publishing this, we have about a day left! Happy writing everyone!
    ~ Alan
    #summercamp #summercamp2024 #sc2024 #banners


    Thanks once again for all the support and advice I've received from this wonderful community. I'm so glad to know you all. Remember to keep being you, write what you enjoy, and polish, polish, polish. Also, don't forget to add mention of these articles to your other articles! I love cross-references, as I'm sure many others do.   BANNERS   My Free-to-use, public domain banner collection is now up to 66 images from the original 30! I have also made a "NEW" section for regular visitors to know the recent additions.   ARTICLES   I had a lot of fun with the Diamond series! My new articles are as follows.
  • A myth about food: Kuni and the Magical Kitsuneudon
  • A city of pleasure: Dalmatica
  • A myth about the end of the world: The Terminal Dogmas
  • An occupation considered dirty: The Greyguards
  • A group fighting corruption: Volgirre
  • A material resistant to decay: Orihalcum
  • An organization built around belief: The Victorious Noontide
  • A famous bard: Notta Bitmore
  •   PREVIOUS ARTICLES   For those who missed them, here too are my Copper & Silver Articles and my Gold Articles.   Happy writing and good luck with the rest of Summer Camp, everyone! Remember it's not done this weekend but next weekend (something I only just realized recently lmao).   ~ Alan   #summercamp #summercamp2024 #sc2024 #banners

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