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Getting ready for Summer Camp AND starting a new world, because I guess I like stress?

It's Summer Camp time again, and just like last year I confounded myself by spawning a new world at the last minute. I'm shooting for diamond plus--that is, an article for all prompts, including wildcards, because I hate seeing gaps on my competition page. More details are in my pledge here:
Diving Deep into Summer Camp
Generic article | Aug 7, 2024

In which I sidetrack myself for the second year in a row.

  I'd link to the world itself, but there's nothing in it yet. I am intrigued by this iceberg trend, however, which I think will do a better job of introducing the Deeps. It's too new to merit a real iceberg, so here's my version. (The vertical axis is "How long I have known this".)

The Deeps' Iceberg by The Big G

  So excited to get started! #SummerCamp #WorldIceberg

Let's talk about the #WorldIceberg trend!

Greetings, friends! Lots of us have seen and participated in the recent #WorldIceberg trend, kicked off by Mochi, and my experience with it really stuck out to me! I'm currently in the process of scripting a Youtube video on the subject of this iceberg trend— my first video in years! Now, I'm seeking community perspectives to make it all come together!

Submit your content to be featured!

If you're interested in having your iceberg featured and/or to share some commentary of your own on the topic, please fill out this Google form before May 31st at 11:59pm EST! Thank you, and I can't wait to dive back into the world of Youtube again!
#TheOwlworks #WorldIceberg #AnviliteVideoCouncil


I finally made a version of this meme taking place in Moskova. There are many things more but I tried to keep it the most summarized and spoiler free, but some spoilers were unavoidable hehe #WorldIceberg

Iceberg ahead!

I know I'm late to the party, but I made one of them fancy iceberg thingamabobs for my world and I might as well share it.


...Do I have too much lore

I saw the icebergs several days ago and I might be too late to join in but I already made one, so...
  It's kind of a lot, honestly, and this isn't even everything. I did have a lot of fun making it though.

Yes, I also did one

  #WorldIceberg #OffendersNeighborhood

Behold!! Berg

I'm in love with the #WorldIceberg trend Mochi started!
  I decided to paint my own berg for uhh, some reason?? I'm not great at painting, especially digitally, but I like how it turned out and had fun making it.
  Topics are very high-level and arranged based on in-universe knowledge. The more information likely available on a topic, the higher it is. Lines and other markers connect related topics to make it part conspiracy board. The planet icons on the right indicate how much is generally known about each planet. They're not labeled, so if you (understandably) don't recognize the icons, head on over to talos' homepage :D
  I don't yet have the article content to support all my bergy claims, so you'll just have to trust me until I manage to write everything.

Fine... I'll bite... #worldiceberg

idk who started this, when, or anything.... but since I keep seeing it I wanted to join in. Ther ere things on there that even I don't know.... they belong in the depths of the sea, but I don't have a picture that large so...
  It has been fun seeing these ice bergs floating around, mostly because i'm not on a boat.

Guess I'll do it too! (Vreathe Iceberg)


Icebergs for everyone! Great idea Mochi...

by Ononomad, with Midjourney


Oh Yes

Fun little way to showoff some deep lore! Working on another project, its a mini book, a novella really, but here we go again while the brain worms worm away. Y'all ever just get an idea in your head and think to yourself. Well this is a bit bigger than I wanted, but I'm doing it anyway?  

Hark, an Iceberg!

Hello everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, not bringing an update from the wastes of Vasara just yet (I'm almost done collecting the information for my next article!). I have witnessed the rise of a certain bandwagon-y trend today and just had to join in! Not everything here is written about (yet), but it probably* will be eventually. Till the next one,  

  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!   #WorldIceberg #Vasara

Jumping on the Iceberg train! Here's mine for the Chronicles of Hysal!

To be honest, i had a bit of a hard time to pick and choose what to put on and where/how deep it should go, but i had a lot of fun doing it anyways. Here goes!

The Rosepetal Iceberg

I decided to jump on Mochi's bandwagon and make a world iceberg for Rosepetal. :) Was a fun but somewhat difficult little exercise.

  #WorldIceberg #TheRosepetal

Yeia's Iceberg

Mochi and Catoblepon tempted me to do a Yeia's iceberg after I saw their amazing World Icebergs.
  I hope you can read and understand my letter and find it interesting. There are many obscure questions that need to be answered as you can see!.

  #WorldIceberg #Yeia

Shattered's iceberg - What's going on in Shattered?

The lovely Mochi did one of the iceberg memes for Yonderverse and then tempted me to do one for Shattered. And so I did! Do you wanna know which things I consider more "creepy" or "obscure"? Then look at my iceberg!
#catoramblings #WorldIceberg

The Malkora Iceberg!

Shoutout to Mochi for starting this idea! This was actually such a good way to put my world themes in writing! How deep does your world's iceberg go? :D  

Like my themes? Come follow Malkora!


Seek a new dawn, in Malkora!

With much of its history lost to the calamitous discovery of magic, Malkora is a world in which humanity was, and continues to be, pushed to rebuild and evolve alongside an ever-changing world.

#Malkora #TheOwlworks #WorldIceberg

Yonderverse Iceberg of Madness

I made this silly little thing to represent the creepier, spookier, more mysterious side to my world, and the farther down, things get creepier, spookier, and even more mysterious. And in doing so, it made me realise that I need so much more of this! I'd also LOVE to see people make their own versions of this for their worlds!  
  #WorldIceberg #mochievements

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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