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We Walk at Dusk

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, bringing another update to light from the wastes of Vasara. This one has been a long time coming, and I'm very glad it's in a state that I don't hate anymore. My manuscript, Duskwalkers, has been on and off the back burner since February this year, and has undergone so many rewrites and changes that I've lost count. I'm very pleased to say that I have two chapters published and available—Mistakes and Kindred! I hope you all enjoy this project as I continue to develop it (and hope you can access it, it's been a bit squirrely on my end) :D  


  Now that this weight is finally off the mind, at least for a moment, I shall now return to the development of my upcoming sci-fi world—Zenith Protocol. I hoped to have it ready by the end of this month, but Duskwalkers took my attention for the last few days. Perhaps I'll have it ready for the public eye sometime in September. Regardless, I'll be toiling away behind the curtain. That's all from me—as always,   May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!   #Vasara

Treats and Horizons

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, bringing an update to the world at large from the wastes of Vasara. This week I wanted to get a few things out there without beating around the bush too much. So! First thing's first: I've got another short story to add to the 'Entries' category to my world's Compendium—found below. I wanted to write something on the sweeter/lighter side after SC, where many of my entries were uh... bleak? Grim? Let's go with that. Please enjoy: Sweet's Dream! :)
Sweet's Dream
Prose | Aug 20, 2024

Sweet's Sweets caters to everyone—rich or poor! And, apparently, Miss Sweet has fans in high places.

  Next on the docket: I'm expanding my horizons! I've mentioned this a few times to the folks back at home, but I'll go ahead and throw it out to the wolves here as well. I'm planning on starting up a Sci-Fi setting—something that I've never done before. Quite frankly, I'm a bit nervous about writing the genre, but I'm up for the challenge and change of pace! I hope to have that out and public sometime this month.
  Finally, I fully intend to actually participate in the Reading Challenge for this month. However, that's taking a backseat (for now!) to all of the other things I've currently got moving about behind the curtain. I genuinely look forward to going through everyone's SC entries and putting my entry for it together! Before I continue to ramble, I'll wrap things up. Till' the next one,
  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!

Found Copper in the Walls — Just in Time!

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, getting in my 8th and probably final article for #SummerCamp! I released the article for a material resistant to decay, Umbrasilk (originally called Umbersilk) yesterday for my 7th, and today I've hammered out the profession that could be considered dirty—Necromemorian. Both of these can be found below. I think I've only got enough steam for 8 of these bad boys, and I'm happy to receive Copper for my efforts!   I'll definitely be bookmarking, dogearing, etc the one on Necromemorians, as there are a lot of small bits and pieces I'd love to expand upon later. I sure hope everyone has enjoyed their SC experience—I know I have! Now that I've got my personal goal (I forgot to do my HW last month, so no proper pledge, sadly), I'm going to kick back and relax for a bit and read other Anvilite entries to these prompts. Till' the next one;
Material | Aug 2, 2024

The oldest known sample of Umbrasilk is thought to be more than 1,700 years old. And yet, it looks brand new... what an odd material.

Profession | Aug 1, 2024

They say that a raven spirit flies down to collect the memories stored in the items we bury to take back to the Matron. I sure hope so, they truly were good memories...

  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!

Summer Camp - Knocking on Copper!

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, bringing about a few new articles for this wonderful challenge. This time, these documents are for the animal/plant that feeds on decay and author/storyteller/bard prompts. Truth be told, I really wanted to make more for this week's wave of prompts, as they fit #Vasara so well, but time continues to elude me. Regardless, please enjoy the Harrowshade species of fungi and my World Anvil persona, Dawnmaster Smithy! I will admit, my own article is still very much under heavy construction, but I wanted to get it out in time for #SummerCamp — expect updates to it at some point. Happy reading, everyone! I look forward to hitting Copper and being able to relax and read other entries sometime this week. :D
Harrowshade Trees
Species | Jul 27, 2024

It's a haze-filled cesspit! Don't forget your gas masks, gentlemen, lest you end up as mulch!

Dawnmaster Xanorin Smith
Character | Aug 3, 2024

I shall shed light upon the lost secrets of my home, one page at a time.

  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!

Third and Counting!

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, bringing yet another article for this whole #SummerCamp thing to the light. I'm not sure if I'll even make Copper at this rate, but I'll certainly aim for it regardless! This one in particular is for the 'unit dedicated to protecting someone/something' prompt. Got to thinking; a city and its people is a 'something' and a 'someone', right? A sort of police force makes total sense! Anyway, before I start rambling like I often do, please enjoy the Wrought Watch! Till' the next one, folks,  
Wrought Watch
Military Formation | Jul 19, 2024

Policing our industrious people is a heavy burden, certainly not one to be taken lightly! However, this city would be better off without the Stains dragging the rest of us down.

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!   #Vasara

Back in Force!

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, returning after quite the hiatus. Several things have been moving about in the shadows for some time, and I've finally managed to capture some of them! The first article below is my (first!) entry for the #SummerCamp prompt of a region rife with natural disasters; the Kailano Archipelago. Aside from that, I've been hard at work deciphering more of the loose pages of this Compendium that showed up on my doorstep. Below, you'll be able to find both 'Brothers' and 'As Above, So Below', two short stories set in (vastly) different time periods of my Vasara setting.   Edit: I have also included a second article for Summer Camp! This one is for the myth about food prompt; Refined Sugar. Cheers!   I hope you all enjoy these pieces, they took me way too long to bring to the light. I wish to be more active in the future, but only time will tell if that occurs. I do have other things in the works currently, so I should hopefully have those out soon as well. It is truly good to be back, and I hope everyone has enjoyed Summer Camp so far! I've yapped enough, so, until the next one,   May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!  
Kailano Archipelago
Geographic Location | Jul 14, 2024

Tsunamis, whirlpools, and earthquakes; why the people stay here, I'll never know.

Refined Sugar
Myth | Jul 14, 2024

The Sweetsmiths and Sugarmasons of the Bastions would kill to be able to work with true sugar; it's a shame I must keep up the charade.

Prose | Jul 14, 2024

Death never bothered me, I just took it as a fact of life. That is, until I couldn't stop seeing his face in my nightmares.

As Above, So Below
Prose | Jul 14, 2024

I hope the realms our gods inhabit burn, just as ours do now.


The Painter (Finally) Emerges!

Greetings, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, providing a tangible update from the wastes of Vasara! This article has sat on the backburner for quite some time, and I'm very glad to finally have the Painter in a presentable state. Aromon is the character credited with many of the 'artworks' found throughout my articles, and I intend to continue this trend going forward.
  To get it out upfront, yes, I use AI artwork in my articles, and I do credit it as such at the bottom of my articles globally—wanted to clear the air there as I'm presenting an art-forward article! I have neither the time nor skill to produce things like some of the amazing pieces others share here on WA, and prefer to stay transparent in this regard. Anyway, I'm rambling again; please enjoy Aromon Holaralei's character entry!
Aromon Holaralei
Character | May 30, 2024

I've nurtured grand ambitions ever since I could hold a thought, ones that find true expression only through the subtle hues of paint at the end of a brush.

  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!

Short Story Fever

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, bringing another piece of prose from the wastes of Vasara. I seem to be in the mood for short stories lately, as I've made yet another one for the Entries section of my Compendium. This one is definitely more tame than my previous release(s), and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. That's it for this short update and I hope you all enjoy! Till the next one folks,
Prose | May 23, 2024

I sat beside the fire and thought, replaying events of the past over and over in my head. I'm glad I got distracted.

  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!

Gods & Gloom

Good day, everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, bringing a very large update from the wastes of Vasara! I have finally concluded my research into the more holy side of the divine entities that hold sway over the world. I'm very pleased to present; Gods of the Modern Era! It still isn't quite finished, however, as I have yet to include actual iconography of holy symbols for each entity—this will take quite some time.  
Gods of the Modern Era
Organization | Jun 10, 2024

A world created from boredom was never meant to last, of course. It is surprising, then, that the Architects cared as much as they did...

  And, in other revelations, another document has been retrieved from the Institute's archives pertaining to the Gloom! This enigmatic force that has plagued my works since the very beginning now has some much needed context into how it functions. For this very rare double release, I hope you enjoy; Gloom & Its Spawn!  
Gloom & Its Spawn
Physical / Metaphysical Law | May 19, 2024

No light? Take Flight! Don't fight. The monsters that stalk Gloom Clouds bite!

  Of course, other things still continue to shift and move behind the curtain, but those topics are for another day. As always, till the next one,   May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!   #Vasara

Hark, an Iceberg!

Hello everyone! Dawnmaster Smithy here, not bringing an update from the wastes of Vasara just yet (I'm almost done collecting the information for my next article!). I have witnessed the rise of a certain bandwagon-y trend today and just had to join in! Not everything here is written about (yet), but it probably* will be eventually. Till the next one,  

  May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!   #WorldIceberg #Vasara

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured