A7 - Caged Death

General Summary

A7 - Caged Death

1496.AU.20   After the return journey to Neverwinter with Sildar Hall winter, the pair decided to rest in and around the Adventurers Guild. Making the most of the discounted goods, food, ale and the adventurer company. After a few days Sildar appeared at the Adventurers Guild, not wearing his usual armour he was dressed in more common clothes. Sitting at the pairs table he told them under hushed whispers of a threat in the sword coast that has been made public knowledge because of the fear and mass panic it could cause. He told of a necromancer named Uluran Mortis who had arrived at the shores and had been raising the dead from the grave yards. Uluran had last been seen digging at a dragons barrow but was thwarted when the dragons remains were damaged beyond repair.   Sildar has been sending capable adventurers to different area to investigate the threat and rumour of the walking dead. He mentions that some rumours of zombies have been coming from the Mere of Dead Men, a swamp south of Leilon. The pair immediately rise to the challenge and after some quick shopping of supplies they head off down the High road towards Leilon.   After two days of walking along the road the duo arrive at Leilon to see the carpenters and wood workers repairing the walls and buildings inside. Visiting the large tower in the centre of town, the House of Thalivar. The pair speak with the captain of the Guard who confirms there has been sightings of the undead in the marsh and occasional zombie emerging towards the town. He points out roughly where the patrols have seen suspicious activity on a map and bids the adventurers farewell.   Following the road which follows the outskirts of the swamp, the pair come to the point where they cut into the Mere of Dead Men, before stepping in they look closely to see if there are any signs of movement, but all they are met with his half rotten trees, tiny grass islands amongst the muddy swampy waters. Bravely moving in the pair spend hours pushing through the waters looking for signs. Just as they are begin to tire from the endless mud. They see two humanoid muddy shapes struggling through the mud towards them and further behind them another two shapes, jumping from grassy patch to patch.   Both taking aim at the muddy humanoids slowly moving towards them they fire their crossbows striking the now groaning shapes. As the figures draw near they are now clear to see that they are zombies as their skin rots from its bones. One zombie leaving its leg in the mud as it continues crawling towards Jhon. Quickly dispatching the zombies the other two humans who had not been far behind arrive panting explaining they were chasing down the zombies. Draco and Jhon tell the men that they are hunting down the zombies to which they take much interest and invite them back to their temporary base.   After a short walk the pair come upon a half sunken keep. The walls damaged and sinking into the swamp, the roof of the keep very badly damaged. Inside another two men wait around a fire. When Draco and Jhon are introduced there appears to be a lot of interest in the fact they are hunting down the zombies. The men explain that they have been paid by a wizard to round up zombies and keep them in one location. Sensing that something isn't right Draco pushes for more information and finds that the wizards name is Uluarn Mortis. Trying to convince the men that the necromancer will turn on them, Draco and Jhon begin to back away realising that they aren't getting through to the now discovered bandits. Suddenly the men pounce attacking the pair.   Blasting the men with Jhon powerful eldritch blast he gripples on bandit instantly, Draco slicing with his great axe almost chops another in half. Devon, Jhons pseudodragon stings another bandit in the neck. The remaining bandit fearing for his life runs for the gap in the broken wall but is shot down by crossbow and eldritch blast. Now turning their attention to the large keep building they can hear the excited groans of the undead who can smell blood. The heavy barred wooden door bangs as the zombies push against it. Draco wanting to be rid of the zombies unbars the door and it immediately is smashed open by the sea of zombies trapped inside the keep. With quick thinking he sprays his acid breath out to the door, creating a small funnel the zombie must pass through.   Between Jhon and Draco they are able to to kill multiple zombies as they try to push towards the door way. However after a short while they have taken a number of wounds and the vast number of zombie pushing against the door begins to push Draco back. Jhon grabbing logs from the fire begins to throw them up to the damaged roof. The logs rolling down the roof and through the hole. Soon the roof is ablaze. Draco struggling to hold back the zombies utters a rune of Giant strength and his shape grows until he is almost twice the size. Now hold a huge axe he easily cuts down the next few zombies trying to leave the keep. With a mighty swing he aims for the zombie in the door way and as he cuts down he strikes the wall of the keep before splitting the zombie in half. The thunderous strike against the wall causes the now burning roof to collapse down onto the remaining zombies.   With the threat eliminated the pair have time to loot the bandits and inspect the zombies. They note that the zombies all have a skull brand on their foreheads. The bandits carry a small note of instruction to not harm the zombies and that Uluarn intends to raise an army. With this new knowledge they return to Neverwinter and search out Sildar Hallwinter, who confirms that the brands are a sign of his control over the zombies.

Rewards Granted

100 Gold coins are found on the slain Bandits 500 Gold coins are award by SIldar Hallwinter for the information.

Missions/Quests Completed

Investigate the rumours of undead near Leilon. Kill the Bandits employed by Uluarn Mortis to collect the zombies.

Character(s) interacted with

Sildar Hallwinter - Member of the lords alliance and confidant to Dagult Neverember. Yorrum - Captain of the Guard at Leilon

The Big Clear out
Report Date
28 Sep 2023
Primary Location
Mere of Dead Men
Secondary Location

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