A4 - New Acquaintance

General Summary

ACT 4 - New Acquaintance

1496.SU.81   Now on his own Draco heads down the Triboar trail towards the point where Gustaf Stellern AKA Falcon had pointed out the best route into Neverwinter Woods. Not long before nightfall Draco reaches the point and decides to set up his tent, preferring not to head into the woods in the night. Whilst collecting fire wood a human male approaches him and introduces himself as Jhon Thunder-burn. A local from Phandalin, he explains that he is looking for adventure. Seeing an opportunity Draco invites the man to help find the missing boy Everett Abbott.   Early in the morning as the sun is breaking the two men pack up their tent and eat a heart breakfast before disappearing into the woods. The trail is slow going but with Falcons directions the pair make their way to a clearing. Here a deep fog covers a lot of the ground but they can see a damaged log wall and the top of a tower pocking above it. Looking for a better view Jhon climbs a tree and peers into the compound. Inside he see's a large stable, a two story lodge, a burnt down building and a number of animal pens. He also notes that almost ever wall has been damaged and there is access into the compound from ever direction.   Draco suggests circling around the compound as he is wary of the watch tower. The two double back into the forest and head round to the North side, sneaking through the opening into Falcon's Hunting Lodge. Suddenly a black shafted arrow flies from the watch tower to the ground before them. Jhon instantly recognising the arrow as goblin aims and fires his crossbow at the small window in the tower. A faint cry of pain can be heard as another goblin charges from the base of the tower. Jhon quick on the reload and draw fires again and before the goblin makes it halfway across the open ground.   Spending time to search the tower and make sure the goblins are dead the pair then head into the lodge. The once beautiful interior has been trashed and much of the trophies are destroyed. Sifting through the food and debris to goblins startle at the sight of a large armoured Dragonborn booting down the door. This time Draco is a display a mastery with his great-axe cleaves the two goblins killing them outright. However a commotion can be heard on the second floor.   Jhon opting to stay in safety downstairs whilst Draco investigates, reloads his crossbow. Meanwhile Draco sneaks upstairs and rummages through a shelf of oddities. Jhon being impatient decides to follow Draco up and bang on the wall attracting the attention of the noise in the next room. Round from the corner burst a goblin and muscular Orc. Struggling in the narrow corridor Draco takes the brunt of the attacks. In response he breaths his acid breath across both the attackers but they shrug off the pain and continue to fight.   The Orc raging that he goblin is in the way of his quarry picks up the tiny goblin and launches it towards Jhon, however misjudges the through and the goblin tumbles down the stairs. Draco continuing to swing his great axe slices down the chest of the Orc but its determination drives it on still. Meanwhile the goblin recovering from its fall gets back to the top of the stairs only to have Jhon blast it with ice, falling back down the stairs the goblin smashes into frozen body parts. Finally Draco manages to bring the Orc down with a might swing to the head.   After a search of the lodge for Everett the pair move across to the stables. Inside the stench of death meets them as the door is kicked in. Peering from the mound of a horses corpse to goblins charge the adventurers. Jhon eldritch blasts one goblin whilst Draco cuts one goblin in two. Another search of the building reveals Everett hiding in the loft space under hay. Scared and hungry the little boy clings to Jhon and asks to go home.   After travelling back to Phandalin the pair immediately find Gustaf Stellern and show him Everett. Almost as if he is lifted out of a stupor Flacon becomes excited and animated laughing. He thanks the pair and hugs the boy, before leaving Stonehill Inn he calls back he is going home. The following morning after buying some supplies and trading in wears they had found. The three head to Neverwinter to find Everetts mother Grace. When they find the boys mother in the green dragon inn she is overwhelmed to to see him and offers the pair all that she has, two potions of healing.

Missions/Quests Completed

Find and save the yoing boy Everett Abbott, clear Falcon's Hunting Lodge

Character(s) interacted with

Everett Abbott - Young stable boy in the employment of Gustaf Stellern   Gustaf Stellern - Former owner of Falcon's Hunting Lodge   Grace Abbott - Mother of Everett, barmaid at the Green Dragon Inn in Neverwinter.

The Big Clear out
Report Date
28 Jul 2023
Primary Location
Falcon's Hunting Lodge

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