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Book 1: The Wayward Prince

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Vash
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  • Vash
Supporting Cast
  • Duke Adolin Rhineback
    Rhinebeck is one who enjoys the pleasures of court life: drinking, eating, and whoring to excess. Rhinebeck seems greedy. It is his greed to tax Lacot, which led to them being underprepared for siege.
  • Alfred (Dead)
    Hunter of the The Church in Morley. Devoted to the Old Blood. He will not fight humans. He is seeking to fulfill his Oath to exterminate all Vilebloods (vampires).
  • Alpha (Dead)
    He is the alpha of the dire wolf pack living in the mountains of Bleakfront. In the past, he has had poor experiences with humanoids and sees them as greedy, selfish and destructive.
  • Vicar Amelia Vans
    A high ranking member of the Healing Church. Vicar Amelia is a descendant of Lauren Vans and, to whom his Gold Pendant has been passed down.
  • Vicor Amelia Vans
    A high ranking member of the Healing Church. Vicar Amelia is a descendant of Lauren Vans and, to whom his Gold Pendant has been passed down.
  • Master of War Arthur Pendragon
    Waleden's Master of War and father of Ambrose and Thaddeus Pendragon.
  • Ash Darkmore
    A Guardian candidate who seeks to ascend to Guardianship, and whose goal is to end civilization restoring Vash to its natural state.
  • Blaas (Dead)
    Born in the industrial district of the Ferns, Blaas enrolled in Ferntaker Academy at a young age. After almost destroying the world with one of her experiments, she joined Fletcher who expressed excitement for her inventions.
  • Cain
    A little human boy of 8 years of age with olive skin. On his right side, his forearm and hand have been amputated. He has no recollection of his family and has been basically raised by hounds. He’s easily distracted and impulsive, but curious and wise for his age.
  • Chains
    Friendly warforged druid who opened a second mortgage on his house. He heard in a tavern that being an adventurer makes a lot of gold fast. Originally, he worked as a surveyor in Dragonhallow.
  • Lord of Blades Corbeau Cassius
    Cassius is the highest ranking member and leader of the Blades. He is the official bodyguard and advisor to Empress Armstrong. He is also secretly in love with the Empress and devoted to serve her.
  • Delilah Elmsworth
    Delilah, a human cleric, was sent to Sarkonos as a spy for Khar during the Battle of the Borders. She spent two years alongside Lemont Hale before attempting to assassinate him while 9 months pregnant with his child. Lemont killed her.
  • Dorkus Driftwood
    Tormentor of The Great Kalu, Dorkus is a mischievous trickster. A demon who intervenes in the affairs of mortals, usually not in their favor. He often assumes the form of sentient driftwood.
  • Dreg (Dead)
    Originally from an island off the coast of Sarkonos, Dreg's tribe was attacked by Waleden navy. He holds onto a map given to him by his father, which is said to hold the location to a sacred artifact that he is meant to protect.
  • Artificer Drith
    He owns “Drith’s Emporium”. There is a Clone of Drith that runs each emporium in every city. Drith has a heavy focus on quality not quantity.
  • The Crow Eileen
    A hunter from Eldia who has joined the party to hunt the Blood Queen.
  • Eleanor
    Left her home in Rosewatch because she was bored and hated the farming life, Eleanor was rescued by The Great Kalu and Company. She now helps the party with tasks and has been trained in sword play by Thaddeus. A fast learner, she is his best student thus far.
  • Empress Elerra Armstrong
    As current Empress of Sarkonos, Elerra seeks prosperity for her people. She is a well respected ruler and puts the needs of the many before the needs of the few. Her greatest accomplishments include free education for her citizens and the abolishment of slavery.
  • Erik Blackshield (Dead)
    Lieutenant to the Dead King, Erik was banned from Nova Ventis for his practice of necromancy. He joined the Dead King for more power and devised a scheme to raise an army of undead from the South.
  • Esme
    A little human girl of 9 years of age with short cropped brown hair and big green eyes. She was left outside the Church of Ohm when she was 4 years of age as an offering to Ohm. She is very timid and shy so she will always hide, but she is also nimble and fast.
  • First Mate Five
    First mate of the Dreadful Wale.
  • Fletcher Hale
    Fletcher was born among the lowest of the low and when a noblemen killed his mother, he made a deal to get revenge. Now, he's trying to keep his end of the bargain before it's too late.
  • Gaston
    Gaston is strong and handsome. While it is not clear if he considers himself as a good person or not, the villagers of Bleakfront very much do, considering how popular he is with them. His massive ego is not easily missed as he frequently sings songs about his accomplishments (fictional or not).
  • First Hunter Gehrman
    An elderly man bound to a wheelchair, Gehrman is a mysterious man and commonly known as the First Hunter. Gehrman has shoulder-length, grey hair and wears a black hat along with a brown leather jacket and trousers, a tattered mantle and a scarf. He can always be seen bound to an ornate wheelchair and he carries a cane with him. Also, his right foot is missing, replaced by what appears to be a peg leg.
  • Elder Gnarl Gnomeson
    Elder leader of the gnome community in Faraway Forest. He led his people into the forest to escape the war between Khar and Sarkonos many years ago. Him and his people vow to never let their inventions be used for war again. Now, they are longtime inhabitants of Mother Tree.
  • Gnorbert Tinkerpot
    Artificer who designed robots called “Tinkerbots” and traveling suits called “Tinkersuits.”
  • Gunner
    Redneck firearm master from Bilgewater. A mercenary for hire. He has a unique ability to manipulate the energy produced by gunpowder as well as an excellent shot. He rarely misses.
  • Queen Invidiana Klin (Dead)
    Queen Invidiana Klin also known as the Red Queen is the current ruler of Khar. She is known for having an iron will and a love for battle/war. She hates the frivolities of nobility and would rather wear chain mail than a dress.
  • Prince Jalan Klin
    Prince Jalan Klin is 12th in line to the throne of Khar. He describes himself as a "liar and a cheat and a coward, but I will never, ever, let a friend down. Unless of course not letting them down requires honesty, fair play, or bravery."
  • Jenni
    A little human girl of 5 years of age with long blond hair. She has always loved animals and has the unique ability to speak with them.
  • Judge Cork
    He is a true worshiper of Ohm who is fighting against the Sons of the Flame and trying to restore the original meaning behind the Order of Ohm.
  • Julie
    Varrick’s assistant who performs 99% of the spellcasting along with any other crazy tasks. She also has amazing calves.
  • Kaladin Rhineback
    He was imprisoned by Arthur Pendragon for not being a supporter. He was Duke of Lacot before Arthur Pendragon altered the memories of his family and the city, removing him from the picture. He was held at The Tower before being set free by Fletcher Hale.
  • Kora
    A graduate from The University in Nova Ventis. At a young age, she developed strange magical powers that she learned to harness. Her telekinetic and psychic abilities are strong. She has a mysterious affinity for leaches. She is deeply in love with Fletcher Hale.
  • Major Reine Tavington
    A descendant of King Tavington from Arcadia. Her family fled the usurper 300 years ago with the kingdom's wealth. She is the leader of a military unit and under the command of King Sadius. She is loyal to him and believes that he made the right distinction to take power. She does not believe the rumors that King Sadius is using the dark magic of the Dead King to win the war. She is a bearer of Shardplate.
  • Mykull Rheaves
    Siege engineer for King Sadius. He is also the creator of the Battle Balloon. He was captured by the party and "recruited" to aid Sarkonos in the war.
  • Petyr
    A little human boy of 10 years of age with greased back blond hair. He’s tall, lanky and pale skinned. He was abandoned after his mother and father were captured and taken to Fort Joy when he was approximately 2 years old. He is the most unrestrained and undisciplined, but strong and tireless.
  • Lieutenant Pierre
    As an orphan one night, Pierre witnessed Corbeau complete a triple-assassination and was so fascinated by his skill that she decided to follow him. Corbeau , aware of her presence, allowed Pierre to trail him to his base of operations before confronting her. Impressed by her skill and courage in the face of likely demise, Corbeau spared Pierre's life and offered her the opportunity to train with him.
  • Master Pog Whistledust
    Master Pog Whistledust is a member of the Council of Seven in Nova Ventis. He specializes in the School of Transmutation.
  • Scuttle
    Traveling merchant that doesn’t believe in money. He deals only in magical items. He collects magical items in exchange for another magical item or information. His collection is always changing.
  • Chief Snorri Snagerson
    Snorri is a powerful warrior from Grimsey. He is true to his word and puts his friends and family first. He tries to see the good in everyone but, above all, he respects true warriors. His best friend is Jalan and gifted Ambrose with a family heirloom after their battle at the Black Keep.
  • The Dead King
    Deadliest and most powerful necromancer "alive." Most common folk do not believe he exists and say that he is only a myth or legend.
  • High-King Tormin Sadius
    Currently High-King of Khar, Sadius is described as cruel, brutal, but polite. He is most eager for a war between Sarkonos and Khar. He is also a bearer of Shardplate and a Remnant Blade.
  • Archmage Varrick
    Eccentric wizard under the employment of Empress Armstrong. He is the leading researcher in charge of locating the Dead King’s phylacteries.
  • William Stormborn
    Equally at home being called Wit or William, he is a multi-talented entertainer and intelligent man. It is virtually impossible to keep anything from Witt. He knows useful and important things. He always seems to know what needs to be said or done to help and encourage those who need it. He often tells stories to get a point across.
  • Yornis the Talking Skull
    Undead and so old he remembers a time before the Gods. He remained trapped underneath the Grand Library in the Weeping Chamber until his recent release. The rest of his body has turned to dust and all that is left is his skull. He may very well be the last of his race. He wants nothing more than to finish his job as a historian, he wants to record history… all of it.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Thaddeus Pendragon "Umbra"

Faxanadu "Phill"

Ambrose Pendragon

The Great Kalu