The Kidnapping of Atle
General Summary
The players met up and fought off the goblins, getting a few hits on the Bloo-gar and letting one other escape. Atle was taken, and hit with an accidental firebolt by Craig, and the Shieldcaptain was not impressed. Cusra and the Shieldcaptain argued over what the best course of action was, and eventually Barradock and Pimwrick stepped up and offered to fix the situation. Arviel joined when pressured by the village mystic, and Dench was convinced by a money offering. Finally, Craig was sent along by Jana to keep an eye on the situation. The party spent some time buying supplies before heading out. They followed the tracks well, finding the goblin's hidden cave, but seeing as no one spoke goblin they let her escape. Continuing along the tracks led them to a fight with some wolves before the got to the Jirsen. They spoke to the elder for a while, bargaining for their lives, and eventually agreeing to retrieve the warmth. Heading back, they spent a night in a cave, before arriving in Oar's Rest. They told a variety of stories to people, such as:
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Time spent: 2 nights, from the 24th past Feribon to the morning of the 26th.