Chapter 26: Familiar Faces

General Summary

Date: 8th of Eleasis to 11th of Eleasis, 1491 DR

  After a long two month journey the heroes finally returned to Phandalin. They found much of the destruction being rebuilt along with preparations for new buildings on the way. The smithy was restored and was operational, guards were patrolling the town and many new faces passed them by as they arrived to the town square. Many of the villagers greeted the Protectors of Phandalin with reverence. The old ruins of the Tresendar Manor were now raised up and rebuilt, but before the heroes would do anything else, they decided to pay a visit to the townmaster first.   After arriving to the townmaster hall, they were greeted by Sildar Hallwinter, who was happy and surprised to see his old acquaintances again. The heroes recounted their adventures to Sildar who in return brought the Goodfellas back to speed on what had happened in Phandalin. The Lord's Alliance had appointed Sildar to be the acting townmaster and later on would form a Council of Phandalin consisting on three people. The heroes weren't interested in being on the council since they would spend much of their time adventuring. The Lords Alliance planned on rebuilding the ruined town of Conyberry.   Rumors also spread that the Lords Alliance was talking of declaring a war against the giants. Sildar however felt that the giant rampage could be stopped with less bloodshed and was delighted to hear that the Goodfellas were investigating an alternative solution. He also tasked the heroes on clearing out the Cragmaw castle of goblins so that it could be used as a shelter. The heroes agreed and bid farewells to the townmaster, continuing towards their new manor.   They met with Harbin Wester, who was overseeing the rebuilding of Tresendar Manor. Bene signed the document to become the owner of the manor and the heroes suggested some modifications to the layout of the building. The reparations would take a few more days with the changes and Harbin assured that the new inn would be built in no time. The Goodfellas left the former townmaster on top of the Tresendar hill and continued to get some food.   Passing by the new bank of Phandalin, the heroes arrived to the Stonehill Inn where they were greeted by old Toblen. The innkeeper gathered the adventures of the heroes and shared his rumors in return; Beliard was attacked by Hill Giants and was suffering of famine and people were being abducted by Stone Giants to be disfigured into an army of undead. The heroes finally had a hearty meal, where they would listen the tales of Bardy.   After finishing their meal, the heroes decided to rest and recuperate for two days in Phandalin, shopping and training their proficiencies. Nomime reunited with her younger brother and spent her afternoon being taken care of by Mrs. Alderleaf. She took a warm bath and told tales of her adventurers while the children ate freshly baked apple tart.   Bene met with Halia Thornton who filled him up with the changes made in Phandalin. The Seven Snakes had dealt with the Wight of Wave Echo Cave and the Forge Guardian, being now appointed as the sole protectors of the Forge of Spells. Bene also gained a hefty reward for returning the key to Halia. Bene was interested in making smokespowder underneath the Manor and the two talked about making the possibilities of business with Bene's new establishment.   Halia promised to look for information on a person with the knowledge of crafting smokespowder. Bene would in return retrieve an infamous outlaw name Weevil from Xanthral's Keep and bring him back to her. Halia also told that Glasstaff had been very cooperative with the family. They have learned that Nezznar "Black Spider" was a prominent member of the House Xorlannin who has made an alliance with the Fire Giants led by Duke Zalto. They also discovered that the flying castle where Nomimes father might be was operated by humans and not giants.   When they had spent the night, the heroes were summoned by Sister Garaele. She had been busy gathering information from her contacts regarding the giant attacks. The nomads of Savage Frontier, Uthgardt barbarians were waging war against giants and numerous battles were fought in the North. Hundreds of Elk tribe barbarians were slaughtered in Evermoors by the orcs of Many-Arrow tribe led by Brughor Axe-Biter  The runes that the party were investigating in Everlund were believed to be taken from the ancient burial mounds of the Uthgardt tribes. Krowen Valharrow believed them to be ancient weapons of the giants and theorized they might spawn an effect if subjected to the Forge of Spells. Garaele wouldn't like to share the discovery with the Zhentarim, so she asked a favor for the party to venture inside the mines and document their discoveries.   The rescued prisoner Leosin Erlanthar turned out to be an ally of Sister Garaele. He told about his investigation on the newly reformed Cult of the Dragon, how he had ended up in Nightstone and how the cultists were attacking the settlements of the Savage Frontier. Leosin had been willingly taken by the cultists so he could learn more about their plans. He decided to stay in Phandalin to continue his research.   It was time for the heroes to depart Phandalin and venture into Cragmaw Castle. The journey took them a better part of the day and as night gathered, they had arrived to the familiar clearing that surrounded the castle. The Goodfellas planned on how to deal with the castle's occupants and decided to draw them out into the open. Bene and Virion sneaked towards the castle but were hindered by the hidden pit traps that littered the area.     Bene managed to get to the front doors where he made a scene to rouse the castle and ran back to the group. Their plan only drew one goblin, who warily investigated the noises. In order to draw more goblins out, Bene and Bardy used their minor illusion spells to mimic screaming coming from the pits. This in return only brought back the same goblin, who carefully approached the pit traps with its pole. When the goblin realized it had been fooled, it began to retreat inside the castle. Ranvas had the goblin in his sight and fired a shot from his musket, instantly killing the lone goblin. The sound of the gun echoed in the forest, but no other inhabitants came from inside the keep. The heroes were quickly filled with dread.   Bene approached the body and lit up his hooded lantern. To his surprise and horror, he stared into the eyes of Gurbak, the goblin scout who had helped the heroes previously on their journeys. Enraged the party forfeited their plan to draw the goblins out and rushed inside the castle, only to find it empty. They searched every room, but found no one. The main hall however had a pile of treasure with the roof torn off.    They realized quickly that they were standing in front of a hoard. Bardy and Nomime noticed large claw marks above the walls as the heroes tried to come up with a plan. Bene started pulling through the treasure, hoping to find a diamond large enough for them to bring back Gurbak. That's when they heard a loud roar echoing through the canopy. Whatever it was, it was coming towards them. The Goodfellas decided to hole up in the castle instead of staying in the open. They would make their stand in the ruins of Cragmaw Castle. Will the heroes overcome the dreaded encounter with the owner of the hoard or will Castle Cragmaw turn into their tomb?

Rewards Granted

  • 3000 gp (Bene)
  • +2 Renown Zhentarim (Bene)
  • NEW STRONGHOLD: Establishment
  • Diamond worth 500 gp

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Killed the main BBEG

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
18 Jun 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Cragmaw Castle

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