Chapter 21: Moongleam Tower

General Summary

Date: 14th to 16th of Flamerule, 1491 DR

  The Goodfellas teleported to Moongleam Tower, the base of operations for the Harpers in Everlund. After a brief moment of confusion the heroes met the archmage of the tower, Krowen Valharrow who was happy to know the adventurers came on behalf of Darathra Shendrel. They reconvened in the Moonlord's office where the adventurers learned that the giant incursions were happening all around the Savage Frontier. The Harpers have been keeping track of the giants, but have no leads or information that could help the party. Krowen gestured the party to look for Harshnag, a Frost-Giant also looking to the cause of the giant rampage.   Krowen believed that since giants and dragons have had a long history of conflict, the dragons might be somehow involved or responsible for the giant's uprising. The heroes learned about the Cult of the Dragon, a religious organization venerating undead dragons that were disbanded years ago. Their activities have sprouted once more as the giant attacks became more frequent and Krowen mentioned that the cult might be responsible for the disappearances of persons of interest. He tasked the heroes to travel to the Mere of the Dead to learn about the cult's plans, rescue their prisoners or find out where they are.    Since the Goodfellas were eager to help, Krowen offered the assistance of the Harpers. Intrigued by the young wizard and her fast-learned abilities, Krowen gifted Nomime Shandri six spell scrolls to further her knowledge. He also gave insight on the mysterious rune that Virion Mosstrap had in his possession by allowing the monk to peruse the notes taken by another Harper. The heroes gained access to the workshop area of Moongleam Tower where they could perform alchemy or repair their weapons if need would arise. The workshop also had a library section where they could read about the research notes of other Harpers. The grand surprise was the archmages permission to use the Harpers secret network of teleportation circles called the Inner Circle that gave them means to travel to various cities of the Sword Coast in an instant.   After their meeting with the Harpers the party returned to the city and began their downtime before returning to Yartar. They met Tharra Shyndle in the Dreaming Dragon who gave the heroes a gift for saving her and Turlang. She asked the party to accompany her to Jalanthar to where she would meet an old friend. When the adventurers asked about her reason for visit, she told that she was worried about the events that were occurring in Kryptgarden Forest. The forest had been corrupted by something and she heard that the Cult of the Dragon was planning to venture inside the woods. The heroes agreed to partake on investigating the events unfolding in the forest and planned to meet her in Phandalin in a few weeks. Tharra departed from the city afterwards.   The adventurers visited Arran's Apothecary and bought several healing potions. Bene managed to sell the moldy Remove Curse potion to the vendor at a fair price. They gathered up the magic items they had procured during their adventures and sold them to the Dragons Arcana, gaining several new magic items from the shop. When dusk arrived the heroes decided to relax at the Whistling Kettle's hot spring pools, where Bene had a mind-numbing massage and Virion procured magical tea.    The next day Nomime traversed by herself and learned rumors about the giant attacks as well as Harshnag. She transcribed some of the spells she got to her spell book and eventually returned to the Moongleam Tower to meet with the others. Bene, Ranvas and Virion were hard at work, deciphering the numerous experimental notes and journal entries the Harper Zelem had written about the Runes of Ostoria. They got clues on how to use the stones, but would have to venture north to the Spine of the World to gain more knowledge of the power of the ancient artifacts of the old Giant empire.   Later on Bene, Ranvas and Virion tried to find information by asking around town. Bene was looking for a Zhentarim contact but unfortunately gave up after the innkeeper of the Missing Minotaur demanded a ridiculous amount of money for the information. The party picked up Nomime and Roach #1, loitered their wagon behind Danivarr's house and traveled to the Moongleam Tower. The horse proved difficult to maneuver through the various magical portals but after some struggle the Goodfellas managed to squeeze the horse into the room of the Inner Circle. They asked the guard to activate the teleportation circle and after a minute the portal was glowing and the heroes stepped through, their destination: Yartar.

Rewards Granted

  • Tressym pet (Bene)
  • Spell Scrolls (6)

Character(s) interacted with

Storm King's Thunder

Nomime Shandri

Bene Lugosi

Chaotic Neutral Human (Charlatan)
Rogue 1
10 / 10 HP

Ranvas Pahrunath

Neutral Good Triton (Outlander, Pilgrim)
Fighter, Gunslinger 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
12 Feb 2022
Primary Location

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