Hagging a Good time? Report

General Summary

During the last session...   The party went down below the stone structure to where the heavily hinted, coven of hags that kidnaped Eobald  In the basement the party was meant by the sickening aroma of decay and death, there were three middle-aged women and a bubbling cauldron with the smoke from the fire below being drawn into the foul-smelling and looking liquid. The three hags offered some of this soup to the party and Lith went up and took a spoon and was about to dip it in when the other members warned her that it might be toxic. Jok then said something.... I can't remember, but that pissed off one of the hags and they began to attack and chant. Easily taking care of the hags they discovered the beginning of a ritual to summon (insert name here need to make article) a demon from the abyss.   The party managed to dispatch the coven of hags that kidnaped Eobald     After discussing whether or not to complete the ritual it was decided not to. The party gathered up the supplies and printing machine parts and began the trek back to Serpents Pass Village    While doing this they took a few hours to map out this area and then began to set up camp for the evening.    A mediocre site was found, and while Drigg and General Major Flimsy were about to leave to gather herbs jok  looked up and saw three Nuckelavees charging towards the newly set up camp.    During the fight  -Add a memorable thing for (I forgot to write it down last night)    Jordon   Tony   Nel   Eli   Tom     Matt   With deep wounds and varying stages of  Mortasheen disease, the party continued to complete the setting up of the camp for the evening.    Only time knows what new dangers this evening will bring while the Defenders rest...

Rewards Granted

Jaggadbrair hags 30xp Knucklecleaves 90 xp   =120 xp

Missions/Quests Completed

To Ask For Forgiveness

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Report Date
05 Aug 2024

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