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Helgret Hammerstone

Level 10 Mountain dwarf Monk 6 / Cleric 4
/ 93 HP

Played by
Kythorn 30, 1490

Kythorn 1490

by Helgret Hammerstone

Mirtul 29 – Kythorn 08, 1490: In Everund, Studied at the Moongleam tower and Library of the Elders reguarding giants and dragons. Had 10 crossbow bolts and 10 arrows dipped in antimentium for a total of 1000 gp. Learned stone giants can enter a medatative state and they have a special ability that post medetation they have tremor sense as well as they can turn to stone using the great stillness ability. They have been raviging the town of Orlbar. Gray vale valley, Deadstone cleft. Deadstone is sacred to the giants, it has a temple dedicated to their god Skoraeus Stonebones. Steinfang is a magical stalactite. Long grand river. Ask for info at gray veil. Teleported to water deep found out that giants have 5 spells and also got 10 more crossbolt bolts dipped in antimentium for 425 gp. Sold cracked horn for 750 gp to go to the party fund. Traded Remorhaz scales for bag of holding. Diana traded her scales for goggles of night. Purchased an immovable rod for 500gp.
Kythorn 09, 1490: Travel to our keep travel 1.5 days
Kythorn 10, 1490: 3pm arrive at our keep to find the work going well, cost will increase to 6000 gp (increased by 1000 gp) RAIN!!!
Kythorn 11, 1490: Hot and dry, no rain for our trip to Grayvale about 6 hours. Durring the flight a small female brass dragon named Salixia aproaches us. We are informed that the giants we ar heading towards have a pet Rok. Volwin makes a deal with Salixia to fly to Deadstone Cleft so he can get the lay of the land.
Kythorn 12, 1490: Volwin returned from scouting Deadstone Cleft. At night we infultrated the temple and find thane praying. Thanne Kayalithica anamated 2 stone golems. We defeted thane Kayalithica and distroyed Steinfang using adamantine coated weapons and magic, the golems were also defeted. Steinfang exploded and did the party much damage. Collected 500 platnum, 7500 gp, a mithral belt, conch of teleportation, and I collected a stone giant heart. Unexpectedly rescued a rock gnome named Elister Noggins. He ask if we could take him back to his clock shop in Loudwater and he will give us a reward. Something about him is untrustworthy.
Kythorn 13-14, 1490: Air travel to Loudwater to return Elister Noggins back to Loud water and collect the promised reward. Diana and myself stayed on the ship while the others returned the gnome to his shop. I don’t think it is a good idea to leave the ship with unattended strangers on board. Collected a clock worth 1500 gp. We declined his offer to stay abord the ship as a crew mate, as it is not our ship to staff. He is to eagar. We procede to parnast without the rock gnome.
Kythorn 15-17, 1490: travel to Parnast. Found a large fresh crater on one side and a posionous blue mist in the Weathercoat wood forest. Townsfolk are being stolen durring the night. Found out that a creature was taking people called a Tarka, found large clawed foot prints. Outside the town near the woods.
Kythorn 18, 1490: Prep to go to the Weathercoat wood. Got a recipt for the antidote for the blue mist in the woods that causes respiratory issues. Got info from the Husband of the elder known as Hun (short for Honey, she is gone) about two sprites in the forest she worked with to make potions ect. Thornacbuss and Oblivillish.
Kythorn 19, 1490: Travel in to the woods. Fought 7 corrupted satyrs and one corupted blink dog as well as a red cap, we won. Harvested 14 corrupted satyrs horns and one blink dog hide. We burned the red caps cap (the party informed me that it may respawn from the cap). Found the Tarka’s cave. Ventured through the cave, had a hard time passing a fungus spore filled room, then found a gris gris bag in an alter. After the bag was distroyed the coruption of the animals ended. Back to parnast where we were informed Bad Fruul’s attack was imminent. Information came from the SEER, Volwin was with her.
SEER bestows three charges upon us on her behalf and that of the Lords’ Alliance:
· Chandra Stoll is to be protected at all costs (SEER feels bad about Chandra’s involvement as she was not aware of the priestess’s relation to Luistarra or that she would become the object of Narcellia and thus Fruul’s wrath.)
· Determine when Bad Fruul is going to attack and rally the defenses of the town and protect the villagers of Parnast
· Bring Bad Fruul’s headband of intellect to her.
*message from candlekeep “Keep an eye open for anything we don’t already have especially about the headband of intelect, if possible bring back the headband itself.”*
Kythorn 20-23,1490: Prepped town and people for battle. Dug pit falls and trained towns folk.
Kythorn 24, 1490: Bad Fruul attacked. Bad Fruul, Woolly mammoth, 1 Ettin with 1 war chief rider, 1 mantacore with 1 war chief rider, 5 Orcs, 5 goblins, 2 vulchers, 1 red orc raider riding 1 of the vulchers. We defeated them all. Harvested: 1 hill giant heart,2 wolly mammoth(WM) tusk, 4 WM feet, 1 WM hide, 2 Ettin tusk, 25 mantacore (MC) teeth, 20 MC claws, 24 MC tail spikes (10 held by other party members, 14 held by me), 2 war chief skulls, 5 orc skulls, 50 lbs of vulcher (V) feathers, 2 V beaks, skull of a red orc raider. In the fray we lost Volgrim.
Kythorn 29 - Flamerule 01, 1490: Arrive at Readlarch via airship. Looking for the tower of Moog, stopped to ask for directions in a local tavern. NW 1 mile off the road in the direction of Kryptgarden Forest. Rented 2 draft horses for 10 gold each/week and bought a cart for 15 gold, Diana paid for this. On the way to the to the tower Beryl hears a noise and we see 4 ogres in the distance 100 ft off the road and they see us. A battle comenses and we find that they have very little resistance to any wisdom spells or intelegance spells, and they have a movement speed of 40 ft. Diana cast enimys abound and it kept two busty while we battle the other two. Beryl cast toll the dead many times with wonderful effect. All four ogres dies. Upon retrospect we should have questioned them about the tower we seek. An hour later while still traveling on the longroad we see a tower, through a small forrest and over a small bridge. The tower has three gargoils on top. Helgret and Kitsune stay with the cart while the rest of the party invewstigates. The party is met by a giant eaglewho trys to block their way across the bridge. Gildas and Beryl pass the eagleand one of the gargoils from the top fly down and in common said “warning, turn back madousa”. Helgret and Kitsune join the party, we all go inside and find a mirror. Beryl cast heat metal on it and it explodes, out comes a Deathlock. It has resistance to all nonmagical weapons, radiant damage worked it was undead. Beryl cast Dispel curse on the gargoil that tried to keep us from entering the tower. Diana cast greater restoration using her charm of restoration to heal him. His name is Filbreth Failspar and he is a wizard (lvl3) who has been trapped over a century. We take Filbreth back to Redlarch. Durring the next two days Beryl return to the tower to rescue a gargoil a day. We ask around about the madusa that turned the men in to gargoils. Madusa move from the tower after she found arcaina. She found other places to reak havock. Philomela was her name, she once was well connected with the locals when she was human. She was an actress and was rich. She would flaunt her wealth and throw lavish parties at her mansion on the north side of slumber hills, the current forrest there was her original garden and it is filled with a managarie of animals. She had many friends and more false friends, she cought the attention of the demon lord Graz’zt. He was jelous of her and wanted her for himself. She refused him and he turned her in to a Madusa, this happened deccades ago. The second gargoil Oakin Keeneye a Goliath Ranger and the third was a Firbold Cleric Thuiahue Azaki (AKA: Sparklepants Mcgee). We decide to check out the Mansion of Philomela.

Helgret's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Mirtul 1490
    Mirtul 30, 1490
  2. Flamerule 1490
    Flamerule 30, 1490
  3. Kythorn 1490
    Kythorn 30, 1490

The major events and journals in Helgret's history, from the beginning to today.

Post Negro Muerto

03:36 am - 14.06.2020

Post Negro Muerto

10:01 pm - 13.06.2020

Flamerule 1490

Flamerule 01, 1490: Flamerule 02, 1490: Flamerule 03, 1490: Flamerule 04, 1490: Flamerule 05, 1490: Flamerule 06, 1490: Flamerule 07, 1490: Flamerule 08, 1490: Flamerule 09, 1490: Flamerule 15, 1490: Flamerule 17, 1490: Arrive in Redlarch, 20 d...

02:42 am - 04.04.2020

Kythorn 1490

Mirtul 29 – Kythorn 08, 1490: In Everund, Studied at the Moongleam tower and Library of the Elders reguarding giants and dragons. Had 10 crossbow bolts and 10 arrows dipped in antimentium for a total of 1000 gp. Learned stone giants can enter a medatati...

02:39 am - 04.04.2020

Mirtul 1490

Mirtul 03, 1490: Air travel day. It is cooler. At mid day we see young (20 years old) silver dragon named Daliner. She joins us for a while. Mirtul 04, 1490: Arrive at Orlbar. We have never been to our keep, it takes us four hours to find out where we n...

02:35 am - 04.04.2020

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Helgret.

Played by