
A Pathfinder 1e game In the world of Aurorum
7/24/2024 | Full
Supporting Cast
  • Cleven Gemsmith
    Son of Yullen Gemsmith. His father is a member of 'The Council' in the town of Loshev. He was tasked with finding 'Captain Torr'.
  • Kilvan
    A Hobgoblin dockworker/fisherman. He lives in a town where the southern Lathren (a lake in Idir) meets the Al-Bahr (River running through Idir)
  • Martha
    An early 40's human woman who is the butcher in a town where the southern Lathren (a lake in Idir) meets the Al-Bahr (River running through Idir)

Scheduled Sessions

Wed 25th September 2024 20:00

SESSION 6: Pursuit of Freedom

After uncovering Dan’s involvement in a vile group of slave traders, the party learns there are ten members in total, with Dan’s capture removing two from play. Now, they must head downriver to gather more information and dismantle this horrific operation. With Cleven Gemsmith seemingly taken by the group, the urgency mounts. The road ahead is fraught with danger, but stopping the slavers and rescuing Cleven has become their highest priority. Time is running out.

Sessions Archive

18th Sep 2024

SESSION 5: Fox's Cunning

With Dan captured, the party finds themselves trapped in Loshev, unable to leave until they provide the evidence and testimony needed to keep him locked up. The town councilors demand days of delay, but each day puts Cleven Gemsmith in greater danger. The clock is ticking, and the party must find a way to navigate the political red tape, outwit the councilors, and secure their freedom—before it's too late for Cleven.

11th Sep 2024

SESSION 4: Dan's Darkest Secrets Pt. 2

With the revelation that Samir is one of the tattooed villains and proof that Dan may be more than just a pawn in the criminal ring, the stakes rise. The party is left to piece together Dan’s deeper role as a 'mastermind' behind the activity in Loshev. Their search leads them to a set of nearby ruins, where the group narrowly escapes a supernatural disaster. Enough playing in the woods—it's time to head back to Loshev to confront Dan and see just how deep this rabbit hole goes...

4th Sep 2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets Pt. 1

With justice served for Phill’s murder, the party now turns its focus back to Loshev. Their task: to bring Dan, a guard who has been part of the criminal ring all along, to justice. While Koa remains focused and ready for the journey back, Mikhail takes the lead this time, driven by a new clue that might lead to Cleven Gemsmith. The news they've uncovered leaves Mikhail fearing for Cleven's life, adding urgency to their return. Meanwhile, Aldo, shaken and grappling with the weight of having taken a life for the first time, follows with a heavy heart, unsure of how to process this new reality.   The answer is probably going to be found at the end of another bottle... or many others.

28th Aug 2024

Session 2: Lost in the Woods

With their mission chosen—and perhaps a little pressure from the half-asleep council—the party prepares to leave Loshev. Their destination: the shadowed woods on the town's outskirts. Whispers speak of dangers lurking there, but the task is clear—find the ones responsible for Phill’s murder and bring justice to his widow. As they step beyond the town's borders, the weight of the mission settles on their shoulders, the dense forest ahead promising both danger and answers.   Koa, eager for the journey, strides forward with anticipation. Mikhail, focused on the hope of finding a clue to Cleven Gemsmith’s whereabouts, is more than ready to lend his aid. Meanwhile, Aldo, hungover and already nursing another drink, stumbles along reluctantly, forced to join despite his protests.

21st Aug 2024

Session 1: Awakening in Loshev

The midday sun casts long shadows over Loshev as the town hall's bell tolls lazily in the distance. The small, dimly lit chamber is filled with murmurs and the occasional cough as the council—old men and women with drooping eyelids and weary faces—attempts to stay awake. The council members barely notice as the doors creak open, and the townsfolk, along with a few outsiders, file in after the midday break.   Rumors and strange occurrences have been stirring on the outskirts of Loshev, prompting the council to call this meeting. However, with the council members half asleep and the townsfolk growing restless, it becomes clear that if anything is to be done, it may fall to the newcomers to take the lead...

Read the Report
7th Aug 2024

SESSION 0 - Awakened to Trouble

Koa Attila woke to the creak of old wood and the low grumbling of an angry voice. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he found himself sprawled in a hayloft, the early morning light streaming through the gaps in the barn walls. His hand instinctively moved to the hilt of his sword as the barn door swung open, revealing a stern-faced farmer, pitchfork in hand.   Keeping his breath quiet, Koa quickly gathered his gear and hoisted himself onto his horse. The farmer’s footsteps grew closer, but Koa was already leading his horse out the back, slipping away unnoticed. As the sun began to rise, he rode off into the morning mist, leaving the farmer to his own discoveries as Koa readied for whatever adventure the day might bring.

31st Jul 2024

SESSION 0 - Echoes of a Lost Night pt. 2

Aldo has finally found a place to stay in this new town. Loshev doesn't seem so bad after all. With a bit of luck—and some skill at cards—he might manage to secure both coin and drink in abundance. Now, it's time to explore and see what this town truly has to offer.

31st Jul 2024

SESSION 0 - Echoes of a Lost Night pt. 1

Awakening in the middle of the night, teetering between drunk and hungover, Aldo's head throbs violently. The room spins as he tries to gather his bearings. To his dismay, he realizes he is not alone in bed. A stranger lies beside him, their features softened by the dim light, but their name eludes his memory entirely.   As Aldo scans the room, he spots a note on the nightstand, a mysterious key in his pocket, and an unfamiliar dagger tucked in his boot. He knows something significant happened, but the details are lost in the fog of his intoxication....

24th Jul 2024

Session 0 - Notes in the Wild pt. 2

Mikhail found himself in a town where the locals mistook him for a villain known as 'Krelene's Vengeance,' an ominous figure described as a "10-12ft orc" named Orsugo, wreathed in fire. After some convincing, the townspeople were reassured and Mikhail began aiding them in cleaning up the horrors left behind by the supposed Orsugo. In the process, he made friends and is now ready to set out for Forven. There, he hopes to finally track down the thieves and recover his lost belongings.

24th Jul 2024

Session 0 - Notes in the Wild

As the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the sprawling meadows of Idir, a lone bard rides in the back of a wagon down the winding path. He's strumming his lute to a gentle tune that mingles with the whispering breeze. This evening marks the beginning of his journey, one that promises adventure, discovery, and the unearthing of ancient secrets. With each note, he reflects on the tales of old. The songs of heroes and smell of musty tomes having long shaped his dreams.

Read the Report
In the untamed wilderness of Idir, where ancient forests whisper forgotten secrets and rivers carve through lands littered with wild animals, the first chapter in Aurorum's history is about to begin. Three adventurers, drawn together by fate, embark on a journey. They will delve into ancient lore, unraveling curses that have plagued the land for centuries, uncovering truths long buried and facing challenges that will test their resolve.   Idir's verdant expanse, dotted with ruins of forgotten civilizations and teeming with dangerous creatures, holds both peril and promise for those brave enough to seek its hidden treasures. The adventurers' quest will not only shape their destinies but also the future of Idir itself, as they navigate a landscape steeped in mystery and magic.

This story is told by

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The Protagonists

Koa Attila

Mikhail Kethrel
