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Koa Attila

Campaign & Party

Idirian Explorers

Koa Mikhail Aldo
Run by Daelric
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The major events and journals in Koa's history, from the beginning to today.

SESSION 5: Pursuit of Freedom

06:40 am - 19.09.2024

SESSION 5: Pursuit of Freedom

01:08 am - 19.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets Pt. 2

05:13 am - 12.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets Pt. 2

01:04 am - 12.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets

05:37 am - 05.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets

01:19 am - 05.09.2024

Session 2: Lost in the Woods

03:49 am - 30.08.2024

Session 2: Lost in the Woods

03:49 am - 30.08.2024

We're off to kill some bandits, some wonderful bandits of Oz. Reviewing the notes in the case the captain gave Koa, the crew finds out that the case is probably waterproof for one, but also that Malik (koa's first kill is in there along with four other names: Jasir, Samir, Zahra, Layla. None of these 4 are native to Loshev. Samir looks like he could be the archer, but not 100% sure. Samir and Zahra are hunters/trappers, Jasir is a tradesman, Layla profession unknown. Aldo remembers Layla, who was sitting on Dan's (guardsman) lap when he was in jail. Moving into the woods close to Loshev, the journey does not start well with Aldo putting on an awful disguise and Koa not navigating very well... Mikhail and aldo put on a good show and the next day wet weather seems to be on the horizon. Koa leads the group southeast after a rough first day of travel, hoping to find the bandits even today. Ground is wet, moldy, etc and the group hurries to escape the wetness. Koa and Aldo seem to be worse for wear after passing through the wet part. Aldo kills a deer so the guys have meat. Eventually they come across the trail of the bandits and move slowly down the trail trying to find them. The group comes upon the bandits' old camp, where they find a trap and evidence the bandits were here last night. The group moves out after them at a quick pace and finds them while Koa and Aldo deal with fatigue. A battle ensues, with Aldo killing Zahra and wounding Jasir, with Koa killing Samir and avenging Phil. Aldo yells out for Layla to surrender, and she steps out unarmed agreeing to do so. Jasir is also revealed to be the man who robbed Mikhail during his ep 0

05:56 am - 29.08.2024

Session 1: Awakening in Loshev

06:21 am - 22.08.2024

Phil still dead. Boooo. Council chambers stone, but look like they have a metallic shimmer to them. Koa waits hours for his chance to speak to the council. hears a drunk grandstand the council and try to convince them of corruption in the guard (aldo). Koa tries to refuse payment from phil's family, goes to council meeting where he hears about the bandits and possible corruption in the guard, a council members son has been kidnapped, etc. Ultimately meets mikhail and aldo and agrees to paid job to track down bandit remnants of the group who had attacked him. Koa is skeptical of both mikhail and aldo, but especially aldo's ability and willingness to go on the mission. Philipa gives Koa silvery potion of magic weapon and another healing weapon. also gives box with compass inside.

05:22 am - 22.08.2024

Here we go for real

01:00 am - 22.08.2024

Session 1: Awakening in Loshev

12:54 am - 22.08.2024

SESSION 0 - Awakened to Trouble

05:50 am - 08.08.2024

Brindle the bartender in Ridh. Perendel military horse outside of the tavern, tavern old and worn. Depressing old Peren military man heading to haudh gwenn hints that serving in the peren military wasn't worth it. name Leone. merchant at the tavern, Phil wants an escort to Loshev, due west from Ridh trip goes mostly smooth at first, large fire to the north, possible military passing south later on. notice phil's wagon is made of darkwood. daughter showed Koa some butchering techniques with "magical" knives. Phil killed by bandits, 1 of 2 killed, had rusty short sword. hands clean under the nails. 3 arrows recovered, 2 intact and one broken.

05:29 am - 08.08.2024

Just another day in Idir

12:59 am - 08.08.2024

SESSION 0 - Awakened to Trouble

12:57 am - 08.08.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Koa.

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