Mikhail Kethrel

Campaign & Party

Idirian Explorers

Koa Mikhail Aldo
Run by Daelric
Played by
Sir Kiken

The major events and journals in Mikhail's history, from the beginning to today.

SESSION 5: Pursuit of Freedom

06:40 am - 19.09.2024

Stash 1: 5 gold, 11 silver, 2 moonies, 2 gems, 1 "skeleton" key. Dan's Home: Small parcel w/herbs. Loose floorboards has 4 swords belonging to the guard, worn down a bit., 12 pennies. Nathan Fox wants to join the Council, he plans to lock down regulations on trade so what is imported and exported is more controlled and helps to clean up the in Loshev. We eventually got Westwood to retire definitely without any amount of force or duress required. We absolutely didn't have to use a healing potion on him. Anyway, he died later that night after officially resigning. Constable says he can help us get a boat downriver. He says that Westwood (they/them) (one of the council) should step down from the council so he can step in, that would help us expedite our case. Alex Westwood had direct correspondence w/people in Haud Gwen who were linked to people in slave trade, who were linked to Meshtez. Apparently Trinity spoke kindly of me so I should probably talk to her at least one more time before we leave town. Someone in Haud Gwen received a shipment and is expecting it by the end of the month.

06:32 am - 19.09.2024

SESSION 5: Pursuit of Freedom

01:08 am - 19.09.2024

Crappy notes today. Dock, hollow hole, Dan keeps his cut. Fishing spot, log w/mushrooms, keeps his second stash (keef) Got paid off the last catch that was made. One of the crew came by, found a couple people travelling this way, grabbed them. Gemsmith's son outside of haud gwen, for trading Outside of a cave, underground. One of the warehouses, take payment to not ask questions. Some just pay, just store. Head south to Meshtez Captain Torr, Sumir, Deccan (dropped off the Amultese people) works the mountain trails, most recent "shipment".

05:27 am - 12.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets Pt. 2

05:13 am - 12.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets Pt. 2

01:04 am - 12.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets

05:37 am - 05.09.2024

SESSION 3: Dan's Darkest Secrets

01:19 am - 05.09.2024

Session 2: Lost in the Woods

03:49 am - 30.08.2024

Session 2: Lost in the Woods

03:49 am - 30.08.2024

18th of Lindra, AYR 671 ^ same day as the finish of previous notes. On the papers there are 3 masc and 2 fem, 1 is [b]Malik[/b] who Koa has already killed. He's got a bit of a reputation in Loshev -his hometown it seems- as a troublemaker. Mid-to-late 20's. The other 4 are people he's known to have spent time with. They are not native Loshevi? [b]Jasir:[/b] Tradesman [b]Samir:[/b] Hunter/Trapper [b]Zahra:[/b] Hunter/Trapper [b]Layla:[/b] No known profession. Layla, according to Aldo, is Dan's paramour. At the very least he saw her with him. He didn't elaborate but that makes her a bit more valuable to capture. I revealed to the other two that I can use magic. We passed through a region of the woods that seemed to dampen our gear and our rations. Thankfully, our papers stayed dry in the scroll case. It has become obvious that that area has something going on with water. Our waterskins were filled with water that reminds me of the fresh mountain spring water back home. Amazing. 22nd of Lindra, AYR 671 We've found a camp where the bandits were, thank goodness it's actually warm! They're close. We managed to push on during the night and found their most recent camp. Four of them. Layla apparently spotted one of us and ran off early. Koa took down the archer as they wouldn't surrender and [b]Zahra[/b] tried to lash out. Aldo...is a very good shot. She's dead and so is [b]Samir[/b]. [b]Jasir[/b], it turns out...is good old "M'boy". Koa and Aldo got [b]Layla [/b]to surrender. Now we've got some time to talk.

06:07 am - 29.08.2024

Travellers from Forven to Loshev are a bit spooked. I met Vira, another guard -apparently a leader I'd later learn was named Tariq al-Mahir-, and Khalid. I was able to speak with Khalid for a while, apparently a bandit attack occurred recently. 4th one in 2 months. A good guard with the crew killed one of the assailants. Khalid tells me more about Loshev, lots of commerce and trade deals with much larger settlements. I'm able to make a bit of a deal to play during the evenings to reduce the cost of rooms. Even better, Khalid says around noon I have a reason to visit the council, they'd be interested in knowing what I saw on the road. The council meeting went...interestingly. A man accused of being violent and disturbing the peace was on trial, Aldo, was speaking to his encounter with corruption. He mentioned tattooed men, I was able to speak up after some time and press that information. The men he saw meeting with the guard, Dan, were the same that abducted Kliven Gemsmith. I decided to speak up on his behalf and then speak with Kliven's father. He's asked me to join Koa to root out the bandits to the east to gain some trust with them. After which, if they prove to be competent, he'll hire us (or perhaps just me?) to try and rescue his son. Aldo is going to be a handful. Clearly he has a drinking problem...or we can call it a stopping problem. He drinks very well. While I'm not so convinced about Koa's ability to navigate the woods, he got a flawless compass. I feel better about that. We head south now to go after the bandits in the east. Five of them maxiumum, one gold each and then one gold per head if we capture them alive. To keep Aldo on, I had to offer half my spoils, but that's not such a terrible price. I've made do with less.

06:56 am - 22.08.2024

Session 1: Awakening in Loshev

06:21 am - 22.08.2024

Session 1: Awakening in Loshev

12:54 am - 22.08.2024

Session 0 - Notes in the Wild pt. 2

04:00 am - 27.07.2024

Session 0 - Notes in the Wild pt. 2

03:58 am - 27.07.2024

Session 0 - Notes in the Wild

03:48 am - 27.07.2024

Session 0 - Notes in the Wild

03:46 am - 27.07.2024

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Mikhail.

Played by
Sir Kiken