S1: Awakening in Loshev

General Summary

The team planned a mission to capture bandits in the woods, addressed corruption within the city guard, and engaged in light-hearted conversations about personal experiences and challenges. Throughout the session, they also covered emotional impacts of character loss and told the occational low brow joke.  

Next steps

• Koa, Mikhail, and Aldo to travel east into the woods to hunt down bandits.
• Koa to lead the group using his knowledge of the woods and the compass.
• Koa to report back to Philippa about the mission outcome.
• Mikhail to assist with combat using his rapier.
• Mikhail is responsible for the return of Aldo.
• Aldo to use his crossbow and other skills to help the group.
• Aldo to complete this task to earn his freedom from charges.
• The group to capture bandits alive, if possible, for extra gold reward.
• The group to use the map and info provided by Constable Tariq to track the bandits.
• The group to be cautious of potential ambushes in the woods.
• The group to investigate any connections to the abduction of Cliven Gemsmith.
• The group to return to Loshev after completing the mission.


Traveling in Hostile Environments:
The team discussed various scenarios and challenges related to traveling in a hostile environment, including the dangers of lone travel, the risks of entering unfamiliar towns at night, and the potential for attacks by bandits. Additionally, they encountered various characters, including the town guard from Loshev who offered to escort Mikhail to safety. The team also discussed the economy and population of Loshev, with the DM suggesting that Mikhail could potentially reduce his stay costs by playing music for the inn's guests.  
Discussion of the Emotional Impact of Loss
Scott and Wade discussed the emotional impact of Philomena's father's passing, with Scott describing her as more subdued. Wade shared his own experience of loss and expressed Koa's remorse for his role in this tragedy. They talked about how distraught Philippa was, whose efforts grew weaker due to her emotional state.  
Abuse, Corruption, and Testimonies
The DM described the Loshev market area, including the Town Hall, which is set in a unique stone building. The Town hall has a council chamber with 11 elderly members deliberating. The DM vividly described to Aldo the character's poor condition in a cell and their interactions with inmates like Tony. Later, the Aldo discussed charges including against Aldo, a guard named Dan, and accusations made against an unnamed individual which a whip shapped tattoo.   Aldo really did press the issue of corruption and abuse of power within the city's guard, urging the council to investigate and restore fairness and accountability. Additionally, they discussed encounters with groups from Ravenhold and the need for more testimony regarding a suspicious incident involving Mikhail's... acquaintance, 'Captain Torr'. Lastly, Koa was offered the opportunity to serve the Phill's family and provide justice. Mikhail also offered his services to assist in the investigation.  
Bandit Hunting and Broken Shields Meeting
Scott assigned Aldo to accompany Mikhail in capturing bandits in the woods, despite concerns about their capabilities. Koa agreed to guide them to prevent getting lost. The group planned to meet at 'Broken Shields' to discuss further, with Aldo reluctant due to the town's corrupt authorities. Someone was covering their activities' costs in the woods.   The team planned to leave for the mission the next morning after meeting at the Broken Shield Tavern, a local establishment known for its rowdy atmosphere. Concerns were raised about Aldo's competence and loyalty due to his past experiences, but Koa offered to assist him if needed. The group discussed the customary payment for freelancers and the possibility of Aldo's involvement in the task. Koa was given two potions, a healing potion and an Oil of magic weapon, to aid in their journey.  
Supplies and Compass Discussion
Constable Tariq arranged for Mikhail to receive provisions including; bandit details, sketches, four wineskins. and a donkey named 'Aldo' for his journey, while Koa and Mikhail discussed their concerns about Aldo's usefulness and potential as a distraction. Lastly, they discussed a mysterious device that Mikhail had been examining, and the value and usefulness of a compass on their journey.

Report Date
21 Aug 2024
Primary Location

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