Session 226 - The Stairs of Grief Report | World Anvil | World Anvil

Session 226 - The Stairs of Grief

General Summary

15th to 29th of Nuzyael (First Month of Spring) 725TR

The story so far

Sabretooth is a human appearing Ivashu, one of the god Ilvir's finest creations. He is wandering the world seeking to understand himself, his god, and his friends and do good.

He has returned to the City of Tashal and visited old friends at the Church of the Yellow Hand.

This is the continuation of Session Session 223 - Storm Drain.

Location - City of Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.

Part 1 - Orc of Huxuth

Sabretooth spends the winter among his friends at the Church of the Yellow Hand. As he and Edmynd prepare to leave the Kelapyn Seer (high priest), Yrech Sturil asks him a favor.

One of the pilgrim routes to Araka-Kalai passes by Huxuth, an aggressive Orc kingdom. These orcs have blocked the passage from the Kingdom of Orbaal. Sabretooth is asked to see what he can do to help the situation. The Cleric asks Sabretooth to scout out the Orcs and looks at ways to eliminate the threat. He suggests asking local Ivashu, such as Hru, to help out.

Edmynd would also like to visit the Needles of Nyr, the ruins of an old monastery that he wants to re-establish.

Location -Western Hills in-between the Kingdoms of Orbaal and Kaldor.

Part 2 - Wolf Pack

As the characters camp for the night, they spot yellow eyes in fading light. A large hunger wolf pack is circling the characters.

Sabretooth, wanting to avoid bloodshed, used his ring of Animal Friendship and attempted to avoid becoming dinner. The wolves are dismissive of his attempts to feed them Good Berries. They want fresh meat. Edmynd is looking particularly tasty. However, Sabretooth's animistic nature appeals to the Alpha, and soon they come to an understanding. Sabretooth will hunt with them. He joins the pack in a successful hunt and makes new friends.

The wolves are told there will be many dead Orcs in the mountains soon if they want an easy meal.

Location - The Stairs of Grief in the North of Misyn in the Felsha Mountains.

Part 3 - The Stairs of Grief

The most hazardous part of the journey is along the infamous Stairs of Grief. Many a pilgrim has been lost in this narrow pass. Hungry Griffins hunt and attack. A large beast has to be killed before the smaller ones are driven off. Also unexpected are a pack of Ogres. They cause much mayhem on the narrow pass, with the heroes battling in the opening of a small cave, but they are soon killed—no match for Sabretooth.

The cave is a former waypoint for pilgrims of Ilvir, so Edymyd and Sabretooth decide to clean it up. But to their surprise, they spot something extraordinary. An Aklash encased in a thick layer of yellow mucous. Edymyd says that he didn't know Aklash hibernate over winter, so the pair decide to leave it alone.

Part 4 - Scouting

At the peak of the mountain pass, Sabretooth decides to do some scouting. He uses all of his mountain craft and sharp senses and seeks out the Orcs of the Kingdom of Huxuth to gather as much intelligence as possible. He wanders far too close and encounters two large hunting parties, which causes some problems. One group they encounter is close to the cave with the Aklash. The combat noise is too loud, and it awakens from its slumber. However, Sabertooth peacefully directs it away, and as it breaks its fast on the freshly killed Orc bodies.

Sabretooth learns the Kingdom of Huxuth has a massive number of Orcs, possibly up to five thousand warriors, and they are waring with the nearby Orc Kingdom of Jobasa. He also learns of several hidden entrances into Huxuth. So with this in mind, Sabretooth decides to do what he can to get the Orc Kingdoms to destroy each other.

To be continued.

NPC Interactions

Yrech Sturil, Kelapyn Seer of the Order of the Yellow Hand.

Challenges Overcome

Befriended a Wolf Pack.

Killed or drove off 2 x Griffins.

Killed 25 x Orcs in 3 encounters.

Created Contact

Nothing this week.

Related Reports

City of Tashal.

Order of the Yellow Hand.

Temple of Ilvir - Church of the Yellow Hand.

Player Character Status

Sabretooth - Unique Ivashu - Level 8 Beastmaster Barbarian, L3 Monk, and L1 Druid of Ilvir.

Children of a Barren God - Campaign Complete
Report Date
29 Mar 2022
Secondary Location
City of Tashal

NPC Companions


Sabretooth's Ivashu Companion.

Ringo, art by Attacus


A stoned Priest of Ilvir who Wants to reform the ancient Order of Nyr.

Edmyn, art by Simon Zhong

Order of the Yellow Hand

Yellow Hand CoA, Art by Attacus

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