Temple of Ilvir - Church of the Yellow Hand Building / Landmark in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Temple of Ilvir - Church of the Yellow Hand

The only remaining temple of the mysterious Order of the Yellow Hand once the dominant religious organization in Eastern Hârn.

The temple also functions as a hostel for pilgrims to Araka-Kala, and its Priests produce brilliantly illuminated holy books and manuscripts.

The Yellow Hand Priests believe that in the ruins of the City of Kelapyn-Anuz, of which the City of Tashal is built over, hides the holy book called the "The Scant Illumination of Vision." This book hidden by Lothrim the Foulspawner around 600 years ago, is said to contain many ancient secrets pertaining to the God Ilvir's citadel of Araka-Kalai and planer travel.

Clerics of the Order periodically descend into the catacombs beneath the city in search of the lost tome, which occasionally brings them into conflict with thieves and the much more dangerous Assassin-Priests of Naveh.

Temple Leadership

Yrech Sturil, Highpriest, Art by Attacus
The Kelapyn Seer (Grandmaster) Yrech Sturil leads the temple. He is a well-respected administrator and teacher.

Temple Membership

The temple's membership is in decline. It only houses about a dozen priests with no acolytes. However, it is currently recruiting.

Acolyte Goat, art by Playground AI
One recent recruit is the eccentric alchemist only known as Goat. He specializes in making alchemical products using Ivashu parts as raw materials.


The temple is poor but has a few holy treasures, including several of Faragen Figurines, including the Miuruca Idol.

Temple Features

The temple has a hostel, infirmary, scriptorium, and hall of rituals. It also has a large pit filled with variations of flesh-eating fungi and a trapdoor allowing access to the subterranean passages. This specially bred Violet Fungi effectively guards the entrance to these tunnels. The Order has created a foul-smelling alchemical perfume called the Fragrance of Veldarell, which repels these fungi allowing the priests safe passage but deterring enemies.

Alternative Names
Church of the Yellow Hand
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Order of the Yellow Hand

Yellow Hand CoA, Art by Attacus

Miuruca Idol

Miuruca idol, Art by Attacus

Appearance: This is 1/2 ft tall statuette in the shape of the crocodile-like Miuruca emerging from water carved from jade-like greenstone, available only to devoted worshipers.

Infusion: You grow webbed fingers and toes with muscles boosting your ability to swim. You gain the ability to hold your breath underwater for 30 minutes and a swim speed equal to your movement rate. Any natural weapons you may have will function without penalty in water.

Duration: The person attuned rolls d20 for the number of infusion points gained. 1 infusion point is consumed per hour of use.

Fragrance of Veldarell

A foul-smelling alchemical concoction. Violet Fungi are repelled by this odor; however, Stealth Skill checks are made at disadvantage.


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