The Jungle's Claw #020

General Summary

Game Date: 24th day of the Crow, Year 13944   The party found themselves in dire straits amidst the ancient temple ruins in the dense jungles of Nolavor. Thronn and Meat-Beak lay unconscious, still suffering from the effects of a potent poison from their previous encounter. Fouk remained hidden in an alcove while Gherman faced off against a group of Mistwatch reclaimers who had entered the ruins.   The reclaimers were led by a formidable female dragonborn gladiator named Tuurkidrax, flanked by a tiefling assassin, a half-elf ranger, a halfling rogue, and an elven druid. Enraged, Tuurkidrax demanded the party hand over the elder tree stag antlers they had acquired.   Gherman attempted to intimidate the reclaimers, taunting them and boasting of his recent kill of a saber-toothed tiger. However, his words only served to further provoke Tuurkidrax's fury. She ordered Gherman to throw her his pack containing the antlers, but with Thronn incapacitated, the party was at a disadvantage.   From his hidden position, Fouk coated the Peake dagger with lethal wasp venom using a venom gland. With a well-aimed throw, he hurled the dagger at the injured half-elf ranger. The poisoned blade struck true, embedding itself between the half-elf's eyes and killing him instantly.   The half-elf's sudden death sent the white-haired elven druid, seemingly his lover, into a hysterical frenzy of grief and rage.   Gherman charged directly at her, leaping over the water separating them. Invoking his Form of the Beast, he savagely bit elf's face twice, inflicting severe wounds. However, as Gherman was preoccupied with the elf, Tuurkidrax seized the opportunity to attack him with her greatsword, badly injuring the already poisoned goliath. It was at this moment the elf-druid transformed into a saber-toothed tiger, taking the very form of the creature whose pelt Gherman wore.   In a desperate gambit, Gherman grappled Tuurkidrax and dragged her into the murky pool of water in the center of the ruins, attempting to drown her. Pinned beneath Gherman and weighed down by her plate armor, Tuurkidrax unleashed her lightning breath. The electric blast surged through the water, grievously wounding both herself and Gherman.   This proved fatal for Gherman. As his lifeless body sank into the depths,Turrkidrax pulled herself out, severely injured but alive. Gherman's death sent ripples through the party, unsure of how to proceed without their formidable ally.   Meanwhile, Fouk continued his assault from the shadows, utilizing his levitating dagger possessed by the bloodthirsty shamanic spirit Peake, to confuse and demoralize the reclaimers. The tiefling assassin and halfling rogue attempted to aid Tuurkidrax but were hampered by Fouk's tactics and their own wounds.   Fouk then critically wounded the druid in saber-toothed tiger form with a well-placed arrow, causing her to revert back to her original elven form as she collapsed dead.   The party's circumstances were grim. Thronn and Meat-Beak remained unconscious while Gherman lay dead in the water. Though the reclaimers' numbers had been thinned, the wounded Tuurkidrax still posed a deadly threat. Fouk, unharmed, remained the party's last line of defense. Their future was uncertain, with untold dangers still lurking ahead in the treacherous jungles of Nolavor.

Rewards Granted

Treasures and Items Found: No new treasures or items found in this session.   Consumed Items:   One Wasp Venom Gland used by Fouk to poison a dagger.   One day’s rations of food and drink consumed.   XP Awards:   XP TRACKER   Combat and Strategy: 1200 XP each for the intense battle with the reclaimers.   Role-Playing and Sacrifice: 800 XP each for Gherman’s dramatic death and the party’s tactical maneuvers.   Creativity and Use of Resources: 600 XP each for innovative use of items and abilities.   Notes for Follow-Up:   Investigate the specific abilities and lore of the Mistwatch reclaimers.   Review the tactical advantages and weaknesses displayed during the session for future encounters.   Explore potential new character introduction for John in the next session.

Dead Gods

Fouk Shadim

Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP


Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
Barbarian 4
45 / 45 HP
Report Date
31 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Kanonos Region

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