Session 28: The Haunting In Hennessey Report

General Summary

You brought your first shipment to your new warehouse and did a cursory glance of what you have to work with. The main floor showed promise for a new brewing trade, perhaps picking up where the Hennessey company left off. The second floor was more of an enigma. You were unable to take full inventory on the floor as one of the doors seemed to be heavily sealed from the outside. Martin d'Jorasco surmised that the door lead to an aging room where barrels would rest for extended periods of time. The seal on the door appeared to be very effective as a mist inside the room did not escape until you started making holes in the doors.   Eventually you made your way down the rickety elevator to the first floor to prepare for the second load. An unfortunate mishap dropped you in the basement. The basement seemed to be infested with spiders, and some other sort of horror which had hands that grasped at you from the walls themselves. It was a long fight, but you managed to put the creatures down without loosing anyone on your side. Now to figure out how to get out of the Basement.

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