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The Ghosts of Saltmarsh

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Ghosts of Salt Marsh
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Anders Solmor
    The youngest member of the council by a long shot, Anders is still quite brash and inexperienced. His mother recently died and as a result he inherited her entire fleet of fishing vessels. Though, he has already spent quite a bit of money trying to improve the lives of the townsfolk. He is sunny and optimistic, and always assumes the best in people.
  • Eda Oweland
    She is the senior member of the Town Council, and a merchant force in her own right, owning 3 large fishing vessels. She is known as reliable, and has sacrificed much for her home.
  • Eliander Fireborn
    Known as a very capable man, Eliander is a war hero, making a name for himself driving the horrors of the Dreadwood back from the settled lands. He is fluent in many languages, and is often called upon to assist with translation.
  • Gellan Primewater
    Gellan is the richest man in Saltmarsh, making his fortune apparently through his textile and lumber exports. He is known as cunning, but the town loves him due to the lavish parties he often throws, inviting everyone.
  • Manistrad Copperlocks
    The leader of the newly established dwarven mining operation, and she is convinced that the veins of silver in the cliffs around town are indicative of much more valuable minerals deeper in the rock. She is mean with an axe, has a reputation as a competent leader and has a knack for pulling off impossible jobs. She occupies an awkward place on the council, having been placed there by the crown as a representative for the newly arrived dwarven community.
  • Skerrin Wavechaser
    Anders' faithful and observant butler, he appears dispassionate but takes a protective stance toward Anders. He is tall and lean, and speaks in the precise, measured statements of a man with a keen eye for detail.
  • Trynn Elkhart
    Fierce, Territoral, Serves Nature. Druid of great potential.
  • Private Willem Stoutly
    A private in the Saltmarsh Guard, the first day was just a bit too eventful for the poor lad.

This story is told by

The Protagonists