Session Twenty Five: A Parade of Emotions

General Summary


As everyone turns in for the night, Griff bids Emir "good night and have fun" as Emir heads upstairs. Griff then goes down to the tavern and helps Celine lock up, clean up and also decorate for the next day.   When they both return to Celine's abode a while later, all they can make out are hushed tones from Cissa's small room. But neither of them were really focused on hearing what was being discussed anyway...   After having said their "hellos", Cissa and Emir are sitting in bed, catching up. Leaning against him, Cissa sighs and says, "I'm glad we at least have this short time together"  

Cissa and Emir

Readying themselves to goodbye again, the two discuss a few things before going to sleep.   The Concert
Cissa had initially intended to play at the end of the month in Fairhaven and had invited Emir to join her in their first public performance together. However, due to the events of the last few weeks, the concert will need to be cancelled.
The two decide that they should, at least come up with a song list together. That way, should it be clear to them when they'll see each other for longer than a few days, they would be practiced enough to possibly set up an event, with aid of the Circle.   Corvus
Emir caught Cissa's mention to Griff that she was contacted by Corvus again and that he had explained a few things to her. Including why he told Cygnus. And that it had nothing to do with the events on the airship.
Cissa asks Emir what he'd do if she told him that she had a way to destroy the Traveller and she intended on using it. Emir first says that he'd ask "why". Cissa then goes on to ask "but what if she doesn't give him a satisfying answer". Emir admits that he doesn't know what he'd do then.
Cissa goes on to explain that, for Corvus, the most important being in his world is their Duchess. He had apparently spoken to Luscinia (who, Cissa irritably explains, talks just like Corvus). When he asked her what their goal is, she answered frankly "to end suffering". And when he asked what that meant, she implied that she'd kill the Duchess.
Cissa explains that she is fully aware that the goal to "end suffering" would never kill the Duchess, as there will always be a form of suffering in the world. Cissa explains that she knows how literal Corvus takes these explanations so she always removed the point regarding "suffering" when speaking to him. She knew he would misunderstand the goal. And thus he made misguided choices on the airship to protect the Duchess.   Miron's Tears
Emir asks who Miron's Tears are. Cissa is very surprised by this question and asks how exactly he came across this name. He mentions that it's something that has crossed his path before but he had not thought of it until he was reminded in the cave (an explanation that simply confused Cissa more). Magical voices, or something like that, explained to Vence that he had rejected an offer from Miron's Tears. Emir explains that a representative of Miron's Tears had once approached Thaen and Taliashanna to each take a feather. Talia telepathically alerted Thaen that they need to leave immediately.
Cissa explains to Emir that Miron's Tears is an organisation that keeps an eye on the Silver Flame. Within it, Tira is holding back The Shadows. The Shadows grow stronger on pain and suffering. And, with the world in turmoil, it's getting very strong. And she's had a small peek at what could happen that day that Hawk died. And she will try everything within her power to prevent that from being released onto the world. The only link it has with the Duchess is that she thrives on songs of sorrow. But Cissa insists that She is not evil.   The Feathers
Cissa goes on to explain the The Feathers are an offshoot of Miron's Tears. But she can't explain their exact mission to him as he doesn't belong to the organisation. And that she won't give him a feather unless they all agree to it.
Emir asks whether the feather would need to be worn out in the open. Cissa says yes, because he'd be part of the Dodecophany. Emir, having been told about the dangers of the feather by Cissa a few times before, explains that Thaen is neutral and Vence is very much on board. But he is still hesitant. Cissa prefers that he be 100% certain of his choice before accepting the feather so it's best to leave this conversation for the next time they meet. Until then, she can say nothing further.   As their evening winds down, Emir and Cissa make a small braid behind each other's left ear and turn in for the night. In the morning, Cissa leaves a letter to Emir on her pillow.  

Malak's morning

Malak wakes up early and makes his way outside. As he passes through the tavern, he notices the decorations that were put up the night before and realises what day it is... Solaris.   Outside he gets first proper look of Thaliost, seeing as they've only been in the city at night time. Flat-roofed, rectangular buildings of two or three stories line the cobblestone street. The white buildings are greying or paint is peeling, the silver lanterns stained and the windows grimy, all from a black soot-like substance that seems to be in the air. What used to be roof gardens now are dead trees, vines or have even simply been tiled up completely. What used to be called "the Emerald or Aundair" is certainly not known as the "Emerald of Thrane".   However, it is clear that a lot of care has been taken for the festival. White drapery hangs elegantly from home to home over the street. Small blue flowers are embroided into the linen and shadows of rows of tiny lanterns can be made out, hanging above the linen.   Malak notices Cissa (without Mia) walking towards the outskirts of town, pausing to look up at the decorations. Shoulders slightly slumped. As she walks on, Malak heads in the opposite direction, towards the Temple.   The Temple
The Ancient Temple of the Silver Flame, considered to predate even the Church itself. Unlike any other cathedral of the church, it seems to almost be carved out of a large, ten story outcrop of marbled rock. Its walls are uneven, as if formed by the exposure of the elements. But if you stand further from it on the large plain in front of it, you can just about make out its form… that of a flame frozen into rock-form.   Malak goes inside and finds a young Monk, asking to send a message to The Veiled Ones in Flamekeep. The monk at first is hesitant but is quickly persuaded when Malak introduces himself fully and explains that his mother, Daellean Ishim, is also a Veiled One.
Malak is quickly ushered into the office of a Veiled One. Knowing Malak's mother, she's more than willing to take a message for him and send it to Flamekeep.
However, Malak starts to explain that a voice told him to give a crystal to the Keeper (which is now currently with the Wardens of the Woods because of a demon???). The crystal was retrieved in the "Prismatic Cavern" after walking through another pit of Silver Flame. The Veiled one was at first confused and then excited by this information. When asked about the flame, Malak explains that "it's gone". When asked for his proof of any of this, he admits to having none. Realising that this conversation might be going in the wrong direction, Malak promptly excuses himself.   Musing with Myranna
Malak heads out of town, into the charred-looking woods, and starts to shoot some arrows at a tree. As he shoots them, he starts to talk to Myranna as if she's there with him. He tells her that it's Solaris again. And she's still not with him. That he had hoped to have helped her by now. That he and Kiasuh miss her. That he might be on the right track but he can't promise that she'll see the next Solaris. Malak tells her about a young girl in his group that reminds him so much of her (except she blows stuff up). He talks about Corvus and how he really wished that she could've met him. And he talks about someone who is just like them and how he hopes that he can help him. He tells her that he thinks about her every day. And that he won't stop until he finds the cure... to be able to celebrate Solaris with her again.   He finishes the remainder of his meditation in silence, although he did pat little Myri a few times, who seemed a little concerned about him.   Message from Corvus
As Malak returns back to the inn, he hears Corvus' voice in his head. Out of concern based on the previous nights' events, Cissa had apparently asked him to speak with Malak. He tells Malak that Cissa is to be trusted. That what happened on the airship had nothing to do with her or even Emir. He explains to Malak that the cure for the Sickness could lead to the extinction of elves so he is trying to find a route to cure Myranna in another way. "Worst case scenario, Myranna will be cured". Malak is relieved to hear Corvus' voice. He tells him that he'll apologise to Cissa. He explains that the next course of action for the group is finding Valarie and Jenny by going to Athandra.  

Bacon, eggs... and toast!

Malak returns to the inn as everyone slowly emerges for breakfast.   Griff and Vence
Emir shifts into Vence as he leaves the room. Downstairs, Celine pours him some coffee and Griff asks Vence if they can touch base quickly. Celine leaves to arrange breakfast for the inn while the two talk.
Griff asks Vence what the group know about "them". Vence explains that the group do not all fully understand his situation but do know that he can shift. He asks Griff to simply follow his lead.   Griff then jovially exclaims that it's a day of fun anyway, considering that it's Solaris. Vence's face falls as the importance of the day dawns on him. The two then decide to head downstairs.   Malak and Vence
Celine offers Malak some breakfast (Eggs, bacon and toast) so Malak orders for himself and Vence and waits in a booth for Vence to arrive. When Vence appears, Malak offers him a seat and breakfast, raising alarm bells in Vence's head but he joins him anyway.
Other members of the party (except Mia, who had left at some point during the morning) notice the two needing some space and steer clear of their booth. April and Silmer head to the kitchen to help out while Nesza eats his breakfast as far away from them as possible.   Malak thanks Vence for saving April. He explains his promise to Julionna and that it's important to him to keep April safe. he admits that they don't always see eye to eye but he realises that Vence must be a good person if he take actions like this.   The conversation shifts somewhat to trust and, inevitably, Corvus. Malak first of all explains that Corvus contacted him and clarified the issue somewhat. He also explains that he understands why Vence is so careful regarding his identity. But it was due to him threatening two of his friends (Corvus and Jurian) as a result that Malak does not approve of.
Vence explains that Corvus broke his end of a deal where he promised not to out him. Malak explains that Corvus actually was trying hard to stay out of the conversation. The person who outed Vence, was in fact, Malak.
Malak explains that he has concerns with regards to how safe everyone's secrets are around Vence. He points out that, although everyone has secrets that could actually put them in very really danger (Malak and Myri, Nesza's shroud, April being affiliated to some demon), no one has threatened anyone else in the group to keep secrets. They all respect each other's information. To Malak, it feels that Vence would not do something if there wasn't some form of gain for him.   Vence explains that he had no intention of harming the prince and what he said to Corvus regarding that was a bluff. Both he and Emir prefer to stay clear of fighting. However, he acknowledges that he might have gone too far with how he and Emir handled the situation.
But with regards to doing things for his own benefit, he tells Malak about the Warforged in Fairhaven. He explains House Cannith's plot to turn all Goliaths into Warforged and how he went out of his way to ensure Nesza was informed and George was taken under the wing of Tatalla for protection. If he truly wanted to gain anything out of that, he could have sold George out. But he didn't.
He explains to Malak that he truly respects him. That he knows that Malak was very very upset with him with regards to what happened to Corvus. But, even in his rage, he kept Vence's identity secret to Griff upon their initial meeting. And that he truly trusts Malak as a result of that.   Vence then invites Malak to ask about the form he saw on the airship (Thaen). Malak says that, unless Vence really wants to share it, he's fine with not asking. Vence inisists so Malak asks if that is his "natural" form. Vence explains that it's not exactly what he looks like. But very close. And if he is downed in a fight, his "natural" form will be revealed. Which is why he tries his utmost to stay towards the back of the fight... not to get hit. He tells Malak that he should also really start standing back with Vence during a fight so that Vence can protect him too. At the last point, Malak tells Vence that he held back his whole life... and that resulted in him losing his daughter. He refuses to do that.   Malak then tells Vence that Solaris will start up soon. Vence is a little concerned and tells Malak that it's not a very good day for Cissa. Vence also shows that he's not very happy that Mia left.   Kitchen
As Malak and Vence's conversation slowly winds down, the rest are in the kitchen. Silmer had been cooking with Celine, who has been showing him how to use certain herbs. April has been helping with refils of coffee and serving at the tables while Griff busies himself with other tasks around the kitchen.
Nesza comes in and asks about Solaris. He heard the buzz in the inn but knows nothing about it.
Griff brightly talks about how grand the celebration is in Passage, referring to the massive parade horses, the food, Aundarian hopscotch. Malak comes in and joins the conversation.
Malak smirks and then explains that Thrane celebrates things somewhat the same. He talks about the parade, food and games (but no "Aundarian Hopscotch"). Nesza is interested in the Archery games, April in the "competitive Hide-and-Seek game and Silmer is into trying the food. When the reading of the "lighting of the torch" is brought up, Nesza expresses interest. But both Celine and Malak dissuade him from going to it.   Malak warns Silmer to not wonder around in his tortle form. Silmer decides to disguise himself as an Aasimar.   Celine tells the group that the parade will start soon. Malak and April hold back for a moment and April thanks him for watching over her. While they are talking, Celine braids April's hair in a traditional style usually worn specifically on Solaris. She adds some dried blue flowers too. April feels very pretty.  

The Festival

The Parade
The group slowly file outside. There is a large crowd outside lining the streets. April can't see so Griff lifts her onto his shoulders. (He tries to lift Silmer too.... but to no avail).   The group hear a lute, viol and drum as the procession moves towards them. Leading parade is that of children in white robes carrying silver lanterns. At the front of the procession are the musicians and leading everyone is a red headed little girl of about 7 or 8 years old. She's dressed in fake armour and is carrying a large wooden sword. As she walks by, she is boldly singing a song called The Voice.   As they pass, Malak does not see a little red headed girl with freckles anymore. He sees another little girl who practiced the song for weeks. Who marched at the front of the procession with a thick silver braid. As the song continues, he sees the little girl in his mind go from uncertain to confident to being the actual embodiment of Tira Miron. He remembers how she became emboldened after the viol solo. That her braid loosened as she walked. And start to shine silver as she reached the climax of the song, making her seem wild, powerful and strong. He recalls the musicians, except the violist stopping at the sight. And as the song winds down, he once again sees the little girl who is actually walking in the parade today....   Griff pokes Malak and asks him if Myri ever lead the parade. Malak says she did. Griff chuckles and tells Malak how his sister DREAMED of playing Tira in the parade. She auditioned until she was 15 years old! But alas. Her Vadalis genes, that allowed her to speak with monsters, gave her a hidious singing voice. Griff chuckles as he explains that she did manage to eventually join the parade... as the guard captain. And now she gets to be in the parade EVERY year. Griff thinks that she tries to outshine the little Tira by having extra shiny armour.   As procession heads towards the town centre, Malak encourages the group to follow and enjoy the day. He tells that he won't be joining though. April asks if she can bring him anything and he asks for Kloinjer Cakes. Celine and Griff head back to the inn to set up for the evening. Malak joins them and spends some reflective time alone in the group's quarters.   Nesza, Silmer, April and Vence head to the festival. They reach a fork in the road with signs made especially for the festival. One leads to the "lighting of the torch", one to the Food Festival and the other to the games. They head straight for the food.   FOOD!
Thrane is famous for its flavourful and extremely spicy street foods. The group samples some steaks and Kloinjer Cakes. They do note that the food is quite expensive.
Nesza, however, pointed pays extra for his food as a form of appreciation. The vendors thank him, explaining that this will "help a lot of people".   Everyone samples the food. Unfortunately... it's too spicy for all but Silmer to handle. Feeling very green and needing to sit down to recover, the group look for a location where there is not many people.
And the place where it's very quite seems to be at the stage area....   The Lighting of the Torch....
The group sit down on some logs. There are NO people around. However, an enthusiastic actor sees their "interest" and starts up the reading of "The Lighting of the Torch".   The reading goes as below: "This is the tale of the Brave Ser Hawk. Who gave his life to save the young Keeper of the Flame during the first night Solaris. Young Jossea Mer was home after much merriment of the Solaris celebrations. She was carrying torch upstairs into her room to light the way. Her body guard, Ser Hawk, escorted her up. Unfortunately, young Jossea was a bit tired. And dropped the torch just as she entered her room at the top of the tower. The flames spread quickly and poor Jossea seemed doomed to burned alive. But Brave Ser Hawk championed through the flames, carried Young Jossea to the window and threw her into dark waters below. By some miracle she survived. But the window was too small for Hawk. And all that remained of him after that night was a small, charred feather. So friends, on this day, we raise a glass to Brave Ser Hawk. Who saved the Keeper of the Flame"   Nesza claps loudly while the others look green (but not from the food, it seems). Silmer tells Vence that he can't recall any of that from the story Cissa told. Vence confirms that it DEFINATELY is not the story. But if this is the official story that the Church is using, it might not be wise to make a statement about it and play the original song.   The group feel well enough to continue on to the games area (and away from this trainsmash).   "Competitive" Hide-and-Seek and Archery
There are some carnival games for kids (...and _some_ adults). One is a mansion with a slide coming out of the top window where kids play hide-and-seek.
The goal is to steal a tag from around a person's wrist without being seen. Vence and Nesza hinted at helping April (who REALLY wanted to play) by giving her some... advantages... in hiding. April declined the help.
....and demolished the competition. After the last child was sent down the slide in tears and many parents were giving her disapproving looks, April decided to school the distraught children on how to play better next time. Most kids didn't listen... but she seemed to inspire one.   Nesza, having heard of the Silver Flame's famous archers, decides to try his hand at a archery "competition". Only as he decides to play does he realise that only kids are really competing.
Nesza manages to find that one over-zealous parent "training" their kid on how to shoot and asks for a friendly competition. Silmer decides to join. Vence asks a pretty lady, who was instructing a group of children, to help him learn how to shoot too. What he didn't know was that she was a nun and had zero patience for his "fooling around".
It ends up with Nesza beating the parent, Silmer showing that he is not too shabby with a bow and Vence... hitting the board...  

Evening's events

Nesza decides to head back to the inn while Vence, April and Silmer stay at the festival for the dancing event.   Nesza and Malak
As Nesza passes through the tavern on the way to their room, Griff (who was working the bar) pours him and Malak a spicy shot called the "Miron's Tear". Nesza takes the drinks and goes up to the room, finding Malak in quiet contemplation.
Nesza tells Malak about the events of the day. Malak even laughing at the woman who was "helping" Vence as he was obviously hitting on a nun.
Malak then admits that it's quite a hard day for him but he's glad that the rest are having fun. He and Nesza have a drink (Malak impressed that Nesza handles it ok) and then talk about Nesza's visions. Nesza admits that he hears voices when he sees the flame: A man and a woman. Neither Malak or Nesza are completely sure what that means. But perhaps they'll find what they're looking for in Thaliost.   Tortles (and Aprils) can't dance
Back at the festival, April, Vence and Silmer are near the dancing area. April excitedly drags both onto the dance floor with her but Silmer steps back to the side, in case his disguise is revealed during the dance.
Having practice quite a bit with Cissa, Vence shows that he's greatly improved with his dancing.... but unfortunately April has two left feet. So Vence leads April in the dance, in a similar fashion to how Cissa lead Emir, making it seem like the person struggling can actually dance. Vence has bruises on his feet...
In the meantime, Silmer does a little bit of people watching. He picks up on an obvious divide in interaction between native Aundairians and Thranians.
As the music winds down, the group return to the tavern.   Dinner
The group meet in the room where Nesza and Malak are chatting. They get ready for dinner. Malak says that he's not up for the ruckus downstairs in the tavern and would rather eat his meal in the room (although he's fine with the rest eating there if they'd prefer that).
Everyone agrees that it would be nicer to eat together. And, as a result, Celine sets up a picnic on the floor of their room.
As the group discuss the next day's plans, Malak hears Cissa's voice in his head. She curtly explains that their reward money will be available at the House Orien station the next day. Malak replies with a thank you and an apology for doubting her. He mentions that Corvus reached out to him.
The group talk about their next steps and how Griff was really helpful. And, considering that he knows Jenny too, it might be a good idea to bring him along. Griff comes in with more drinks as the group discuss this. They thanks him for all his help and tell him that they intend to save Valarie and Jenny, if he'd like to help. Griff is more than happy to join.
It is suggested to check if Cissa could scry on them to ensure that they are still ok.
Vence reaches out to her, first with acknowledgement of how hard the day must be for her and then with the questions of whether she can scry again. Cissa explains that she can't. To ensure the success of the spell, she needs the goggles and the viol.
It is then suggested that Vence contacts Jenny instead.
He asks and tells her:
  • Are they safe
  • Does she still have the crystal
  • Is Scotch Island still secret
  • They're coming to save her
  • Griff is here too
  Jenny's reply was irritable (at best) with the below:
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • No
  • Yaaaay......
  • Really?? :)
Her cheerful reply to the last point confused everyone.   Closing Wounds
After dinner, most move downstairs to enjoy the last part of the evening. Vence performs and the energy is very lively. Nesza is enjoying the music while Griff and Silmer help Celine out.
April remains upstairs. She waves everyone off happily and, forgetting that Malak is still there, goes to sit down against the wall and starts to cry. Malak sits across from her and lets her cry it out a bit. When April feels better, she explains that she feels horrible for enjoying the day. She realises that her mother is in danger and underfed and here she is dancing, playing games and stuffing her face.
Malak lets Myri curl by April's feet and explains to April that her mother would not begrudge her a day like this. One needs good days too in order to manage the harder ones. It's ok to have fun sometimes. Tomorrow they will be focusing on Valarie again fully.
Malak then takes off the "Periapt of Wound Closure" that Corvus gifted him and hands it to April, telling her this is to protect her until they save her mother. April gives Malak a big hug. Downstairs, the tavern is closing.
Celine gifts Silmer some spices and some recipes to try out on the road. She also approaches Vence to awkwardly explain that he'll have to stay in the tavern tonight. He waves it off, completely understanding her point. He then thanks her for helping Cissa when she really needed someone. He explains that Cissa had arranged for bards to visit her tavern more regularly, to ensure that she will not have struggle for coin anymore. Celine is grateful for the gesture and bids everyone goodnight as she and Griff head to her home.   Last Arrangements
At Celine's home, Griff and Celine acknowledge that, after tonight, they will go their separate ways. They both truly enjoyed eachother's company and glad their paths crossed. Griff thanks her for making a broken soldier feel again and she thanks him for making a lonely widow happy again.   Back in the tavern, the group discuss their reward. Malak suggests to give Griff a cut for his assistance.
The group agree to various degrees. Vence wonders if Mia already has her cut. Based on that, they can decide how much to share.
He messages Mia and asks her if she has her cut already. Mia rattles on, not answering the question, semi-chatting to Cissa about something (cocktail-related) and wastes an entire spell on it. When Vence casts Sending again, Mia is still in the middle of her sentence and her doesn't actually get a clear answer from her. Vence gives in and apologetically asks Cissa, who answers curtly with a yes, she did.   As the group turns in for the night, Vence hears Cissa again. She explains that she didn't realise what day it was and she wished that they were together. Vence answers as Emir, who tells her that he wouldn't have wanted her alone this day. And he misses her.   -Session End-

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Player Journals
Solaris Celebrations by Nesza
Report Date
07 Dec 2020
Primary Location

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