Session Twenty Eight: She Smiled

General Summary


  The wagon crosses a large canal, giving you a brief glimpse of a monstrous temple towards the North. The wagon comes to a stop as dawn breaks over a crisp, clear Spring morning in Flamekeep. As you exist by the stables near the Orien Train Station, you are greeted with melodic chiming of church bells far in the distance. The morning rays touch the tall white buildings, making their neatly painted slanted red rooves glisten ever so slightly.    


  Before the cart stops, Malak mentions that people don’t know Myri is alive and he would prefer to keep it that way. The group promise to keep her a secret.   Upon arrival, April mentions that she would like to write a letter to her Grandma and her dad. She wanted to let them all know she that wass safe. And ask her grandmother about feathers.   The group discuss lodgings. Malak says that his home is too small for the group but there is a Gold Dragon Inn nearby. It's best to send letters now and head that way after. They all agree.   Silmer asks if there is a house Lyrander station. As Malak gestures to the location, they all see the airship dock tower with one large moored airship. Nezsa is able to read its name “The Flames Light”. It’s a ship of the Veiled Ones.   Before the group goes about on their business, Hank and Frank wave them down. They asks for some rest before they take the group onward towards Athandra. They mention they need 3 days of recovery. Malak, as the group spokesperson mentions that that should be fine. Vence asks how many days the journey would take. They mention 2,5 or 3 days. They mention they would be staying at the Orien station, should the group be looking for them.
Nezsa wants to tip them 5 gold each, but they refuse. The mention they would accept a tip when the trip is finished. Nezsa offers them to go for a drink, but they mention they would like to rest first. They walk into the Orien station. The group follows them inside.    

House Orien Station

  Inside, Griff steps forward and mentions he is looking to see if there are letters received and if he can have his mail forwarded. There is a postcard from Jossac, he pockets it. There is also an alert that there was information delivered to Fairview, they will come back him.   April is browsing the postcards. The group all buy a few. April buys 4 postcards and 1 for Silmer. Griff buys a stack of them. Nezsa buys one postcard. Vence grabs 5 random postcards. While the group is writing their postcards, Tristan asks if he can have all his mail forwarded. They arrange this.   Vence asks if he can add something to April's postcard to Juliona. April hands over a her postcard and Vence writes down a few things. April does not seem to read it and Vence looks confused about this. As they are about to post the letter April can’t resist and she reads the letter Vence wrote.   While the group is busy Griff reads the message from Jossac. She mentions she needs some time to look into it and to send her regards to the wings.   Nesza asks Griff if he can give the address of uncle Teddy. Griff shares the address. Nesza then sends a postcard to Uncle Teddy and checks if there are letters for Nezsa Greenthorn.
It is mentioned that the letter to his parents was not delivered as his parents are seemingly in Fairhaven. While trying to figure out how to get the message to his parents, Griff interjects that they might be with Sussek. Nezsa considers sending Sassek a message to ask him if his father is with him. Griff advises against that as he is the queen's consort, and that might be a bit inappropriate. Malak chimes in advising to otherwise sent it to Wrogar or Conrad. Nezsa settles on sending a postcard to Conrad Mer, asking him if his father is at the palace and to tell him he has sent them a letter. He also arranged the forwarding of the letter for his parents to the House Orien station in Fairhaven.   The girl offers to send the letter for free, hearing the name Conrad Mer. Nezsa asks why the discount. She says he can also pay in full. Vence’s insight gathers that she is shocked by the name. And he gathers she might know more higher ups than she’s giving away.
Vence asks how she knows Conrad. She mentions she does not. He says it seems odd she knows someone in the royal guard in another country seems weird. She explains the Mer family is very well known here.   Malak turns to Vence and softly explains that Conrad’s grandmother was a Keeper of the Flame. The group all catches on to this.   Griff asks Tristan if he can use his shoulder to be a bird. He explains he has never been a bird and would like to practice and he likes the vantage point from his shoulder. Tristan agrees. Griff transforms into a small white snow owl and flies up and perches on Tristan’s shoulder. April moves up and pets the owl. Tristan frowns at the white bird. He asks if Griff has ever heard of color coordination. Griffy-owl nods. Tristan wants him to sit on Malak. Malak mentions he would like to move along. Griff flies up to April and sits on her shoulder instead. She feels very pirate like.
The lady at the counter seems to be taking notes.   Vence thanks the lady at the counter for her help hoping to learn her name. She just says “you’re welcome”. Tristan pets Vence on the shoulder and says “There there”. Vence is confused by this. Malak pointedly says that he’s going to the Gold Dragon Inn and the group follows in suit.   On the way Nezsa asks Malak how well known he is with Flamekeep. Malak mentions he has lived here for 40 years and he would like to think he knows most streets. Nezsa asks for some help with maps later. Malak says that is fine. He will escort us to the Gold Dragon Inn and then go home for a bit. So he can prepare his wife for the possibility of 7 or 8 people visiting today.    

The Gold Dragon Inn

  The group arrives at the Gold Dragon Inn are greeted by a halfling called Girt d’Ghallanda. April inquires if room sharing is possible. Girt asks if there are any other ladies with her to share with. Griffy-owl starts chirping and rolls off her shoulder and becomes Griff on the floor. Girt doesn't even blink.   Vence silently asks Nezsa if they can share a room as he will mostly not be staying there anyways. They settle on private rooms for at least 3 nights. Vence and Nesza share a room. Malak tries to get points on his loyalty card but is denied.   Tristan asks what the plan is. The group decided to clean up while Malak pops by his house and then Malak will give a tour of the city ending at his house. Griff mentions he needs to go the palace and asks if that would fit. Malak says it should. Tristan summarizes the plan. Malak agrees.   Nezsa then says he wants to see the statue of Hawk as it would be helpful for his own personal journey. Malak mentions he will include this in the tour. Vence also expressed interest in seeing the statue. Malak says that this should be possible before they head to his house. And with that, everyone goes to their rooms and Malak to his house.   April taps Tristan on the shoulder before he goes into his room. She looks very nervous and mentions that they don’t know each other well yet. But as he is part of a group with the goal of saving her mum and she wants to express her gratitude. She mumbles a few things and shoves a potion of healing into his hands and runs off. Tristan says thanks and, as she runs away, he sighs and says “Weird kid”.   Nezsa, as they enter their room, asks Vence how they can reach him if he's not at the inn. Vence shifts into Emir who mentions he will be staying in Cissa’s apartment in the Spire of Inspiration. Not expecting the shift, Nezsa explains that he sometimes needs to adjust a bit to the shifting and the multiple personalities. He asks if the personalities have different homes and if that ever causes trouble. Emir explains that they don't have a house and that the apartment in question belongs to Cissa. She lived in Thrane for most of her life in Khorvaire. Emir explains that if the group needs to get a hold of him, they can just go to Molly at the Spire and she would be able to help them. But Emir is not expecting any trouble. Nezsa explains that we never expect problems. He had never expected to have the General show up in Thaliost for example. Emir waves this off and shifts back into Vence.    

Home is where the heart is

  Malak walks up to his house and opens the door. He is greeted by an arrow being shot at the door banister. Kiasuh Ishim yells “Who the fook is at my door?!”. He opens the door a little more and, at the end of the hallway, slanted from view, Kiasuh sees him. She drops her bow and arrow and runs to him, giving him a hug.
Malak asks her why the angry greeting. She explains that she's been receiving some unwanted strangers at her door lately. He responds with “and this is how you greet them” with a big smiles on his face. She grins sheepishly and replies with “Don’t I always? It keeps them away doesn’t it”. They exclaim that they are happy to see each other but Kiasuh is confused as to why he's home so soon. Malak explains that he was on his way to Athandra and he, of course, needed to pass by on the way. He will be home for a couple of days. Kiasuh has Malak go into the living room while she slams the front door as if she's making a point about something. She makes Malak some tea and while Malak settles down. She then joins him in the living room.   Malak asks how Myri is doing. Kiasuh says that her state is the same but she is changing. She is starting to look older. She’s no longer a little girl. Kiasuh also mentions that Myri's hair is very long and that she’s unsure if she should cut it.   Malak asks Kiasuh if his mother is still coming by to sing that song for Myri. Kiasuh lets out a deep sign and confirms Daellean is indeed doing this and says there is not much Kiasuh can do about it. Malak promises he’ll talk about it with her.   Malak tells Kiasuh that he is here with a group of people that have been helping him with Myri and he has been helping them with other things. She asks him if Corvus is here? Malak explains he is not and that it’s a long story. He’ll tell her all about it. Kiasuh then asks him if the girl who was cured is with him. He explains she is also not here at the moment. Her face falls.
Malak explains that he does have some people with him that can help out with getting Myri cured. And he wants Kiasuh to meet them. To show them what they are doing this all for.
Kiasuh asks him how many people are coming and he replies with "6". Malak also explains that they all know about Myri. Kiasuh finds the amount of people involved a lot and the situation is very strange to her. She mentions she has been keeping this secret for 10 years. And now suddenly 6, then she counts, 8 people more than she would have thought know. Malak mentions that there are actually a couple more than that. And many more who know without him telling them. There is apparently a whole group of people looking to help Myri without him knowing about it. He then suddenly asks if Kiasuh remembers the Statue of Hawk a little while away. Kiasuh is very confused by this sudden topic change.
Malak explains that Hawk was linked to the people who know about their daughter. Kiasuh is a little freaked out. They have not told people for years. But now there are people working on a cure that Malak doesn't know. She asks how they knew about Myri. When Malak says that he doesn’t know, Kiasuh blames his mother. Malak mentions he is sure that his mother was not responsible. He is unsure but thinks it might be related to the woman who was cured from it.   Malak then explains why he mentioned the Statue of Hawk. It has a feather in its hair and that what he's going to explain will sound strange. Kiasuh interrupts him by saying she already found it strange that Malak asked her if his mother had a feather. "What the fook does feathers have to do with any of this?" Malak explains that there is a group of people that are sworn to combat suffering in the world. They identify by wearing bird feathers in their hair. Kiasuh thinks that this sounds stupid. He understands that just hearing it like this it must sound really weird but these people are currently trying to find a cure for Myri.   When asked why, Malak explains that he doesn't know. But he has good contact with someone higher up in the organization. But she is currently also not here. Kiasuh interrupts Malak saying that obviously she is also not here and wonders who actually is here whom they can talk to. Malak mentions that the people who are here that he talked about might be able to help clear up some things. She sighs. He explains he does not have all the puzzle pieces yet but feels that he is finally making headway. He understands that they need to still keep this secret and he understands it’s a big change. But they have been keeping this a secret for 10 years and have not been getting anywhere. He explains again that some of them already knew and the others he trusts to keep it a secret. He has also asked them to do so.   She says that she trusts him and his judgement. But its all going so fast and it's really strange. It all sounds a little cult-y to her. Malak laughs out loud. He says he knows, but apparantly this Sickness is more far reaching than he had ever thought.
He explains that Corvus is back in Aerenall and that he told Malak that finding a cure for Myri might mean the end for elves in Aerenall. Corvus said that he did not understand what that meant but he feels that there is more than meets the eye. Kiasuh says this sounds like bullshit to her.
Malak mentions that the higher up person in this organization is also an elf and says that Kiasuh might have heard of her before. Her name is Cissa. She was the Court Bird of Thrane for a long time. Kiasuh says she knows Cissa. Everyone has heard of her. Malak then explains that explains Cissa is higher up in the feather business. Kiasuh is in complete disbelief. She asks him if he is putting their trust in a fucking diva, a fucking starlet. A bard who is just famous because she likes to shake things up a little. Malak explains that once she meets Cissa she will understand. Kiasuh mentions that she has met Cissa before and "she's a bit much".   He asks if it’s a good idea to invite these 6 people. They already know and she can size them up for herself. Even greet them with an arrow if she wishes. Kiasuh agrees with this idea but she decides who goes upstairs. Malak explains that he was not going to let any of them upstairs. She asks him what the point would then be for them to visit at all then. He agrees and might allow some to go upstairs but its entirely up to her. She agrees it’s entirely up to her and if she smells a rat in one of them they are not coming near her daughter.
He explains that he dropped the group off at the Gold Dragon Inn. He’ll run some errands with them and and then take them home to the house. Kiasuh suggests coming for lunch and Malak agrees.   Before he leaves, Malak goes upstairs for a bit. Myri is lying on the bed and looks like she just fell asleep. The aura has not changed in the last 10 years. She has been well kept. No bed hair. Its brushed to the sides. She is wearing fitting cloths. But he can see by the features on her face that she is no longer a little girl.
He sits down besides the bed and tells her he missed her. He mentions its Solaris again. He mentions he was in Thaliost and saw the parade. All he could think of was her leading the parade and singing. Its so amazing. 10 years he can’t believe. He thought by now he’d have her back for a long time. But he has some friends here and he thinks he is finally making some headway. He ever thinks he might have talked to Tyra Miron about her and that he’ll have to talk to his mother about this. He says its good to see her and that he’ll be back this afternoon. He might introduce her to some of his friends but that depends on her mom, she knows how she is.   He goes downstairs gives his wife a hug and goes to the Gold Dragon Inn.    

Tour time

  After freshening up and, for Nesza, meditation, everyone comes down. Tristan in full Karrnathi soldier's gear., Silmer as a cleaned up Hayon and April in an Aundarian soldier's cloak. Vence goes and talks to Girt. He mentions he has not traveled in Thrane before and is not very well known to the customs are. He asks what gift can be given if you visit a friend. He is swindled into buying a bow and arrow.   April walks up to Vence, showing him that her hair is a mess because she tried to braid it herself. He helps her fix it.   Malak enters the Gold Dragon Inn and says that everybody is welcome to join him and his wife for lunch. The group decides to go to the Spires, followed by the Royal Palace while Silmer and April go to House Lyrander. After that they go to the Statue of Hawk. And then ending the morning with Lunch at the Ishim residence.   Malak leads them to the Spires and explains which Spire is which. They want to go to the Spires again later in the afternoon. The group get on gondolas to head towards the palace while April and Silmer go to the Lyrander Station.  

House Lyrander station - Part 1

  April and Silmer enter what seems to be a tavern in the Lyrandar Station and meet Jessica who runs the bar. After showing Jessica who he is by taking his hat off, Silmer asks Jessica if she could send a message to Mia because he did not want to use House Orien. Jessica suggests using her Sending Crystal to send Tatalla a visual of the three of them at the tavern. After sending this picture, he asks if she can caption the note he wrote on his postcard and send it in the same way. She does just that.
After being asked by April what her title is, Jessica proudly explains that she’s the captain (of the station/bar). Silmer then inquires about the airship moored to the tower. Jessica explains some hoity toity veiled ones have rented it but they rarely use it.
April and Silmer then sit down and relax while they wait for the group to come pick them up.  

The palace

  The oarsmen take them to the palace. At the palace they are “greeted” by a soldier. Griff introduces himself as Cornelius d’Vadalis Junior and explains he is there to meet with Princess Corinne , Grace "The Princess of Perfection" d'Vadalis and Cody "The Eager Earl" d'Vadalis . Griff explains everyone is welcome to join them he’s just meeting some old friends. The guard goes to check. Upon returning, surprised, confirms that Griff is indeed expected. The group is escorted to the massive stables.   Griff introduces them to Grace “The Princess of Perfection” d’Vadalis, Cody “The eager earl” d’Vadalis and Princess Corinne d’Vadalis. Griff introduces the group and happily exclaims that Vence is "more talented than even Cissa". Corinne looks a little distressed by this information and Griff realises that she's thinking of Atratus' murder. He confronts Grace as to where they were when the Princess saw the murder and Grace explains that Cygnus had dismissed them.   When introduced to Tristan, Corinne takes interest. She says that she's heard that there are interesting animals that only appear in the moonlight in Karrnath. She'd love to talk to Tristan about it sometime.   Upon realising that she has a real interest in animals, Nesza tells Corinne that he is able to speak with them. Corinne excitedly tells him that she's able to do that too.   The group gets an invite for a ride along the next morning. Vence explains he is unsure if he’ll join. Grace and Cody agree to meet for drinks in the evening at the Lazy Bull.    

House Lyrander station – Part 2

  Silmer and April are listening for rumors while waiting for the group to pick them up. They learn that:
  • an airship is going to an unknown island, the name of the ship is not mentioned. It was going North/Northwest from Fairhaven. But it never passed by Stormhome.
  • the Silverbird has recently been spotted in Breland.
  • there is some talk about a newspaper with a story about Windshire.
As April and Silmer are about to leave, one of the sailors stops them and asks if they are the April and Silmer from Windshire. They are front page news. The sailor shows him the cover of the Korrenberg Cronicle but quickly realizes its not Silmer as the picture looks nothing like them. The sailor gives them the news paper as he has finished it already. As they receive the paper Malak comes inside. Malak is shown the newspaper. Tristan laughs about this. April bags it and the group moves along to the Statue of Hawk.    

Statue of Hawk

  There seems to be a larger than usual audience that has gathered around the statue. There is a retelling of the Story of Hawk, but without the gusto of the performer in Thaliost (he tells tales as Juliona writes books). The crowd seems disappointed. As if they where expecting more.   Nezsa mentions the story was told better in the previous city we where in. Vence goes to the base of the statue to investigate it. He finds no scuffmarks or things under the statue other than a small copper cup. He inspects the copper cup. It’s familiar. He takes out his knife and marks the cup with 3 lines underneath it and puts it back.   April scouts the area for suspicious behavior and notices several dark blue hooded figures. Their faces are difficult to see. She tries to shuffle closer undetected. They turn to her instantly and ask her what she is doing, not showing their faces. Malak pokes April on the shoulder and whispers to her that these people are high officials of the church. April tries to lie to the Veiled One, saying that she simply thought that there would be a better view of the statue from here.... She fails horribly.... The veiled ones turn to Malak, unhappy. Malak explains she is not from around here. The veiled one says that’s pretty obvious. April mentions that they had heard some rumors and where just looking around.   The Veiled One asked what rumors. April explains they heard about the dancing statue. The veiled one mentions that he finds it suspicious that they are not from around here but have heard of a dancing statue. April mentions she’s just really curious, "right bruv *finger guns*".   The Veiled One asks where she has heard these rumors. She mentions she heard them on the road. The Veiled One wants to have a talk with her about the individuals that pass on this information. She mentions they where on a carriage. The Veiled One asks if they were with house Orien.   Hearing they want to have a talk with April, Tristan flanks her and puts his hand on her shoulder. He asks if everything is alright here. Griff follows Tristan's lead and flanks Aprils other side. Malak is shrinking, Nezsa and Silmer distance themselves. Vence is unaware of what is happening.   The Veiled One tells April to come quietly or not come at all. He mocks Tristan by saying that he is concerned about "Karrnath" because he might come back from the dead. Griff asks what the problem might be. The Veiled One explains the young lady has heard rumors that were not supposed to leave Flamekeep. Griff explains he is the one who told her said rumors. Griff mentions he asked for rumors while on the road to Flamekeep. And he paid a guy two gold pieces at the Orien station. The guys told Griff about the statue and some other things. The Veiled One asks if there where any other rumors. Tristan says there are none. Griff mentions he seems to recall another. But has difficulty remembering. The Veiled One asks if Griff would like to join him for a drink. Griff invites the Veiled One along drinking tonight as they have plans. He invites Griff to his home to discuss matters instead.   Malak introduces himself to the Veiled One as the son of Daellean. He mentions that Griff is an acquaintance of the Princess. The Veiled One seems unimpressed. Malak says we can have a talk later but not before we had lunch at his house. Griff mentions he can’t do tomorrow as he has plans. Malak says its not the entire day, Griff mentions he is not sure of what the actual plans are yet. Then Malak asks Griff if he doesn’t want to see the fireworks at the end of Solaris. The Veiled One says he is not sure if Griff will see the fireworks. Griff asks if that’s because he has not share all the information. He is thinking about it and asks for a moment. He is sure it will come back.   The Veiled One acknowledges Malak as Malak Ishim, son of Daellean. He asks if Malak can assure him that they will drop by tomorrow.   Malak asks Griff if it will really take the whole day. At that moment Griff recalls the other information and he asks how lax security is here because he heard and has confirmed that an elf was killed by another elf in front of the Princess. He explains he is in contact with the royal guards and has an invitation. He is looking into what went wrong. The Veiled One asks him for his name. He gives it. It means nothing to the Veiled One. Griff then explains that he is a Sky King. The Veiled One stops the conversation, uninterested.   The Veiled One pointedly says that he will see April, Tristan, Griff and Malak tomorrow at 4 at the Cathedral. Tristan mentions he is suprised that a Karrnathian is allowed to enter the church, the Veiled One says that he might just burn the moment he enters. That would make things easier. Tristan tells him to keep dreaming.   Griff mentions he is unsure if he can be there on time. The Veiled One explains the Princess has no say over this. Griff mentions he’ll try. The Veiled One mentions again he’ll be there or he would be putting his other friends in trouble.   While this is going on Nezsa walks between the group and Vence and tells Vence to get ready to run. He explains that secret information was shared and the 4 of them are now wanted for questioning. Vence looks straight ahead and tells Nezsa to keep listening in while he stays right there away from it all. If required, he’ll help.   Tristan looks at the Veiled One and asks if they have ever heard about "separation of church and state". It’s really all the rage in Karrnath. The Veiled One points at Tristan and calls for his arrest. Around him swords are pulled and pointed in his direction. April starts trembling. Griff asks if this is all about what he heard at an Orien station. There is not much more to really tell them as is anyways. The Veiled One says he is being resistant. Malak explains that these people are the highest people of the church, they rule in Thrane and that they are making a giant mess for everyone. He asks how thick they are as he takes a step back to allow them to arrest Tristan.   Griff asks to lower the tempers. He understand he overstepped the boundaries and promises to be there at 4 tomorrow. Tristan mentions he would not resist. He does not mind talking. He just did not like the accusatory tone. The Veiled One turns to Malak and asks him if he can trust they will be there at 4 tomorrow. Malak promises they will be there. Swords are lowered.   As they move away from the Veiled one, April sighs deeply and says they clearly are in the need of some tea. Malak says that he is pissed off. How they are acting in his country without respect for the customs. He explains he does not understand their behavior. Tristan mentions that the group at least did not cuss... the cussing was done by the Veiled One calling him undead.   Malak mentions they are the law here. The performer yells and asks them to leave because they are interrupting his story. Silmer notices that the performer can actually raise his voice. Griff mentions he just shared information they where asking for. He was not rude, just a bit slow on the memory. April looks a bit shaken towards Malak. She mentions she was unaware that she could not talk about this and assumed this was just local news.   Nezsa walks up to Vence and informs him of the appointment that the group has. Vence mentions “they” have this appointment. He is not going anywhere near that place. Nezsa agrees that he wouldn't either. Vence asked him if he was asked, Nezsa says no. Vence explains that that means they are not invited anyway. So they will be going to go back to the statue while the rest are at the Cathedral. Nezsa asks if Vence found anything. Vence discretely points Nesza's eye to the copper cup. He explains they can discus that later. Not out in the open.    

Walk past the marked place

    Malak asks Nezsa about his map. Nesza pulls it out and shows it. He tells Griff and Tristan that ever since he’s gotten out of the war, he has not felt the same way. He has not felt complete. He feels broken. He has struggled with this both mentally and physically. But in his hometown, a stranger gave him a map telling him it would fix him. Malak and Corvus helped him in discovering that the mark on the make was near the Statue of Hawk. But the statue appears to just be a statue. Vence says he believes, based upon the rumours he heard, that there must be more to it. Nezsa agrees.   Malak asks if the group can keep the discussion about private things to the minimum while in public. Griff agrees with Malak but he puts his hands on Nezsa’s shoulder and tells him he does not seem broken, he’s just an older version of himself. This kinda stuff just comes with age. Nezsa says there is more to it. Malak then explains that while Griff does not know what he is talking about, he is right. Nezsa is not broken. Malak suggests to find where the map leads them and then discuss the next steps in private.   They walk past the marked location. It seems to be leading to a house that’s just beyond the statue. Just passing by, nothing seems unusual about that location. So the group move on to Malak’s house.   On the way, Tristan walks up to Malak. He apologizes for his behavior and explains that he noticed April was in trouble and he just wanted to help. Malak mentions that insulting the country's authority figures would really put the group in trouble. Tristan says he was unaware who they were and agrees he could have handled it better. Malak does not agree with everything going on in Thrane, but when he travels he does not look for trouble with the local guard. It seems to him that Griff and Tristan do not know how to behave abroad. Tristan explains again he was unaware who he was addressing. Regardless, he was not ok with them treating April badly. Malak mentions that if he would have just observed it would have been obvious that they where people with authority. But they just charged in without thinking about what the situation was like. Tristan agrees and apologizes. Malak expresses concern with what will happen tomorrow. Tristan asks to be briefed. Griff apologizes, but also mentions he was just trying to answer their questions and he will help them with what they would like to know. He can be a bit brash, he has not been here before under these terms. He was just trying to work along and he promises to be on time.   Malak mentions these people are not just royal guards. They are, besides the Keeper, the rulers of this country. The realization dawns on Malak that he has arrived at his house. And, standing in the doorway, is a half-elf woman whose eyes are open very wide.    


  The short, blonde haired, angry looking Khorovari lady looks at Malak and says “I beg your pardon”. Malak tries to move inside but she repeats “I beg your pardon!”. Malak explains they had an encounter with some Veiled Ones. The lady orders everyone to get inside. Malak tells everyone to get inside, while introducing everyone this is his wife, Kiasuh.   As they go in, Silmer notices the arrow and walks around it. Kiasuh slams the door shut and says “Living room, now”. Malak gestures everyone to the living room. Kiasuh takes the arrow out of the banister and slams it on the table in front of the group and asks them what they where thinking! Met by silence, she repeats the sentence again. She asks how they could make a fuss in front of the Veiled Ones when they are putting her daughter at risk. She asks what they where thinking. She asks "who are you people?" and Griff introduces himself slightly, stumbling on his full name. Kiasuh interrupts him and says it was a rhetorical question. Griff is unsure of what else to do. Kiasuh sighs and sits down with her head in her hands. She tells Malak that he said they could trust these people. April steps forward and explains she was "unaware who they was", but she approached them. She wasn’t meaning any harm. She was just telling them a rumor she heard. She meant no harm. And then the others came to help her. April apologizes.   Kiasuh regards April and then, with a small smile, says she’s "that girl". April seems confused. A tear goes down Kiasuh’s cheek while she smiles and says "Of course you are that girl". Malak tells Kiasuh that he knows what it sounds like, but he’ll talk to his mom about this and... Kiasuh interrupts him by putting her finger on his mouth. She looks at April and asks if she was the cause. April apologizes once more. Kiasuh cheerfully repeats that she was the cause. April asks if that’s funny.   Kiasuh turns to Malak and says April really is just like her. Malak smiles. April whimpers. Kiasuh asks the rest of them that, if April was the one that started it, who stood by her? Tristan and Griff indicate that they did. Kiasuh then turns to Malak with a smile and asks him why he is angry. April starts laughing. Malak explains they are not familiar with these lands and should trust on him to de-escalate these situations and not to throw more wood on the fire.   Griff apologizes and explains he was just answering their questions. He explains he has already told them all he can tell them but he’ll be as cooperative as he can be... if he can remember more... (he explains he does not have the best brain). Kiasuh seems somewhat worried by that. Griff explains they just heard a rumor about a dancing statue and April just asked about it. Kiasuh wonders what he means. Griff asks if this is not usual for the statue of Hawk to dance. Kiasuh looks at April and laughingly asks her if this question was why she was in trouble. She looks to Malak and says that was done by Cissa. Vence introduces himself and asks how Cissa was involved in making the statue dance. Kiasuh explains that it was what people saw. Cissa with her long braid and usual attire dancing with the statue ofHhawk. Vence gives her a look of absolute confusion and frustration.
Tristan turns towards the group confused and asks if Cissa was not off fighting some demon somewhere. Kiasuh seems confused. Griff explains she left with Mia to some place somewhere above Fairhaven. So it can’t be Cissa. Maybe it was someone disguised as Cissa. Malak confirms the information of both. Kiasuh explains that is not what people saw. They saw Cissa dance with the statue of Hawk. While, by the statue's base, an elf was playing the flute. Nezsa asks if Vence can check this with Cissa. To check if there is not an imposter. Vence says he can but is not sure if she can answer it. Vence exhales and looks at Kiasuh and asks if the flute the other elf was playing had a ribbon on it. Kiasuh is not completely sure but she thinks so.   As everything seems a bit calmer, Malak suggests for everyone to introduce themselves. Kiasuh laughs as Griff stands ready to introduce himself again and says that she already knows his name. Griff explains he’s from the farm that bred her daughter's horse and he bows. Kiasuh seems suprised and thanks him. She wants to quickly get everyone lunch and sets the table. As she does so, April introduces herself and asks Kiasuh for her title. Kiasuh looks at Malak, confused. Malak looks at Silmer and tells him its usual for people to take their hats of at the dinner table and winks at him. Silmer takes off his hat and reveals himself. Kiasuh seems supriSed to see another tortle. Silmer introduces himself. Tristan asks her what she means by “Another Tortle”. Kiasuh explains that every so often a tortle comes to Flamekeep. Tristan wonders what it’s with this group and all these tortles. Silmer asks for his name. Kiasuh corrects him saying her name but Kiasuh doesn't know what her name is. She comes every few months. Silmer asks if she is with a group or alone. Kiasuh explains she seems solitary but explains that she's not completely sure if the tortle is not part of a group. Silmer is interested.   Kiasuh notices the other Aasimar in the room. Nezsa introduces himself. Says he met Malak on a train from passage and they have had a few adventures together now. That’s how they got stuck together. Kiasuh asks if they went to the statue because of Nezsa. Nesza confirms this. Kiasuh says she hopes he finds his light. He hopes so too.   Kiasuh looks at Vence and asks if he is a bard. He confirms. Vence mentions he brought a gift, but does not find it appropriate to give it at the table. Griff screams “Fuck, I forgot to give them their gifts” and he thanks Vence and asks to be reminded that he has to give someone a gift tomorrow. Vence is confused. Kiasuh turns to Vence giggling and asks him why he got her a gift. Vence explains he got her a gift for the hospitality. Kiasuh wonders what it could be that he would not be able to give her at the table. Vence looks a bit apologetic as he opens his bag and shows the bow and arrow. She laughs. He asks if it’s an appropriate gift. Kiasuh asks whom might have told him this. Vence mentions he was told this by a half-ling who might be a quarter-ling by the end of this day. Kiasuh says its marvelous and that she will put it with her 13 other bows and arrows. Malak laughs out loud.   April looks impressed at Kiasuh. April mentions that from, the arrow lodged into the front door banister, she assumes that Kiasuh must be great with a bow. Kiasuh says she is great with a large variety of weapons. April loves how she greets people. Nezsa asks Kiasuh if she would interested in having a shootout at the Solaris competitions. He boasts that in Thaliost he beat several children and one man. Kiasuh mentions sarcastically that she is very impressed that he beat some people at games for children. Nezsa explains he does not count winning against children as an achievement. Kiasuh says they all say that at these games. Nezsa would like to measure up against a real archer and was wondering if she would be up for a challenge. Kiasuh mentions that she knows a few archers that are even better than her. She asks for Malak to confirm this. Malak says he was thinking of introducing him to Walter. Kiasuh says she was considering the same. Kiasuh tells Nezsa she is most definitely better at archery than him. But Walter is by far better than her. Nezsa mentions he would love to see that. While this is going on Vence is trying to kick Nezsa under the table to have him shut up. Nezsa tries to move his legs out of reach, but Vence lengthens his own. He shortens them back to normal.   Tristan interrupts saying he would like to finish the round of introductions. He mentions he is Tristan from Karrnath. And he’s new. Kiasuh wonders if he is new to the group or newly undead? Tristan mentions that he is new to the group. Kiasuh mentions she does not know how to address a Karrnathi. She’s only ever met one. Tristan mentions "Hi" is fine. Kiasuh says "Hi". Tristan mentions that you can also call a person by their name. Kiasuh says its good to meet you Tristan. Tristan replies saying its nice to meet you Kiasuh. Kiasuh welcomes him to her home and thanks him for standing by April.   Malak mentions that Tristan is also on the path to get one of those feathers he told Kiasuh about. Kiasuh asks Tristan if he was also cured. Tristan says no. He has not had the Sickness. He shows her the feather. Upon inspecting the feather, it suddenly dawns on Kiasuh that a feather like this was in Myri’s bag. Malak mentions he suspected as much. Kiasuh says she thought Malak thought his mother had one. Malak points out that Cissa has one too and Kiasuh realises that that’s true. Malak also mentions that Hawk's statue has one. Kiasuh nods understandingly and gives the feather back to Tristan.
She asks him if he is one of the people trying to help Myranna and how he knows about Myranna. Tristan mentions that Malak told him about Myri. Kiasuh points out the contridiction that he has feather but didn't know about Myri when Malak told her that curing Myri was their goal. Tristan explains Malak also told him all of this and that he is very new to everything here. He had the feather for 2 years but thought that it belonged to his sister. He only recently learned that it was for him. Tristan is not exactly sure what this means but, from what Malak told him, it must mean he is supposed to help her daughter. Kiasuh asks how he found out that the feather belongs to him. Tristan mentions Cissa via Vence. Kiasuh looks at Malak and asks him if they are really believing everything Cissa says. Malak says no, but Cissa has, at least, proven herself. Kiasuh says this is all very confusing. Now there are feather people who don’t know about Myranna. Who knows and who doesn’t? Malak mentions everyone here knows and Corvus knows. Kiasuh asks what their goal is. Malak says they want to end suffering. Griff adds to it that they also stand for peace. That they are pacifists. Like the Flameless.   Griff explains that Myranna’s regiment was known for not causing deaths. Kiasuh says that is not true at all. Griff says it is. Kiasuh says the Flameless where known for being stealthy. Griff says they where not. Kiasuh says they where known for being ruthless. Griff says they have not killed a man or woman. Kiasuh asks Malak to confirm this. Malak explains that in other countries they are know for not causing any casualties. Kiasuh says that’s a blatant lie.   Tristan asks Kiasuh where she had heard that they where Stealthy and Ruthless. Kiasuh explains that everyone in Flamekeep says that. Tristan says that everyone in Flamekeep also talks about Hawk throwing the Keeper out of the window and, from what he understands, that is not correct either. Kiasuh looks at Malak and Malak confirms that what Tristan says is correct. Griff asks if Malak saw the arrow in Thaliost. Malak says no. Griff explains that Thaliost was taken by the shot of one arrow. Kiasuh says she knows that story. Griff explains not a man died that day, Myranna shot an arrow and won the fight. Kiasuh says that’s impossible. Tristan agrees. Griff sighs, and says he has seen a lot of things that seem impossible in his time. He likes the idea that one person can cause a whole army to surrender. He explains again that as fighting was about to commence she shot the arrow. All the green disappeared. But no man died that day. Kiasuh mentions that while he might be trying to calm a mother's heart telling her that her daughter did not do any harm, she tells "Junior" to realize that she is also a soldier like everyone else in this country. She understands the cost. She understood the moment her daughter left to fight that her hands where not going to stay clean. She asks him to please not sugar coat it. She understand that her daughter did what had to be done. Griff explains he is not trying to sugar coat anything. He takes out his emblem and tosses it to Kiasuh. Kiasuh recognizes it and mentions they killed, no, murdered a lot of Thranians. She throws it back. Griff then explains he heard a story about a young lady, that did what no one else could, and he wanted to learn more about this. He wants to believe this is a possibility. Kiasuh asks Malak if this is all true. Malak explains that for, as far as he has heard outside of Thrane, this is the image they have of the Flameless. Kiasuh asks if this is honourable. Malak thinks its very honourable to vanquish your foes without causing pain or suffering. Kiasuh asks why she is then lying upstairs in the state that she's in. Malak wishes he knew.   Malak mentions there is more to this. They have encountered a cult of elves. In Windshire and indirectly in Thaliost. The group talked to one of their leaders. He has captured April's mother and an important druid. They want to trade them for Mia, the girl who survived the Sickness. Kiasuh says that he is clearly not going to allow that to happen, right? Malak agrees and that’s why they are going to Athandra, to save them.   Tristan mentions that the elf did not want the girl who survived the sickness. He wanted to girl with the feather. Tristan felt that anyone with a feather would do. Malak mentions he asked for Mia specifically. Tristan mentions he said that, if he could not have Mia, he would find someone else.   Malak wants to find out if there is a relation between these elves and the Sickness. Kiasuh asks if this might be an actual step closer to saving Myri. Malak believes it is. Malak expects Mia to return after she and Cissa are done with their mission. He explains that they encountered a dire situation when the group were in Windshire that involves a demon that is about to break free. Kiasuh says he is making it sound like every other Tuesday.
Griff asks Vence if the feathers can be utilized against "the Eyes". Vence asks what he means. Griff explains the two factions seem to have opposing ideology and that the Eyes seem to be targeting the Feathers. Perhaps the Feathers can aid in resources or manpower. If the General is actually a General, not just a person who calls himself a general. Griff explains if he is a Thranian General, they are committing war crimes and he can ask for aid from Aundair. But he hopes that he is not Thranian so that the group can ask Thrane to help. He wants to gather more allies as he thinks its not a thing that the group can solve with just the 8 of them. Vence mentions that Cissa already knows about their mission but he is willing to ask.
Griff explains he has already written letters to some Aundarian officials to gather intel and ask for aid.   Malak asks Griff if he has good contacts with Jossac. Griff mentions she is his commanding officer. Malak asks if Griff can arrange a meeting with her. Griff mentions she is in Windshire, he could set this up. Malak mentions he had a conversation with the Spire. And he found a communication from Jossac which he would like to discuss. Because it's vague and related to the Sickness. Kiasuh asks HOW Malak had a conversation with the Spire. IS he doing ok. Malak says she would not believe him if he told her. Kiasuh says she has a daughter upstairs in stasis put their by a being of unusual power. She is certain she cannot be surprised.   Vence asks how Myranna is being kept safe from the Sickness all this time. uncomfortable    


  Exasperated   When Vence comes upstairs, Kiasuh awaits him, at the door. She asks him if he knows about the traitor's song. Vence says he knows the lyrics and a little about it. Kiasuh asks where he learned these lyrics. Vence mentions he learned it from Cissa. Kiasuh sighs and says "of course". Kiasuh wonders why Cissa is in everything right now. Vence says that if one lives long enough and one gets involved in Thranian things. He imagines shit happens. Kiasuh tells him to mind his tone. Vence says he has been civil and has been mindful of that. Kiasuh grunts. Kiasuh asks if he knows the traitors song and if she would ask him to sing it, would he do it. Vence gives Malak a weird look and says he would. He asks why. Kiasuh tells him to come inside and ushers him to the side of the bed. She explains Myranna responds when people sing the song to her. Vence asks if they just sing it, does it need music. Kiasuh tells him to just sing it. Vence sings the following lyrics:   Freeze the arrow in the air
Make your mark and leave it hanging there
Be the first to turn around
Take the leap to land on higher ground   Malak sees his daughter smile. He sees an almost cocky grin. When Vence stops, so does her face relaxes again. Malak urges Vence to keep going. Vence says that those are all the lyrics he knows and keeps singing. Kiasuh glances at Malak and mentions this is what she told him about. Malak is just crying. Kiasuh walks up to him and gives him a hug. April is standing there frozen and afraid to ruin the moment.   Group heard the singing downstairs.   Malak walks up to Vence and offers his hand. Vence responds in kind and takes his hand. Malak puts his other hand over Vence’s hand and with tears in his eyes and the biggest smile ever. He thanks Vence so much and mentions its been so long since he’s seen that smile. Vence says he’s happy to do it. Malak thanks him again. Vence then says that he would like to ask for a favor. Kiasuh frowns but Malak says “anything”. Vence asks if he can sing the real Flight to the Silverbird. Malak looks at Kiasuh. Kiasuh says she has no idea what that even is but sees the hope in Malak's eyes and can't say no. Vence promises to stop if anything weird happens. So he sings the first two verses and watches Myranna to see how she responds.   Myranna’s mark glows dimply during the first verse. During the second verse, her mark glows brighter and so does her hair. Vence mentions that he was not expecting that to happen. Malak says that he has never seen anything like this happen. Kiasuh’s eyes widen and she looks at April. April looks back with wide eyes, very unsure on what to do. No one knows what just happened. Kiasuh thinks for a moment and sings the second verse again, looking pointedly at Malak.   She asks him who else knows about that. Malak asks if she means the song. Kiasuh repeats the second verse again. Malak says he does not know how anyone would know about that. But who else could it be. Kiasuh is annoyed. Vence wants to know what's going on.
Kiasuh asks if Malak had told the group everything. Malak mentions that they know about Myri being ill and him trying to save her. That’s what they know. Kiasuh asks if he then never explained what that meant in the verse. Malak explains that no one ever asked. There was no reason. Kiasuh says that without context they would not even have known to ask him. But it might have been useful for the group to have been given the full story. Malak says so much has happened in the last 3 weeks. He has not had the chance.
It then dawns on Kiasuh... someone knows all of this, someone has been watching them since Myri was a child. Malak explains that this version of the song is from the bard that cured Mia of the Sickness.
April asks if she should make everyone some tea. Kiasuh gives her a hug and says that some tea would be nice and to leave it down stairs. Once April is gone Vence asks what in the hell Luscinia has to do with Mia. Malak explains he did not tell anyone about this because Mia told him in confidence. He did not want to further aggrivate her more than Corvus and he already have. What happened is that Mia was on the Tempest with Corvus’ mother and she got the Sickness. Apparently Luscinia then cured it by singing to her and removed her Soldier's Mark. Malak explains that Mia's Soldier's Mark was gone and also while this all happened it was just after they left Metrol before the mourning. Malak says Mia will kill him for telling all of this. Vence promises him he will help him with Mia.   Kiasuh asks if there is more of this song and, if so, how to find more of it. Malak mentions these are the only verses he knows. Vence says that there are more of them and they come from the elves with feathers. Vence looks exasperated and exhausted. Malak asks for confirmation if these people with feathers move to the next place or person where they do some task of proof their worth and then they get the next bit of the song. Vence mentions it might be a bit hard for the next verse as those people are dead. Kiasuh stares at him. Malak asks if she heard about the two elves that where fighting leading to the death of one of them. Kiasuh mentions she heard about Atritus’ death but does not understand. Does this mean that her daughter can’t be saved. Malak says that there are people that have earned the feather and have gone through the entire trail and must have learned the entire song. Kiasuh asks if he is sure about that and why he is not with those people then. Malak feels that he's making progress. He has all the puzzle pieces. They just need to put it together in the right way.
Vence explains that the people Tristan and he are looking for did see Atritus and are on their way to the next one. They are on the trail. Malak asks if that’s Elizabeth and Taliashanna, and if they should have the third verse. Vence confirms, saying that he expects them to be working on the 4th verse and he can ask about it. Malak gratefully says that that would be helpful. But it also means that after Athandra they need to start to focus on finding Thaliashana and Elizabeth. Kiasuh asks "Elizabeth who". Malak explains that she is Tristan's sister, Elizabeth Solis. She is also on the trail and she has already talked to Atritus. Kiasuh asks if she plays the lyre. Vence casts message and asks Tristan if his sister plays the lyre. Tristan says yes, "why do you ask". Vence confirms this information with Kiasuh. He sends a message to Tristan that he’ll explain when he comes downstairs. Tristan out loud says he always does this shit (not as a reply to the message). Kiasuh says she’ll go down and talk to Tristan then, as it’s his sister. Malak asks if he should bring Tristan up. Kiasuh tells them to go downstairs so they don’t disturb Myranna more and that it’s also a bit rude to the other guests.   While this was going on Griff asks Nezsa if the Wardens can help rescue Jenny, one of their own. Griff understands the importance of Malaks daughter to him, but expresses they are still trying to save Jenny and Valerie. And keep the demon stuck. He asks if Nezsa can reach people that might be able to assist or help. Nezsa is a bit suspicious about the fact his parents are in Fairhaven. They don’t travel there often. Griff explains that the Wardens and House Vadalis have been allies for a long time. It’s not a surprise to Griff that Nesza's parents and Sassek are familiar. It’s most likely related to the Comodore.   He turns towards Silmer and asks if there might be things House Lyrander can do. Silmer mentions that House Lyrander cannot command fleets when they please. Griff asks if that counts if one of their own is taken. He asks if they are aware that Jenny is taken. She is a Lyrander. Silmer mentions that Tatalla knows and that she talked to her superiors. He is unsure if the family can sent more support as they are busy everywhere. Griff asks if it’s not at least an idea to ask for aid. He explains he not great at making plans, so he asks people that are.   Nezsa thinks it’s a good point. He thinks that the group might be able to convince the Sicklemen to find a purpose in helping out and fixing. To correct the damage they did. To step out from under the oppression of these elves. Griff agrees.   When Vence leaves Griff turns to Tristan and asks if he would be willing to asks the Feathers for aid when he gets to talk to Cissa. Tristan is unsure when he’ll talk to her. Griff says its not about when, its about being willing to. Tristan says he can add it to the list of questions he has, but it wont be at the top.
Griff then asks about how many types of birds Tristan has in his bag. Tristan says he has no birds in his bags. Griff says it could be feathers. He smelled different types of birds in his bag while he was a dog. Tristan explains he collects different types of feathers. It’s his hobby. Griff asks what kind of feathers he has. Tristan says they are just pretty ones and asks the group to give him any if they see any. Nezsa offers to identify the feathers for him, if that interests him. He knows his birds. Tristan says he just likes the esthetics. But he thanks Nezsa for the offer though. Griff asks if he has a green feather. Tristan says there is one there. Griff asks if he can see. Tristan asks him why he wants to. Griff says Vence has a green feather to, and they met a guy covered in green feathers. Tristan realizes his bag is at the inn. So this will have to take a rain check.
Griff asks if Tristan knows people that might be able to aid. Tristan says it depends on what they’ll be doing. He is no longer part of the Military. He mentions he has friends, that have jobs. He can’t ask them to drop everything for him on a whim. Griff says that is fair, these people are only trying to hurt his sister right. Tristan says he understands what Griff is trying to do, he is not connected like Griff and it wont be easy. He however is more than willing to try. Griff says he is not as connected as Tristan makes it sound. Tristan says he saw a massive stack of postcards. Griff says he has a lot of nieces and nephews. Tristan says that’s fair. Griff says postcards are for fun, if you are serious you should write letters. Tristan says fair enough.   April slowly walks down as quietly as she can. She makes no eye contact and has really wide eyes. She mumbles and slightly sounds panicked. She walks into the kitchen. Everyone takes notice of this. Tristan asks what's going on in there. April mumbles something about "glowing". Tristan asks what’s glowing. April says Myranna is glowing, something about a song, she is pretty sure. Tristan asks if it was the first or second song. April tells everyone to forget anything she just said and we should all just have some tea. It might be for other people to explain things. And, at that moment, Kiasuh comes down. April serves everyone tea. Tristan looks intensely at April and repeats if it was during the first or second song. When did she start glowing. Kiasuh says it was the second song. Kiasuh walks up to Tristan and leans over. She asks him if he knows something.   Tristan asks if it was her arm. She is a soldier, does she have a mark. Kiasuh confirms and mentions her hair also glowed. Tristan says that’s new. Malak demands that he elaborates. Vence says "Aye!" in agreement. Kiasuh snaps at them both, at asks them at least talk to him nicely. Malak says he would very much appreciate it if Tristan would elaborate. Kaisuh approves. She looks at Vence and tells him to also ask nicely. Vence says "yes ma'am" and does so.   Tristan appreciates Kiasuh stepping and then explains that he thought the feather was his sister's, as well as the song. She sang it to him.... and he has been thinking about the feather being his... Vence says it is... Tristan takes his coat and cloak off. His arms are bare and he puts his marked arm on the table. Kiasuh nods. Tristan mutters to himself to please be wrong. He starts softly singing. Nezsa looks at his own mark. Griff sits opposite to Tristan and puts his arm right next to his. The moment Tristan starts signing all three of the marks start to glow. The second verse intensifies the glowing. As Vence tries to join in on the second verse Tristan signals him not to. When Tristan stops singing the glowing stops. Griff immediately asks Tristan if he can teach him this song. It would be handy in the dark.   Tristan does not respond and starts swearing profoundly as the song ends. Kiasuh turns to April, and very motherly and tells her not to try that. She says we need to understand he is very frustrated right now and she kind of understands why. Sort of. Griff asks Kiasuh if she is not marked. Kiasuh confirms she did not fight at the end of the war. She asks Griff how old he thinks she is. Griff says not a day older than 20. She mentions her daughter is 27, that would be strange. Griff says it's hard to tell as they don’t ever look older than 20. Kiasuh says that’s true. A blessing and a curse. Griff looks at Malak with a smile. Malak says this is why he has a beard. Griff jokes and says that Malak looks 21 years old.   When Tristan calms down, Kiasuh offers him some tea. April shifts a bit closer to him and pours him tea. His hands are shacking holding the cup. Kiasuh takes the cup, pours some tea out into the saucer and gives it back so he does not make a mess. Tristan asks if anything happened with the first song. Malak responds with a big smile and tells him that Myranna smiled at them. Tristan says he assumes that’s unusual. Malak says it’s the first time he’s seen her smile in 10 years. Tristan says he thought that they might be connected. Malak asks if he would care to elaborate please (Kiasuh approves of Malak's manners). Tristan mentions he really likes his wife. Kiasuh mutters that he's the first. Malak mentions he likes her to and she winks at him teasingly.
Tristan explains he was thinking about songs and the effect they have. When his sister sang this song to him... and he remembers that there was a question about Elizabeth. He asks Vence why he asked about his sister. Vence says Kiasuh asked, he says the people they are looking for are to help Myri. She asked if Elizabeth played the Lyre. Tristan turns to Kiasuh and asks her if she knows Elizabeth. Kiasuh confirms and says she had to patch her up. Tristan says "Excuse me?!"   Session end

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
11 Jan 2021

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