The Duergar Plateau

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Lanath
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Supporting Cast
  • Daran Edermath
    Farmer in Phandalin. Now council member of Thundertree. Ex-Warden of Kildrasil. Experience fighting demons in the Northwatch Passes. Left Kildrasil and travelled to the the Summers Coast after the constant war became too much for him. Vowed not to fight again, until Phandalin was attacked. Surrogate father to Elsa Northbrook
  • Elsa Northbrook
    Teenage orphan in Thundertree. Under ward of Daran Edermath. Yearns to be an adventurer, and specifically to protect others. Girlfriend of Kal Alderleaf
  • Flutey
    One of the four Kenku scribes liberated from the Verani laboratory in Kanaalden Mort. His name sounds like a distant bell. Flutey is the second youngest of the brood. He is the dreamer of the group, easily distracted and can often be caught just staring into space.
  • Gabriel Blackwater
    Duke of Neverwinter. Friendly and generous, he enjoyed his time serving as an officer in the military before the demands of the nobility took precedence. He sometimes chafes against the restrictions of politics and is eager to get back out into the field, but he cares deeply about his subjects and the safety of his realm.
  • Sister Garaele Ellarian
    Sister of Silvanus. Originally the priestess in Phandalin, now tending to the settlers in Thundertree. Engaged to Miaug
  • Itchy
    One of the four Kenku scribes liberated from the Verani laboratory in Kanaalden Mort. His name sounds like an exasperated sigh. Itchy is the second eldest of his brood, and probably the most intelligent. He tends to stay out of most discussions, observing and making occasional sarcastic comments.
  • Kal Alderleaf
    Teenage son of Quelline Alderleaf. Boyfriend of Elsa Northbrook. Able to wield limited magic, as a bard. Yearns to explore the world
  • Khirc
    Partner of the Rakhenian law firm Legal Eagles.  Represented Letho during his trial
  • Killiwake
    Seafaring ex-pirate crow. Killiwake isn't much of a conversationalist. But he is a very experienced and capable captain who is well loved by his crew.
  • Oghar Gullscream
    Ex-caravan guard the party helped to free from the Verani Slave Pits. He returned with Raymond to Thundertree at the party's invitation, and has taken the role of foreman of the construction crews. He is good natured and hard working, the rest of the workers have come to appreciate and deeply care for him. He enjoys the feeling of belonging in this community
  • Quelline Alderleaf
    Old halfling farmer in Phandalin, one of the elders and council members of the town. Now leader of the council of Thundertree
  • Raymond Bamford
    Merchant rescued from the Verani Slave Pits. He has come into his own since joining the Thundertree community. He has a well organised and analytical mind, and a shrewd knack for negotiation, and has taken the role of town quartermaster, as well as organising the supplies for the settlement.
  • Scratchy
    Kenku scribe liberated from the Verani laboratory in Kanaalden Mort. His name sounds like a quill scraping across parchment. Scratchy is the eldest of his nestmates, and is the defacto leader of the group.
  • Serax
    Copper Iskathi who returned with the party from the Sea of Glass to explore more of the world. Confident and well trained, he has started to show signs of a mystical attunement to variations in the Veil
  • Snakey
    Kenku liberated from the Verani fortress of Kanaalden Mort. He has a wanderlust, unusual for a Kenku, and is eager to see as much of the world as possible
  • Toblen Stonehill
    The innkeeper and owner of the Stormy Gnome in Thundertree. Toblen is a friendly fellow, chatty and excitable, although he has a more introspective air since his brush with death in the sacking of Phandalin. He dearly loves his wife
  • Trilena Stonehill
    Wife of the innkeeper (Toblen) in Thundertree; Trilena is a big woman - in every sense of the word. She is loud, rambunctious, but also friendly and generous. Always ready with a drink and a tale for patrons. She is devoted to her husband.

Sessions Archive

10th Sep 2022

Act IV Session 8: Bird Law

19th Aug 2022

Act IV Session 6: Rakheen

24th Jul 2022

Act IV Session 5: Thundertree

Escorting the youngsters back to Thundertree, then spending some time planning the town expansions

The party begins their quest in earnest, to gather the aspects of Xanith; and thwart the schemes of the Nethonris Also - there'll likely be a wedding in there somewhere; some pro-wrestling; a bit of vengeance; political maneuvering; and possible a Nando's in Thundertree

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Level Ranger 10 Barbarian 1 Half-Elf Chaotic Neutral Ranger
85 / 120 HP

Ryoko Doryu

Level 11 Iskathi Neutral Good Druid
52 / 91 HP

Aetilius Brave

Level 8 Tiefling Chaotic Good Acolyte of the Shattered God
(Acolyte (of Selune))
88 / 88 HP

Clootie McToot

Level 11 Forest Gnome C/G Wrestler
62 / 67 HP

Miaug Elvenllonwen

8 / 8 HP

Ramas Nailo

Level 11 Half-Elf C/N Rogue
75 / 85 HP


Level 11 Hill Dwarf Neutral Good Cleric
100 / 100 HP