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The Reign Institute

A Super Heroes RPG game In the world of Earth Anomalous Prime Earth
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Supporting Cast
  • Able Whitestone
    Kain's brother who was banished to another universe after Kain killed their father. Able has returned and has challenged Kain to dominion over this universe.
  • Alec Blackstone
    An ex Naid Clone amalgamation who escaped, Was adopted by the Challengers. Tech Genius, Sass master, surprisingly smooth player. Hero In Training
  • Anubis
    Hotshot 23-year-old recently become a married man to Anastasia and even more recently adopted Amelia and Jests children Noah and Keira after the Alliances death in Judas's Betrayal. Doing his best to keep it together and be the dad Noah and Keira deserve and working to build the New Alliance while running his own Hero Team the Phoniex Patrol.
  • Aria Blackstone
    The Loving daring older sister of the original 8 Blackstone kids. Powerful in her own right married to Apollo Walker with a beautiful son of Helios.
  • Asher Blackstone
    The baby of the original Blackstone kids. Protective and incredibly loving of others. Voted most empathetic hero 4 years running.
  • Barry Blackstone
    Shy goof ball twin to Holland. Falls more to his mothers side rather than his brother while standing as the number 2 hero in the rankings. Reluctant ladies man. (Single)
  • The Marked One Grayson Blackstone
    Handsome, Goofy, Humble Hero, Loving Husband and soon to be Father of 2, The hero Guardian and kind of a big deal.
  • Holland Blackstone
    The Golden Angel of the hero world. Renowned as the number one hero Holland has battled his nemesis Mephisto many times and has been nearly killed 12 times by him, He is a loving father and husband.
  • Isaac Blackstone
    The Brains of the original 8 Blackstone children. Go to tactician.
  • Kain Whitestone
    A powerful Aeonic Warrior who came to earth to protect and train Grayson to eventually defeat the Dark One. Age Unkown, Looks 25 years old. One of the strongest fighters in the entire HTU.
  • Meridian Blackstone
    One of the original Legionnaires with an extremely powerful ability was the first Legionnaire to Retire. Killed by Ezekiel Endeavor in Central park protecting Nova and Dawn Buried on Nibiru
  • Rhyder Blackstone
    The Trouble maker of the original 8 Blackstone children. Always in trouble whether with the law or his parents. Stubborn, Prideful, Protective little brother.
  • The Father
    The anomalous Universes resident Aeon. Killed in the Dark One's Pantheon Destruction. The body is currently at Area 51 under Isaacs's supervision.
  • Xar Blackstone
    An extraordinarily powerful individual who cares about his family than anything else.
  • Zion Wilford
    The Leader of the Champions, Fierce and level headed with tragedy and triumph in his past.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 28th September 2019 17:00

Session 4: Aftermath

After meeting a celestial being the group decides on what to do next, Look for more pieces, Find the King of Knowledge, Kill Ullamow the Eye Tyrant, or learn more about their mysterious foe.

After the Dark One's Arrival, the New Legion determined that in the event of his return that having more heroes will better protect the world and reality itself. So the Legion founded the Reign Institute a training and education hub for want to be heroes located on Mars and taught by the greatest heroes of the day to better prepare the youth of the generation to fight against the Black Guardian and the forces of evil and Darkness.   600 Students were hand-selected by the New Legion to be the first to attend the Reign Institute, This class will face many trials and much tribulation in their school days as they become the future of the Hero World.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Harrison Stormbreaker

Zion Wilford

Juliet Morrigan


Alfred "Pull"