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Session 3 Report - Didn't fail but did bail.

General Summary

Inva calls Tallbert "Tall bird"
  Rin volunteered to go to the bottom of the crater in search of the meteor. He made it to the bottom of the 110ft deep hole with Shuly and Tallbert lowering him down. They shouted up and down to eachother and caught the attention of the kobolds in the warren who attacked. 6 came up from the hole and attacked. The group decided to retreat.
  On the cart ride back Tallbert told Knur to dropped the act and Knur dropped the "dumb kobold can't speak common" act and told them he didn't know what gems were. The meteor hit near their gem stash and he didn't know what was left of them. Knur then departed the group and took the other kobold with.
  The group decided to head into town, get their reward and somehow get rid of the rock. They examined it and Inva determined it was not only magical with no specific school but that it may be metal and they could possibly turn it into a weapon. Tallbert determined it to be evil and he cast protection from good and evil, which lifted a light feeling of pressure from the group. The party put it back in its bag. They also decided they may go back and try to collect the gems from the kobold warren, but that was a problem for later. They followed their initial path back to Mac's farm then to the Kirkwall Gates . Made it back about 2pm or so with no issues along the way.
  In town they went to Zona Ever and got paid 425GP. Zona didn't know what the stone was and sent for a wizard in town to have a look. The party met Isaris who is a wizard and she asked for a couple days to study the rock as she didn't know what it was either but she didn't recommend touching it. She gave it a quick look and said she would need some time with it to figure out what it was and did. She told the party she was staying at the Inn/Tavern/General Store and they could find her there if they needed. They decided to head there too for a well deserved drink.
  Rin put the donkeys in the stable and the whole group went off to the bar Volto's Place . Volto is the owner, a dwarf with a thick black beard. There they ordered food and drink and Gromp Gromp bought both bottles of Morg's Magnificent Mead, the only 2 bottles left of last years amazing brew. The rest of the party decided to play a drinking game and bought a bottle of tequila and a bottle of whiskey. They played several rounds of a drinking game in which Inva became very drunk, Rin and Tallbert both got very tipsy. Everyone shared a bit about themselves and Rin stole a cloth and wrote "Ilstry" on it to look into later. Inva got very drunk and started striping, where he got down to pants and shirt before Tallbert used lay on hands to sober Inva up. When Inva realized what he did he grabbed his clothes and ran.
  During the next couple hours Tallbert passed out at the table and Shuly curled up by the fire and fell asleep. Gromp Gromp played music and was given a room in exchange for playing in the evenings when there was business. Inva ran into the jungle and sat in reverie and played music for his goddess before making his way back to town. Rin went and loved on the donkeys for awhile before coming back to the tavern and asked Isaris how study was going on with the rock. She told Rin that she was still figuring that out but that it was bad, it curses anyone who touched it and causes bad things to happen, like the crazy kobolds. She was going to get a special box made to safely transport it but she needed someone else to help figure out what it is exactly.
  After hearing about the curse Gromp Gromp and Rin headed off to look for Inva as he had touched the rock. Gromp Gromp bought blueberries and tried to get Inva to come out for them. When that didnt work he made a trail of them from the forest to the tavern. On the way back he started telling Rin about Stan and called him out in the bar. Rin bought Stan a drink and Stan requested a blanket from Gromp Gromp.
  Tallbert got himself a room and went to bed. Inva wandered the night making rumors of a ghost being seen in the jungle around town and by the docks. Shuly slept by the fire and after the guards told Volto about the group taking care of the kobolds Volto stopped giving Shuly side-long looks. Rin rifled through Tallbert's pockets but got caught by a patron without finding anything. He then rifled through Shuly's stuff and identified the runes as being written in Giant, but that was all he got, he got himself a room and went to bed. Gromp Gromp played for the evening crowd before retiring for the night.

Date: Threeday the 3rd of Palesun in the year 746.
Devredalm Campaign

Rin Coldgrain

Lightfoot Halfling (Charlatan )
24 / 24 HP

Shuly Tu

Half-Orc (Sailor)
Fighter 3
31 / 31 HP

Inva Norqumtor

CG Dark Elf (Drow) (Outlander)
Cleric 4
14 / 20 HP
Report Date
31 Jan 2022

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