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Session 1 Report - Elf on a Shelf

General Summary

The party met and interacted with each other aboard the ship and were greeted by the evening appearance of the ghosts.
  Rooms were as follows: Rin & Gromp Gromp. Talbert & drunk human (Hal). Inva & half elf woman (Launrian).
  Inva was confronted by Rin who asked Inva to kill him already. This freaked Inva out who proceeded to swipe a whole fruit salad and used it to dye his hair with blueberries. He missed a big spot and it was blotchy and uneven. Rin felt bad and helped Inva dye his hair better.
  Tallbert and Rin came up with: Short-elf = Shelf.
  Tallbert spent his time on the ship prostalatizing and trying to persuade everyone he met to follow his deity.
  Gromp-Gromp saw a notice posted for a job on the ship. Got information from Commander Artimesia Faulistus that it was killing hull worms. They got paid 50GP per worm for clearing them out.
  The Grand Shanty came to the Kirkwall Gates where there were no people to be seen and the ship was forced to dock as their passage was blocked with a chain net across the river and a lock. Tallbert, Shuly and Gromp Gromp decided to see if anyone was at the tower and Rin and Inva decided to head into town as the party was told it would be a bit of a long stop.
  The Session ended with Inva and Rin coming to the town center where they could hear shouting and see a half-orc woman in uniform trying to quiet a crowd of farmers and tons folk. Shuly and Tallbert were surveying the tower looking for an alternate way in as the door was barred and thicc. Gromp Gromp had run from the tower to the boat to find Rin to pick the tower lock but couldn't find him. After asking a few people on the deck he was pointed toward the town and was running off in that direction.

Date: Oneday the 1st of Palesun in the year 746.
Devredalm Campaign
Report Date
24 Jan 2022

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