Thieves' Campaign

A Pathfinder 1e game In the world of New Astandi
| Looking for Players
Supporting Cast
  • Alaric and Rolfgar
    Alaric is a former gladiator, Rolfgar is some sort of the arcane caster. They are now the co-leaders of the Five Needles Guild branch in Narvik. They co-founded the underground fighting and gambling ring that is increasingly important to the Five Needles' finances.
  • Bevri
    Bevri is a half-orc sorceress, recently inherited her father’s tower (he was also a sorcerer) in Eastrise, active participant in the underground fighting, weakness for gambling and beautiful women, well connected but not really accepted in Narvik high society.
  • Carline Blackwell
    A monk, a friend of Amira, Queen of Heinvale (and cousin of Bastard). Amira tried to set Bastard and Carline up.
  • Dolfar
    Dolfar is a handsome human, moderately accomplished as a bard, a very talented clothing designer, and incredibly gullible. He is Tim's partner in a clothing business venture.
  • Eerika Godwyne
    Eerika is a beautiful young (21 years old) human wizard, the Baroness of Tarva Isle, she is currently dating the half orc wizard Bevri. She has invited Seatha, Charlie and Jhael to the fights and to visit her home.
  • Einvind
    Owner of the One Eyed Dragon night club, a big (maybe the biggest?) player in the gambling scene in Narvik. You have an informal alliance with him.
  • Etania Illystin
    High Priestess of the Spider Queen in Tyrndenyr, mother of Jhael, Tomas, Ria and Myriam, all around despicable person.
  • Gabriel
    Gabriel is an imp you freed from Frymont's lair. He desperately does not want to go back to the Abyss, and is using his excellent cooking skills to make himself useful.
  • Gedrik Sigurdson
    Gedrik is a host for the Five Needles fight and gambling operations. He is responsible to bringing in wealthy customers. He connected with Charlie and Bastard.
  • Gedron Shedd
    Gedron is a wizard in Alesund, you were hired to steal a crystal ball from him for Marynda. It turns out he enjoys torturing demons, apparently as a side hobby while he searches for the key to immortality. A follower of St. Alliah of the Blackest Night
  • Henvik Gardson
    A wine and spirits merchant from Tuun, Bill has an arrangement with him to ship wine, whiskey and brandy to Narvik.
  • Ilya
    Necormancer who worked for Frymont. Saetha has befriended her. She has given you more insight into Frymont’s operations than anyone else. She also seems to genuinely like Seatha.
  • Iona Redsail
    Iona is a former first mate of a privateer vessel, part of an attack by Sohla mercenaries on the city of Yidranna. She was captured and eventually became a member of the Shadows of the South guild. Now she is a ship's captain for a growing business in Narvik.
  • Karina
    Karina is the high priestess of Diarth, the goddess of wine, sex and revelry. She is one of the most powerful and well-connected clerics in the city, and has turned down the position of High Auroch (the head of the council of all the recognized temples in the city) more than once. She is a friend of Abdul, the uncle of Sultan Adok. Karina was a very successful adventurer before settling down to run the Temple of Diarth. She has maintained many contacts with adventurers, and so she has access to a lot of information. Although she looks as though she in her 30s or 40s, she is over 100 years old. Her son is a member of the Shadows of the South guild, and an accomplished warrior.
  • King Halfdar and Queen Amira
    The king and queen of Cantrev Heinvale
  • Korik the Red Spear
    Korik is well known half orc mercenary, captain of the Red Shield Company, based in Narvik, you had a run in with his troops but have since formed an alliance
  • Marynda
    Marynda is a wizard and big better in the fight scene in Narvik. She also does other kinds of gambling. She hires Jhael to do some jobs for her, retrieving some magic items.
  • Myriam
    a dark elf druid of Eldai, sister of Jhael and Ria
  • Phred Gazzimonde
    a former evil wizard, now a five year old boy who is in your care
  • Ria
    A dark elf fighter, Jhael's sister
  • Tolvar Whiterose
    Tolvar is a fight manager for the Five Needles, and is very highly placed in the organization. He negotiated with Seatha and Bill about getting Jhael into some of the higher priced fights. He seems very interested in maintaining the relationship.
  • Varden and Halfdar
    Varden is the manager (and former security chief) of the Sign of the Merman, a Five Needles fun club. He is a goblin rogue. His deputy is the half orc barbarian Halfdar.
  • Yrsa
    Manager of the Black Silk Spider night club. A member of the Five Needles guild. She is the one of the top members of the Five Needles operations in Narvik.

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 17th June 2023 20:00

Aggedar's Lair

Exploring what was Aggedar's lair in dungeons underneath Narvik.

Thu 15th June 2023 22:30

Introducing the Audit Team

First adventure of the new group, the Audit Team.

Sat 10th June 2023 23:00

A short adventure, another evil wizard

The evil wizard turns himself into an innocent five year old

Thu 1st June 2023 23:00

Side Adventure: Another graveyard

You go to a graveyard that Gedron had been exploring, and start asking questions of the dead. Eventually you fight an undead dragon and then a group of demons trying to kill everyone in a very small village. You get help from a mysterious paladin of the Five Lords and his druid partner.

Sat 27th May 2023 20:30

You take out a wizard with a plum

You continue to go through the evil wizards of Alesund, this time a slumlord.

Sat 20th May 2023 23:00

Another job for Marynda

You do another job for Marynda and start taking out evil wizards. You find out about the sect of St. Alliah of the Blackest Night.

Sat 13th May 2023 23:00

Fighting in the tournament, steal the staff

Fighting in the tournament, betting, stealing the staff from Hyacinth

Thu 11th May 2023 22:00

Side Adventure, Marynda hires you

Seatha, Jhael and Bastard do that job for Marynda

Sat 22nd April 2023 22:00

Now you go to Alesund

You head to Alesund to set up the Five Needles guild vis-a-vis the githyanki

Sat 25th March 2023 22:00

Back in Narvik, your ships are going missing

You investigate missing ships, including some of your own.

Sat 11th March 2023 22:00

Ruins of the Mad Druid - 5

You clean out the rest of the yuan-ti temple, and defeat the wizard Throdek.

Sat 4th March 2023 22:00

Ruins of the Mad Druid - 4

The yuan-ti temple, but first some amazing stained glass, and wraiths

Sat 25th February 2023 22:00

Ruins of the Mad Druid - 3

You invade and destroy the evil temple

Sat 11th February 2023 22:00

Ruins of the Mad Druid - 2

You continue to explore the ruins in the Caldera

Sat 4th February 2023 22:00

Ruins of the Mad Druid - 1

Exploring the ruins of the druid Valder, following information you found in an old adventuring journal.

Sat 28th January 2023 22:00

Battling Frymont

Battling Frymont inside Castle Amber

This story is told by

The Protagonists


Jhael Illistyn

Succubus (dark elf)
-Level Rogue 16

Gareth Copperson