Session 2: Welcome to New Haven Report

General Summary

The party prepare to take their first trip through the portal. They are assigned a guide, Salvatore the Blessed, who is a member of Hotel Team. He will help them learn the ropes. Additionally, there is some equipment to be tested. Nora Pandost is tasked with staying at the portal site to run the tests while the rest of Indigo Team explores (because Christyna was out of town :-)).

The portal is a rough experience, but the team makes it through intact. Ingee and Bengy, two soldiers assigned to assist with security, remain with Nora as the others set off. After Lilmeia Garibaldi does some treetop scouting the party finds signs of civilization and begin to head toward it. They make their way to a small road of hard pack dirt and follow it.

The party comes around the corner to find goblins and humans in a battle. Not wanting to assume anything, the party observes until it is clear the humans will be killed. The party intervenes, saving the lives of the humans. They allow the goblins to live (though they take their weapons). The humans, Ig Fortee, Bahree, and Amirudda, are grateful to be saved. Well, not Ig, but the others are. They take the party to their hamlet of New Haven. There the party gets a meal at The Broken Fang and meet Gitienne Littlejohn, and older woman with a lot to say.

After a bit of bartering and exploring, the party are told by the town's leader, Rhanland Bearden, that the goblins are again encroaching on the borders of the town and the attacks are growing more brazen and deadly. If the party can stop the attacks they will be rewarded with a few minor magical items... children's toys, mostly, but the town does not have much else to offer. By now it has come to light the party is from another dimension, but portal travel is clearly not a new concept to this world.

The party agrees, and heads back out to find and deal with the goblins. They find the entrance to the cave system the goblins dwell in, and have a nasty fight outside. The party takes some damage, and with night closing in they decide to retreat to their camp and rest up before venturing inside.

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Bandit Forest by Graham
Report Date
02 Aug 2022

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